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ManagementPackUIPageReference Members

Represents a Management Pack element that is defined by the ManagementPackUIPageReference complex type. This type defines a reference to a UI page in a UI page set.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ManagementPackUIPageReference type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  ManagementPackUIPageReference Initializes a new ManagementPackUIPageReference object.


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property Comment  Gets the optional comment associated with this ManagementPack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property Description  Gets or sets the description of the ManagementPack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property DisplayName  Gets or sets the display name of the ManagementPack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property Id  Gets the GUID identifier of the ManagementPack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property InputParameters Gets or sets the input parameters for the UI page reference.
public property InputTransform Gets or sets the input transform for the UI page reference.
public property LanguageCode  Gets or sets the default three-letter language code for this ManagementPack element, which is used to specify the language for the description and display name of the element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property LastModified  Gets the time (UTC time) when the item was last modified. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
public property Name  Gets the name of this ManagementPack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property PageID Gets or sets the identifier for the UI page reference.
public property Status  Gets the current status of the item. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
public property SubTitle Gets or sets the subtitle for the UI page reference.
public property TabName Gets or sets the name of the tab for the UI page.
public property TimeAdded  Gets the time (UTC time) when the item was created. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
public property Title Gets or sets the title for the UI page.
public property Usage Gets or sets the ManagementPackUIPageReferenceUsage value that defines what the UI page is used for.
public property XmlTag Overridden. Gets the XML element tag that is defined by this type.


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property memberstatus  Gets or sets the status of this item. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetDisplayString  Overloaded. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetFolders  Gets the collection of ManagementPack folders associated with this ManagementPack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetHashCode  Gets the hash code for this object. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetImageReferences  Gets the images associated with this ManagementPack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetKnowledgeArticle  Overloaded. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetManagementPack  Gets the ManagementPack that this object is defined in. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method Reconnect Overridden. Reconnects to a Management Pack object after this object has been disconnected.
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
public method ToString  Gets the name of this ManagementPack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method WriteXml  (inherited from ManagementPackElement)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)
protected method PostProcessChange  (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
protected method ReadAttributes Overridden. Reads the attributes from this Management Pack element.
protected method ReadElements Overridden. Reads the child elements from this Management Pack element.
protected method UpdateCollection  (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
protected method WriteAttributes Overridden. Writes the attributes of this Management Pack element.
protected method WriteElements Overridden. Writes the child elements to this Management Pack element.


See Also


ManagementPackUIPageReference Class
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration Namespace

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