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Configuring Administration Website properties

Configuring Administration Website properties

On the Administration Website Properties page, you can configure the properties listed in the following table.

Item Description

Auto-refresh rate

The interval of time in seconds before the pages of the Administration Website are refreshed. When a page is refreshed, any information that you have typed on it, but have not yet applied, is deleted. If you specify a number less than 60, the frequent refreshes may impact performance. You can disable this feature by typing zero (0). Bear in mind that if you disable this feature, you will need to manually refresh a page to see information that has been updated since you opened it. For example, if you changed the state of a virtual machine, you would need to refresh the browser to see the changed state reflected in the status of the virtual machine.

Master status view

The number of virtual machines to display on one page of the Status page. Also, the items to display for each virtual machine: Remote View icon, Status, Running Time, and CPU Usage. You can reduce the space required to display virtual machine status information, thereby increasing the number of virtual machines that can appear on a page. To do this, clear the Remote View and CPU Usage check boxes to remove those items from the display.

Recent events properties

The option to display recent Virtual Server events on the Status page for Virtual Server, and the type and number of events to display.

Event viewer properties

The number of events to display on the Event Viewer page for Virtual Server.

Virtual Machine Remote Control properties

The option to use reduced colors on the Virtual Machine Remote Control (VMRC) display in order to improve performance. This is a global setting that affects the VMRC display for all virtual machines. To configure display settings for an individual virtual machine, you must configure the guest operating system.

Virtual Server Manager search paths

The option to specify another instance of Virtual Server to manage from this instance. You must enter the full computer name or IP address of the server running the instance of Virtual Server to manage. You can separate multiple search paths by placing them on separate lines. For more information about using this feature, see Selecting the Virtual Server instance to manage.

For this feature to work, you must do one of the following:

  • Configure constrained delegation on the domain controller, as described in Configuring constrained delegation. Note that constrained delegation is not supported when using Windows XP Professional as your host operating system.
  • In Internet Information Services (IIS), enable Basic authentication and disable Integrated Windows authentication on VirtualServer Websites for the current instance of Virtual Server as well as the one to manage.


By following these instructions, you are reducing the default security on the Virtual Server Web Application from Integrated Windows authentication to Basic authentication. Information that is exchanged with the server can be viewed by others on the network because Basic authentication results in data, including passwords, being transmitted over the network without data encryption. Someone attempting to compromise your system security could use a protocol analyzer to examine user passwords during the authentication process. This warning does not apply to HTTPS (or SSL) connections.

For instructions on configuring Administration Website properties, see Configure Administration Website properties. For instructions on configuring Virtual Server Manager search paths, see Add or Remove a Virtual Server Manager Search Path.