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File Input and Output Routines

These API routines allow you to directly create and manipulate files.

_FCHSize( )

Sets the file size on disk to the specified length. The specified length may extend or truncate the file.

_FClose( )

Terminates access to a file. Any buffers that have been modified while the buffer is open are automatically flushed to disk.

_FCopy( )

Attempts to copy len bytes from position spos in file sc to position dpos in file dc.

_FCreate( )

Assigns a Visual FoxPro channel to a new file.

_FEOF( )

Returns True if the file is currently at the end of file; otherwise, returns False.

_FError( )

Returns the last file operation error recorded for any channel.

_FFlush( )

Ensures that all modified buffers in memory have been flushed out to disk.

_FGets( )

Reads a single line of maxlen length, delimited with a carriage return, from a file.

_FOpen( )

Assigns a Visual FoxPro channel to an existing file.

_FPuts( )

Writes a null-terminated string to a file, followed by a carriage return/line feed pair.

_FRead( )

Reads exactly length bytes from a file into buffer.

_FSeek( )

Moves the file pointer to a new location as specified by position and mode.

_FWrite( )

Writes exactly length bytes from your buffer to a file. No terminator is added to the file.