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Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider Namespace

Represents the class library for a managed SMS Provider, which allows access to a particular portion of the database using the underlying Configuration Manager 2007SMS Provider. For more information, see Managed SMS Provider Fundamentals in Configuration Manager.


Class Description
AsyncOperationDatabase Manages a single running asynchronous operation in Configuration Manager 2007 and stores all state data.
BitFlag Handles the bit flags within an integer in Configuration Manager 2007.
ConnectionManagerBase Represents the connection manager that accesses the Configuration Manager 2007 console for query operations made throughout the managed Configuration Manager libraries.
InitializerAttribute Represents an initializer attribute that is used to properly configure the connection manager for use in Configuration Manager 2007.
InitializerInstaller Places information into the registry about each initializer assembly in Configuration Manager 2007.
LoadXmlHelpers Defines helper elements for the loading of XML in Configuration Manager 2007 by the management provider.
QueryProcessorAttribute Represents a query processor attribute in Configuration Manager 2007.
QueryProcessorBase Represents a query processor for the connection manager in Configuration Manager 2007.
QueryProcessorInstaller Places information into the registry about each connection manager and query processor assembly in Configuration Manager 2007.
QueryProcessorObjectEventArgs Represents one query result object from an executing query in Configuration Manager 2007.
QueryProcessorObjectsEventArgs Represents a block of result objects from an executing query in Configuration Manager 2007.
QueryProcessorSetupEventArgs Passes initial setup information about a query in Configuration Manager 2007, including the count of items in the result set.
QueryPropertyItemBase Manages result object properties in Configuration Manager 2007.
ResultObjectBase Represents a result object base in Configuration Manager 2007, and used to create a wrapper that supports the IResultObject interface
ResultObjectPropertyItems Manages settings for a single property for multiple underlying ResultObjectBase instances in Configuration Manager 2007.
ResultObjectsManager Encapsulates a collection of result objects in a generic manner in Configuration Manager 2007 so that most console operations do not have to be concerned with the type of the underlying object (WQL or SQL).
ResultUpdateEventArgs Passes initial setup information about a result object update in Configuration Manager 2007.
SmsBackgroundWorker Runs an operation on a separate thread in Configuration Manager 2007.
SmsConnectionException Defines an exception in Configuration Manager 2007 that indicates problems with the connection for a ConnectionManagerBase object.
SmsException Serves as the base class for Configuration Manager 2007 exceptions.
SmsMultipleResultException Defines a multiple result exception in Configuration Manager 2007.
SmsNamedValuesDictionary Represents global named values stored by a key value into a dictionary that is accessible by the Configuration Manager 2007 console framework.
SmsQueryException Serves as the base class for Configuration Manager 2007 query exceptions.
SmsSecurityObject Defines a management provider security object in Configuration Manager 2007.


Interface Description
IInitializer Represents an initializer for the connection manager in Configuration Manager 2007, and used to receive configuration and session information. All connection managers must support this interface.
IQueryPropertyItem Represents a single property of a result object in Configuration Manager 2007 that supports data binding.
IResultObject Exposes data for result objects in Configuration Manager 2007, which are individual management objects or result sets containing one or more objects.


Delegate Description
ReportProgress Serves as a delegate that reports progress during multi-instance operations in Configuration Manager 2007.


Enumeration Description
AddressTypeFlags Defines address type flags. The flags correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_AddressType Server WMI Class.
AdvertisementActionInProgress Defines values for the actions that can be performed on a package by Configuration Manager 2007. These values correspond to the values for the ActionInProgress property in the Configuration Manager software distribution SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class and SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class.
AdvertisementFlags Defines advertisement flags. The flags correspond to the values for the AdvertFlags property in several Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution classes, primarily SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class.
AdvertisementPriority Defines values for advertisement priorities. The values correspond to the values for the Priority property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class.
AdvertisementRemoteClientFlags Defines advertisement remote client flags. The flags correspond to the values for the RemoteClientFlags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class.
AdvertisementTimeFlags Defines advertisement time flags. The flags correspond to the values for the TimeFlags property in Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class.
AsyncOperationDatabase.CurrentStatus Defines current status values for an asynchronous operation in Configuration Manager 2007 that is represented by AsyncOperationDatabase.
CertificateTypeFlags Defines certificate type flags. The flags correspond to the values for the Type property in the Configuration Manager 2007 operating system deployment SMS_CertificateInfo Server WMI Class.
ClientAdvertisementStatusLastAcceptanceMessageIdSeverity Defines values for last acceptance message identity severity. The values correspond to the values for the LastAcceptanceMessageIDSeverity property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Server WMI Class.
ClientAdvertisementStatusLastStatusMessageIdSeverity Defines values for client advertisement last status message identifier severity. The values correspond to the values for the LastStatusMessageIDSeverity property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Server WMI Class.
ClientCompFlags Defines client component flags. The flags correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_SCI_ClientComp Server WMI Class.
ClientConfigFlag Defines client configuration block flags. The flags correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_SCI_ClientConfig Server WMI Class.
CollectionCurrentStatus Defines values for the current status of a collection. The values correspond to the values for the CurrentStatus property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Collection Server WMI Class.
CollectionRefreshType Defines values for the refresh type of a collection. The values correspond to the values for the RefreshType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Collection Server WMI Class.
ComponentFlag Defines component flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flag property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_SCI_Component Server WMI Class.
ComponentSummarizerState Defines values for the component summarizer state. The Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_ComponentSummarizer Server WMI Class.
ComponentSummarizerStatus Defines values for the component summarizer status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_ComponentSummarizer Server WMI Class.
ComponentSummarizerType Defines values for the component summarizer type. The values correspond to the values for the Type property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_ComponentSummarizer Server WMI Class.
ConfigurationFlags Defines site configuration flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_Configuration Server WMI Class.
ConnectionManagerBase.EscapeQuoteType Defines escape characters for user inputs in Configuration Manager 2007.
DeviceFlags Defines device flags in Configuration Manager 2007.
DistributionPointStatus Defines values for the current status of a package on a distribution point. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_DistributionPoint Server WMI Class.
FileListFlags Defines flags that specify how a component should be installed. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_Component_FileList Server WMI Class.
InitializerAttribute.ApplicationType Defines the application types in Configuration Manager 2007 for which the InitializerAttribute is used.
MaintenanceTaskDaysOfWeek Defines values for the days of the week that are scheduled for a maintenance task. The values correspond to the values for the DaysOfWeek property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_MaintenanceTask Server WMI Class.
MaintenanceTaskType Defines maintenance task types. The values correspond to the values for the TaskType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_MaintenanceTask Server WMI Class.
NalProviderFlag Defines network abstraction layer (NAL) provider flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_NALProvider Server WMI Class.
PackageAccessByUsers Defines values for package access user rights. The values correspond to the values for the Access property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageAccessByUsers Server WMI Class.
PackageActionInProgress Defines values for a current package action. The values correspond to the values for the ActionInProgress property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class.
PackageFlags Defines package flags. The values correspond to the values for the PkgFlags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class.
PackagePriority Defines values for package priority. The values correspond to the values for the Priority property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class and SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class.
PackageShareType Defines values for package share types. The values correspond to the values for the ShareType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class.
PackageSourceFlag Defines package source flags. The values correspond to the values for the PkgSourceFlag property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class.
PackageStatus Defines values for package status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageStatus Server WMI Class.
PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizerState Defines values for package status distribution point summarizer state. The values correspond to the values for the State property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizer Server WMI Class.
PackageStatusPersonality Defines values for package status personality. The values correspond to the values for the Personality property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageStatus Server WMI Class.
PackageStatusType Defines values for package status type. The values correspond to the values for the Type property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageStatus Server WMI Class.
PackageType Defines values for package type. The values correspond to the values for the PackageType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class.
PdfPackageStatus Defines values for PDF package status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PDF_Package Server WMI Class.
ProgramActionInProgress Defines values for the current action being performed on a package that is associated with a program. The values correspond to the values for the ActionInProgress property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Program Server WMI Class.
ProgramFlags Defines program flags. The values correspond to the values for the ProgramFlags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Program Server WMI Class.
PropertyDisplayNodeFlags Defines property display node flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 resource management SMS_PropertyDisplayNode Server WMI Class.
ProviderMessages Defines management provider messages in Configuration Manager 2007.
RecurMonthlyByWeekdayDay Defines day values for schedule token event recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the Day property in the Configuration Manager 2007 scheduling SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday Server WMI Class.
RecurMonthlyByWeekdayWeekOrder Defines week order for schedule token event recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the WeekOrder property in the Configuration Manager 2007 scheduling SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday Server WMI Class.
RecurWeeklyDay Defines day values for schedule token weekly event recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the Day property in the Configuration Manager 2007 scheduling SMS_ST_RecurWeekly Server WMI Class.
SearchFolderModifiers Defines search folder modifiers in Configuration Manager 2007.
SecuredObjectAvailableClassPermissions Defines available class permissions for a secured object. The values correspond to the values for the AvailableClassPermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_SecuredObject Server WMI Class.
SecuredObjectAvailableInstancePermissions Defines available instance permissions for a secured object. The values correspond to the values for the AvailableInstancePermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_SecuredObject Server WMI Class.
SecuredObjectDefaultClassPermissions Defines default class permissions for a secured object. The values correspond to the values for the DefaultClassPermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_SecuredObject Server WMI Class.
SecuredObjectDefaultInstancePermissions Defines default instance permissions for a secured object. The values correspond to the values for the DefaultInstancePermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_SecuredObject Server WMI Class.
SecurityFlags Defines security flags in Configuration Manager 2007. Similar values are defined by the MPAPI_SECURITY_FLAGS Enumeration.
SenderTypeFlags Defines sender type flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_SenderType Server WMI Class.
SiteControlDayScheduleHourUsage Defines hour usage values for a site control day schedule. The values correspond to the values for the HourUsage property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SiteControlDaySchedule Server WMI Class.
SiteControlFileType Defines values for site control file types. The values correspond to the values for the FileType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SiteControlFile Server WMI Class.
SiteControlItemFileType Defines values for site control item file types. The values correspond to the values for the FileType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SiteControlItem Server WMI Class.
SiteDefinitionType Defines values for site definition types. The values correspond to the values for the SiteType property in Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_SiteDefinition Server WMI Class.
SiteDetailSummarizerStatus Defines status values. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SiteDetailSummarizer Server WMI Class.
SiteRequestedStatus Defines values for requested status. The values correspond to the values for the RequestedStatus property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_Site Server WMI Class.
SiteStatus Defines values for site status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_Site Server WMI Class.
SiteSystemSummarizerObjectType Defines values for object type. The values correspond to the values for the ObjectType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SiteSystemSummarizer Server WMI Class.
SiteSystemSummarizerStatus Defines values for site system summarizer status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SiteSystemSummarizer Server WMI Class.
SiteType Defines values for site types. The values correspond to the values for the Type property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_Site Server WMI Class.
SmsClientMessages Defines client messages that are handled by the Available Programs Agent (APA) for Configuration Manager 2007.
SmsErrorCode Defines Configuration Manager 2007 management provider error codes.
SmsQueryException.Status Defines status values for SmsQueryException.
SqlCmdDaysOfWeek Defines day values for SQL command recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the DaysOfWeek property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_SQLCmd Server WMI Class.
SqlTaskDaysOfWeek Defines day values for SQL task recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the DaysOfWeek property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_SQLTask Server WMI Class.
SqlTaskType Defines values for SQL task type. The values correspond to the values for the TaskType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_SQLTask Server WMI Class.
StatMsgAttributesAttributeId Defines identifier values for status message attributes. The values correspond to the values for the AttributeID property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatMsgAttributes Server WMI Class.
StatusMessagePerClient Defines values for client status messages. The values correspond to the values for the PerClient property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class.
StatusMessageReportFunction Defines values for the status message report function. The values correspond to the values for the ReportFunction property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class.
StatusMessageSeverity Defines values for status message severity. The values correspond to the values for the Severity property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class.
StatusMessageSuccessfulTransaction Defines values for a successful transaction status message. The values correspond to the values for the SuccessfulTransaction property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class.
StatusMessageTransaction Defines values indicating if a transaction status message is enabled. The values correspond to the values for the Transaction property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class.
StatusMessageType Defines values for status message type. The values correspond to the values for the MessageType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class.
SummarizerRootStatus Defines values for summarizer root status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SummarizerRootStatus Server WMI Class.
SummarizerSiteStatus Defines values for summarizer site status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SummarizerSiteStatus Server WMI Class.
SummarizerStatus Defines values for summarizer status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SummarizerStatus Server WMI Class.
SysResRoleFlags Defines system resource role flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_SysResRole Server WMI Class.
TaskSequenceFlags Defines task sequence flags in Configuration Manager 2007 that indicate the state of the SMS_TaskSequence Server WMI Class reference.
UserClassPermissions Defines user class permissions. The values correspond to the values for the ClassPermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_UserClassPermissions Server WMI Class.
UserInstancePermissions Defines user instance permissions. The values correspond to the values for the InstancePermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_UserInstancePermissions Server WMI Class.