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Configuring the LPT port

Configuring the LPT port

The LPT1 (parallel) port on a computer is typically used for a printer. If a parallel device is connected to the physical computer and you want to make the device accessible to a virtual machine, configure the LPT port 1 setting on the virtual machine to use the port on the physical computer to which the device is attached.

The following options are available for the LPT port 1 setting of each virtual machine.

  • None
    Select this option if you do not want the virtual machine to use the LPT1 port of the physical computer. This is the default setting.
  • LPT1
    Select this option to configure the virtual machine to use the specified parallel port of the physical computer for input and output through the virtual machine.
    When you start the virtual machine, it attempts to capture the parallel port of the physical computer. If the parallel port has already been captured, the virtual machine cannot capture it. If the virtual machine captures the parallel port, the parallel port is not released to the physical computer or available to any other virtual machine or to the host operating system until the virtual machine is shut down.

For instructions, see Configure the LPT port.