.gif) |
Action |
Contains a hyperlink, bookmark link, or drillthrough action that is associated with a report item. |
.gif) |
ActionInfo |
Contains a list of actions and action style that are associated with a report item. |
.gif) |
AltReportItem |
Represents a report item to use in cases where the custom report item is not supported by the server or the render. |
.gif) |
ArgumentConstraintException |
The exception that is thrown when the value of a property is outside of the constraint applied. |
.gif) |
ArgumentTooLargeException |
The exception that is thrown when the value of a property is greater than the maximum value allowed. |
.gif) |
ArgumentTooSmallException |
The exception that is thrown when the value of a property is lower than the minimum value allowed. |
.gif) |
BackFrame |
Represents the frame and frame background for a gauge or gauge panel. |
.gif) |
BackgroundImage |
Represents a background image in the report definition. |
.gif) |
BaseGaugeImage |
Represents an image that is displayed as a part of a gauge. |
.gif) |
Body |
Defines the visual elements of the body of the report and how the data is structured/grouped, and binds the visual elements to the data for the report. |
.gif) |
Border |
Represents the default border properties for the object. |
.gif) |
CapImage |
Represents an image to be used for a pointer cap in a radial gauge. |
.gif) |
CellContents |
Represents a report item contained in the body, header, or corner cell of a tablix. |
.gif) |
Chart |
Represents a set of chart areas to be drawn as a single data visualization data region. The chart is defined much like a tablix, but instead of columns, rows, and cells, the chart has categories, series, and data points. |
.gif) |
Chart.Defaults |
Infrastruttura. Provides the default property values for the chart. |
.gif) |
ChartAlignType |
Defines which aspects of the chart area should be aligned with the target chart area. |
.gif) |
ChartArea |
Represents a chart area to be drawn within a chart data region. |
.gif) |
ChartAxis |
Represents the properties for labels, titles and gridlines along an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartAxisScaleBreak |
Contains the scale break properties of an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartAxisTitle |
Represents the title of an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartBorderSkin |
Represents the appearance of the border skin around the plot area. |
.gif) |
ChartCategoryHierarchy |
Represents the category hierarchy for the chart. |
.gif) |
ChartCodeParameter |
Infrastruttura. Represents the code parameter for the chart. |
.gif) |
ChartData |
Represents the segmentation of the data into multiple series. |
.gif) |
ChartDataLabel |
Represents the data labels to display on data values. |
.gif) |
ChartDataPoint |
Represents a data point for the chart. A data point may consist of a single value expression (for example in bar or line charts) or multiple value expressions (stock and bubble charts). |
.gif) |
ChartDataPointValues |
Contains a set of data values for a data point in the chart. |
.gif) |
ChartDerivedSeries |
Represents a derived series which is calculated from a formula applied to another series. |
.gif) |
ChartElementPosition |
Represents the position in which to draw a chart element. |
.gif) |
ChartEmptyPoints |
Represents the behavior for empty points in a series. |
.gif) |
ChartFormulaParameter |
Represents a parameter to a formula for a derived series. |
.gif) |
ChartGridLines |
Regresents the gridlines along an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartItemInLegend |
Represents the behavior for a series or set of data points that are displayed in a legend. |
.gif) |
ChartLegend |
Represents the properties that can be used to display instances of the series groups in a chart legend. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendColumn |
Infrastruttura. Represents a legend column. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendColumnHeader |
Infrastruttura. Represents a column header in a legend. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendCustomItem |
Infrastruttura. Represents a custom legend item. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendCustomItemCell |
Infrastruttura. Represents a cell in the custom legend item. |
.gif) |
ChartLegendTitle |
Represents a title for a legend. |
.gif) |
ChartMarker |
Represents a marker for displayed chart values. |
.gif) |
ChartMember |
Represents a category or series member for a chart hierarchy. |
.gif) |
ChartNoMoveDirections |
Defines which directions a smart label is not allowed to move. |
.gif) |
ChartSeries |
Represents the list of data points for one series. |
.gif) |
ChartSeriesHierarchy |
Represents a series hierarchy in a chart. |
.gif) |
ChartSmartLabel |
Defines the behavior of smart labels. |
.gif) |
ChartStripLine |
Represents a custom strip line for an axis |
.gif) |
ChartThreeDProperties |
Contains the properties for 3D layout. |
.gif) |
ChartTickMarks |
Represents tick marks along an axis. |
.gif) |
ChartTitle |
Represents a title for the chart. |
.gif) |
Class |
Contains information about a class to instantiate during report initialization. The class instance can be used in expressions in the report. |
.gif) |
CodeObject |
Contains custom code. |
.gif) |
ColorProperty |
Represents a color property in the report. |
.gif) |
ComparablePropertyDefinition<T> |
Represents a comparable property definition. |
.gif) |
ComponentMetadata |
Represents a set of metadata associated with a report part. |
.gif) |
ConnectionProperties |
Contains information about a data source connection. |
.gif) |
Constants |
Contains the constants that are used by the object model. |
.gif) |
ContainedObject |
Represents a contained object. |
.gif) |
CustomData |
Represents the data to be handed to a custom report item and the way that data should be grouped, sorted, filtered and aggregated. |
.gif) |
CustomLabel |
Represents a custom label for a scale. |
.gif) |
CustomProperty |
Represents the contents of CustomProperty that is passed through rendering and custom report item components. |
.gif) |
CustomReportItem |
Represents a report item that is not natively defined in RDL. |
.gif) |
DataCell |
Defines the list of data values to pass to the custom report item for a specific combination of leaf-node groups in CustomData. |
.gif) |
DataCellScopeServiceImpl |
Infrastruttura. Represents the service implementation of the data cell scope. |
.gif) |
DataHierarchy |
Represents a hierarchy of data members. |
.gif) |
DataMember |
Represents the base class for a member in a data hierarchy. |
.gif) |
DataRegion |
Represents the base class for a data region, such as Tablix. |
.gif) |
DataRegionBody |
Represents the body of a data region. |
.gif) |
DataRegionCell |
Represents a cell in a data region. |
.gif) |
DataRegionPlaceholder |
Represents a place holder in a data region. |
.gif) |
DataRow |
Represents a data row. |
.gif) |
DataSet |
Represents a dataset. |
.gif) |
DataSetBase |
Represents the base class for a dataset. |
.gif) |
DataSetInfo |
Contains information about a dataset. |
.gif) |
DataSetReference |
Represents a dataset that contains a list of valid parameter values or a default parameter. |
.gif) |
DataSource |
Represents a data source. |
.gif) |
DataSourceCredentials |
Represents a set of data source credentials. |
.gif) |
DataValue |
Defines a single value for the data point in the chart. |
.gif) |
DefaultValue |
Specifies the default value to use for a parameter. |
.gif) |
DoubleProperty |
Represents a double property in the report. |
.gif) |
Drillthrough |
Represents a drillthrough action. |
.gif) |
EmbeddedImage |
Represents an embedded image. |
.gif) |
EmptyBorder |
Represents a transparent border which takes up a space. |
.gif) |
EmptyColorStyle |
Contains the style properties used for a null color. |
.gif) |
EnumProperty |
Infrastruttura. Represents a report enumeration property of a specific enumeration type. |
.gif) |
ExternalXmlElement |
Represents an external XML element. |
.gif) |
Field |
Represents a field in a dataset. |
.gif) |
Filter |
Contains a list of filters that restrict rows of data in a dataset or data region, or restrict group instances in a grouping. |
.gif) |
FrameBackground |
Represents the background of the frame for a gauge or gauge panel. |
.gif) |
FrameImage |
Represents an image to be used for the frame background of a gauge or gauge panel. |
.gif) |
Gauge |
Represents a gauge to be drawn within a gauge panel. |
.gif) |
GaugeImage |
Infrastruttura. Represents a gauge image. |
.gif) |
GaugeInputValue |
Represents an expression and optional formula used in a gauge. |
.gif) |
GaugeLabel |
Represents a label to display within a gauge panel. |
.gif) |
GaugeMember |
Represents group, sort, and filter behavior for the data. |
.gif) |
GaugePanel |
Represents a gauge panel for a data point or set of data points. |
.gif) |
GaugePanelItem |
Represents an item to be drawn within a gauge panel. |
.gif) |
GaugePointer |
Represents a pointer to be drawn against a scale. |
.gif) |
GaugeScale |
Represents a scale to be drawn within a gauge. |
.gif) |
GaugeTickMarks |
Represents major tick marks along a scale. |
.gif) |
Group |
Represents a data group. |
.gif) |
HierarchyMember |
Represents a member in a hierarchy. |
.gif) |
Image |
Represents an image. |
.gif) |
IndicatorImage |
Represents properties of a state indicator image. |
.gif) |
IndicatorState |
Represents the current state of a state indicator. |
.gif) |
IntProperty |
Represents an integer property in the report. |
.gif) |
InvalidReportException |
The exception that is thrown when the report is not valid. |
.gif) |
Line |
Represents a line report item. |
.gif) |
LinearGauge |
Represents a linear gauge to be drawn within a gauge panel. |
.gif) |
LinearPointer |
Represents a linear pointer to be drawn against a linear scale. |
.gif) |
LinearScale |
Represents a linear scale to be drawn within a linear gauge. |
.gif) |
Map |
Represents a map-based data visualization. |
.gif) |
MapAppearanceRule |
Represents an appearance rule to be used for map items in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapBindingFieldPair |
Represents a field and an expression to be used to bind the spatial elements in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer to the data region that is associated with the layer. |
.gif) |
MapBorderSkin |
Represents the appearance of the border around a map. |
.gif) |
MapBucket |
Represents the range of custom start and end values to be used for analytical data distribution in a MapColorRangeRule, a MapColorPaletteRule, a MapCustomColorRule, a MapSizeRule, or a MapMarkerRule. |
.gif) |
MapColorPaletteRule |
Represents a palette of colors for map items in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapColorRangeRule |
Represents a color range to be used for colorizing map items in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapColorRule |
Represents a color rule in the map. |
.gif) |
MapColorScale |
Represents a color scale for a map. |
.gif) |
MapColorScaleTitle |
Represents the title of a map color scale. |
.gif) |
MapCustomColorRule |
Represents a user-defined set of colors for the map items in a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer based on the value of the MapColorPaletteRule.DataValue property. |
.gif) |
MapCustomView |
Represents the center of a map viewport based on an arbitrary point. |
.gif) |
MapDataBoundView |
Represents the center of a map viewport based on the map items that are bound to data. |
.gif) |
MapDataRegion |
Provides a map polygon layer, a map point layer, or a map line layer with analytical data after it applies filtering and/or grouping to the layer. |
.gif) |
MapDistanceScale |
Represents the map distance scale. |
.gif) |
MapDockableSubItem |
Represents a dockable item in the map item. |
.gif) |
MapElementView |
Represents the center of a map viewport based on a map spatial element. |
.gif) |
MapField |
Represents a name and a value to be associated with a map polygon, a map point, or a map line. |
.gif) |
MapFieldDefinition |
Represents the metadata for a MapField. |
.gif) |
MapGridLines |
Represents gridlines for a map. |
.gif) |
MapLayer |
Represents a layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapLegend |
Represents a legend to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapLegendTitle |
Represents the title of a map legend. |
.gif) |
MapLimits |
Represents the limits of a map viewport. |
.gif) |
MapLine |
Represents a line-based spatial element to be embedded in a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapLineLayer |
Represents a line-based layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapLineRules |
Represents a set of rules to be applied to map lines. |
.gif) |
MapLineTemplate |
Represents a template to be applied to map lines in a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapLocation |
Represents the location of a map viewport. |
.gif) |
MapMarker |
Represents a marker to be applied to the center point of a map point or a map polygon. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerImage |
Represents an image to be applied to the map marker. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerRule |
Represents a set of markers for map points in a map polygon layer or in a map point layer. |
.gif) |
MapMarkerTemplate |
Represents a template to be applied to map markers. |
.gif) |
MapMember |
Represents group and filter information for the data in a map or in the parent map member. |
.gif) |
MapPoint |
Represents a point-based spatial element to be embedded in a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapPointLayer |
Represents a point-based layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapPointRules |
Represents a set of rules to be applied to map points in the parent layer. |
.gif) |
MapPointTemplate |
Represents a template to be applied to map points. |
.gif) |
MapPolygon |
Represents a polygon-based spatial element (for example, a continent, a country, or a state) to be embedded in a map polygon layer. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonLayer |
Represents a polygon-based layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonRules |
Represents a set of rules to be applied to map polygons in the parent layer. |
.gif) |
MapPolygonTemplate |
Represents a template to be applied to map polygons in a map polygon layer. |
.gif) |
MapShapefile |
Represents a file-based source for spatial data and optional non-spatial data. |
.gif) |
MapSize |
Represents the size of a map viewport, map title, map legend, map distance scale, or map color scale. |
.gif) |
MapSizeRule |
Represents a size range to be used for sizing map items in a map point layer or a map line layer. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialData |
Represents a source for spatial data. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialDataRegion |
Represents a data region-based source for spatial data. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialDataSet |
Represents a dataset-based source for spatial and optional non-spatial data. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialElement |
Represents a spatial element in a map. |
.gif) |
MapSpatialElementTemplate |
Represents a template for a spatial element in the map. |
.gif) |
MapSubItem |
Represents a subitem in the map report item. |
.gif) |
MapTile |
Represents a map tile image to be embedded in a map tile layer. |
.gif) |
MapTileLayer |
Represents a raster-based map layer to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapTitle |
Represents a title to be drawn in a map. |
.gif) |
MapVectorLayer |
Represents a vector-based map layer. |
.gif) |
MapVectorLayer.Defaults |
Infrastruttura. Represents the defaults for the MapVectorLayer. |
.gif) |
MapView |
Represents the center of the map viewport. |
.gif) |
MapViewport |
Represents a map viewport. |
.gif) |
MetadataProperties |
Represents the metadata properties of a report part. |
.gif) |
MetadataProperty |
Represents a metadata property in MetadataProperties. |
.gif) |
MetadataValue |
Represents a metadata value in MetadataValues. |
.gif) |
MetadataValues |
Represents the valid values of a MetadataProperty. |
.gif) |
NameChanges |
Infrastruttura. Represents the changes in the name of an object. |
.gif) |
NumericIndicator |
Infrastruttura. Represents a numeric indicator. |
.gif) |
NumericIndicatorRange |
Infrastruttura. Contains range information for a numeric indicator. |
.gif) |
Page |
Represents a page in the report. |
.gif) |
PageBreak |
Defines page break behavior for a group or report item. |
.gif) |
PageSection |
Represents the layout of report items to appear at the top or bottom of every page of the report. |
.gif) |
Paragraph |
Represents a paragraph of text within a text box and contains a collection of TextRun elements. |
.gif) |
Parameter |
Contains information about a parameter to a subreport or drillthrough. |
.gif) |
ParameterValue |
Represents a parameter value. |
.gif) |
PinLabel |
Represents a label for a pin value at one end of a scale. |
.gif) |
PointerCap |
Represents a pointer cap for a radial gauge. |
.gif) |
PointerImage |
Represents an image to be used for a pointer in a gauge. |
.gif) |
PropertyDefinition |
Represents a property definition. |
.gif) |
PropertyDefinition<T> |
Represents a property definition. |
.gif) |
Query |
Represents a query. |
.gif) |
QueryBase |
Represents the base class for a query object. |
.gif) |
QueryParameter |
Represents a query parameter. |
.gif) |
RadialGauge |
Represents a radial gauge to be drawn within a gauge panel. |
.gif) |
RadialPointer |
Represents a radial pointer to be drawn against a radial scale. |
.gif) |
RadialScale |
Represents a radial scale to be drawn within a radial gauge. |
.gif) |
RdlCollection<T> |
Represents an RDL collection. |
.gif) |
RdlCollectionBase<T> |
Represents the base class for an RDL collection. |
.gif) |
Rectangle |
Represents a rectangle. |
.gif) |
Report |
Represents an object model report. |
.gif) |
ReportElement |
Represents the base class of a report element. |
.gif) |
ReportExpression.Collections |
Infrastruttura. Enumerates the collection of report expressions. |
.gif) |
ReportExpression.FieldProperties |
Infrastruttura. Specifies the properties for a field. |
.gif) |
ReportExpression.Functions |
Infrastruttura. |
.gif) |
ReportExpression.GlobalProperties |
Infrastruttura. |
.gif) |
ReportExpression.ParameterProperties |
Infrastruttura. |
.gif) |
ReportExpression.UserProperties |
Infrastruttura. Specifies the types for user properties. |
.gif) |
ReportItem |
Represents a report item, such as a rectangle or tablix. |
.gif) |
ReportObject |
Represents a report object. |
.gif) |
ReportObjectBase |
Represents the base class for a report object. |
.gif) |
ReportParameter |
Contains information about a parameter to the report. |
.gif) |
ReportSection |
Represents a section in the report. |
.gif) |
ReportSizeConverter |
Infrastruttura. Converts the size of the report. |
.gif) |
ScaleLabels |
Defines the appearance of labels on a scale. |
.gif) |
ScalePin |
Represents a pin value at one end of a scale. |
.gif) |
ScaleRange |
Represents a range to be drawn against a scale. |
.gif) |
SharedDataSet |
Represents a shared dataset. |
.gif) |
SizeProperty |
Represents a size property in the report. |
.gif) |
SortExpression |
Represents a sort expression. |
.gif) |
StateIndicator |
Infrastruttura. Represents a state indicator. |
.gif) |
StringProperty |
Represents a report string property. |
.gif) |
Style |
Contains information about the style of a report item. |
.gif) |
Subreport |
Represents an object model subreport. |
.gif) |
Tablix |
Represents a tablix, which is a flexible layout grid that has nested repeating column groups and row groups. |
.gif) |
TablixBody |
Defines the layout and structure of the bottom right region that contains the data elements of the tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixCell |
Represents the contents of each cell in the body section of a tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixColumn |
Represents a column in the body section of a tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixCorner |
Defines the layout and structure of the upper left-hand corner region of a tablix. The height of the corner is the sum of the heights of the column headers. The width of the corner is the sum of the widths of the row headers. |
.gif) |
TablixCornerCell |
Represents the contents of each corner cell in the tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixCornerRow |
Represents the list of cells in a row of the corner section of a tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixHeader |
Represents a group header in a tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixHierarchy |
Represents a hierarchy of members for the tablix. |
.gif) |
TablixMember |
Represents a member in a tablix hierarchy. |
.gif) |
TablixRow |
Represents a tablix row that has a list of cells. |
.gif) |
Textbox |
Represents a text box. |
.gif) |
TextRun |
Represents a text run. |
.gif) |
Thermometer |
Defines display properties for a linear gauge thermometer pointer. |
.gif) |
TickMarkImage |
Represents a tick mark image. |
.gif) |
TickMarkStyle |
Represents a tick mark that is associated with a custom label. |
.gif) |
ToggleImage |
Represents a toggle image that is displayed as a part of the text box. |
.gif) |
TopImage |
Represents an image to be displayed atop part of a gauge. |
.gif) |
UserSort |
Represents a sort control for the end-user. |
.gif) |
ValidValues |
Provides a list of possible values with which to populate a parameter list that is displayed to users. |
.gif) |
Variable |
Represents a variable. |
.gif) |
VectorData |
Represents vector data for a map spatial element. |
.gif) |
Visibility |
Defines whether a report item should be shown in the rendered report. |