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How to Run Eseutil /C (Restore) in Different Scenarios


This section explains the command line syntax and transaction log file replay for running a hard recovery using Eseutil restore on your database. The Eseutil restore mode allows you to run hard recovery on a database restored from online backup, and to view the Restore.env file. The Restore.env file is created when restoring a database from online backup, and it controls the hard recovery process. For more information about Eseutil /C, see Eseutil /C Restore Mode.

Before You Begin


The Eseutil /CC command may not work with Exchange 2000 Server running on a cluster server, and you may receive the following error message: Error returned from a callback function call (0x8004010F). Operation terminated with error -107 (JET_errInternalError, Fatal internal error).

For more information about this error, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 266689, "The "eseutil /cc" command does not work on cluster server."


To run Eseutil /C

  • To view the Restore.env file use this basic command line syntax:

    ESEUTIL /CM "d:\temp\First Storage Group"


    If you run the command from the directory where Restore.env exists, it is not necessary to specify any path information. If you specify path information, do not append Restore.env to the end of the path.

  • To run hard recovery, execute the following command line syntax:

    ESEUTIL /CC "d:\temp\First Storage Group"


    If you run the command from the directory where Restore.env exists, it is not necessary to specify any path information. If you specify path information, do not append Restore.env to the end of the path.

    For more information about running Eseutil /CC, see "How to Run Eseutil /cc" (

  • To force a non-victimized database to be recovered, you can run the following command as if the database has been victimized, as in the example below:



    Do not use any parameters with the /T switch. Use of the /T switch will cause all transaction logs in the Restore.env location to be replayed, whether they are listed in the Restore.env file or not. No logs in the running folder will be replayed.

Controlling Transaction Log File Replay.

Transaction log file replay behavior using Eseutil /CC depends on whether the database has been victimized or not.


If you are unsure about the victimization status of a database, copy log files into both the temporary and running folders. This will ensure that one log copy or the other will be considered for replay.

If a database has NOT been victimized, transaction logs will be replayed as follows:

  • The sequence of log files listed in the Restore.env file will be replayed first.

  • If additional log files exist in the Restore.env location, they will not be replayed under any circumstances.

  • If additional matching log files exist in the running storage group log folder and they are in contiguous sequence with the files listed in Restore.env, they will be replayed.

  • If additional log files exist in the running storage group log folder and they do not match or are not in contiguous sequence and circular logging has been disabled, then an error will occur and hard recovery will fail. To resolve such errors, matching and contiguous log files must be located, or you can use Eseutil /CC /T switches to ignore log files in the running folder and to replay only log files listed in the Restore.env file.

  • If circular logging is currently enabled or was enabled at the time the backup was made, then only log files listed in Restore.env will be replayed.

  • If no log files exist in the running storage group log folder, then recovery will complete successfully using only the log file(s) listed in Restore.env.

If a database has been victimized, transaction logs will be replayed as follows:

  • The sequence of log files listed in the Restore.env file will be replayed first.

  • If additional log files exist in the Restore.env location, and they match and are contiguous with the logs listed in Restore.env, then they will also be replayed.

  • Additional log files in the running storage group log folder will not be replayed.

If a database has been restored to a Recovery Storage Group (RSG), transaction logs will be replayed as follows:

  • Any other databases in the RSG must be dismounted before beginning any transaction log file replay.

  • The sequence of log files listed in the Restore.env file will be replayed first.

  • If additional matching log files exist in the running log folder for the RSG, and they are in contiguous sequence with the files listed in Restore.env, they will be replayed.

  • If additional log files exist in the Restore.env location, they will not be replayed under any circumstances.

Important   After hard recovery succeeds, all files in the temporary directory (where Restore.env was created) are deleted. Never place your only copy of a log file in the Restore.env temporary folder.

Command line syntax

This is the command line reference that can be seen by typing Eseutil ./? at the command prompt in the Exchsrvr\Bin folder, and then selecting C for restore.

    DESCRIPTION:  Restore information and completion.
         SYNTAX:  ESEUTIL /c[mode-modifier] <path name> [options]
     PARAMETERS:  [mode-modifier] - a letter designating the type of operation
                                    to be done
                                    m - dump Restore.Env
                                    c - start recovery for a Restore.Env
                  <path name>     - directory of the restore
                                    (Restore.Env location)
        OPTIONS:  zero or more of the following switches, separated by a space:
                  /t[instance]    - name of the instance containing the log
                                    files to play forward, or if [instance] is
                                    not specified, don't play forward any log
                                    files unless they are in the restore
                                    directory (default: use instance specified
                                    by Restore.Env)
                  /f<path name>   - directory containing the log files to play
                                    forward (note: doesn't work with /t)
                  /k              - preserves the log files used for recovery
                  /8              - set 8k database page size (default: 4k)
                  /o              - suppress logo

For More Information

For more information, see the following topics in the Exchange Server Database Utility Guide: