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Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

In Configuration Manager 2007, the DDRAddStringArray function adds a string array property to the data discovery record (DDR).

HRESULT DDRAddStringArray(


  • sName
    Name of the class property.
  • sArray
    Array of strings assigned to the property. You can only enter string values from the single-byte character set.
  • nArraySize
    Number of elements in sArray.
  • nSQLWidth
    Maximum length of a string that can be assigned to this property. This value does not include the NULL character. For SMS 2003, this value cannot be greater than 900 characters. For SMS 2.0, this value cannot be greater than 255 characters.
  • dwFlags
    Characteristics of the property, such as a key field used for comparisons. Enter the following flag or a zero.

    Flag Description

    ADDPROP_KEY (Hex 8)

    Identifies this property as a key field during a comparison of this DDR with class instances in the database. If an instance in the database matches the data of the DDR key properties, the instance is updated; otherwise, a new instance is created.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

If the DDRNew function has not been called, the return value is S_FALSE.


Strings longer than the maximum length specified in nSQLWidth are truncated.

You can use underscores, concatenation, or spaces for property names that contain multiple words. For example, you can specify sName as License_Number, LicenseNumber, or LicenseNumber. If you specify sName as LicenseNumber, the Data Discovery Manager (DDM) concatenates the words, which results in LicenseNumber. However, the column name, which is created in the database, is License_Number. You must use the same convention when you add DDRs that create or update instances in an existing resource class.


Runtime Requirements



For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also


How to Add New Properties to an Existing Resource Type
How to Create a Data Discovery Record


DDRPropertyFlagsEnum Enumeration
SMSResGen COM Automation Class
Extending Resource Discovery
ISMSResGen Interface
How to Get the Unique Identifier Value for a Client