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Data Placement Preparation

Once you have a report layout, you can modify the placement of the data on the report page. Using the bands in the Report Designer, you can control where data is printed on the page. Your report layout can have several bands.

A report can also have multiple group bands or bands for a column header and footer. You can add these bands using the procedures in Defining the Report Page and Data Grouping in Layouts. You can use the table below to determine which bands you want to use.

Use this band To print Use this command
Title Once per report Choose Title/Summary from the Report menu.
Page header Once per page Available by default.
Column header Once per column Choose Page Setup from the File menu and set Column Number greater than 1.
Group header Once per group Choose Data Grouping from the Report menu.
Detail band Once per record Available by default.
Group footer Once per group Choose Data Grouping from the Report menu.
Column footer Once per column Choose Page Setup from the File menu and set Column Number greater than 1.
Page footer Once per page Available by default.
Summary Once per report Choose Title/Summary from the Report menu.

You can place any of the report controls in any of the bands. You can also add user-defined functions that are processed when the report is run.

See Also

Using Expressions and Functions in Field Controls | Data Grouping in Layouts | Adding Reports and Labels | Defining the Report Page | Integrating Queries and Reports | Data Grouping in Layouts | Adding a Single Group Report