Proprietà IDTSExternalMetadataColumnCollection100.Item
Gets the IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 object specified by the Index parameter.
Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap (in Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap.dll)
ReadOnly Default Property Item ( _
Index As Object _
) As IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100
Dim instance As IDTSExternalMetadataColumnCollection100
Dim Index As Object
Dim value As IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100
value = instance(Index)
IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 this[
Object Index
] { get; }
property IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100^ default[[InAttribute] Object^ Index] {
IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100^ get ([InAttribute] Object^ Index);
abstract Item : IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100
JScript supporta l'utilizzo di proprietà indicizzate, ma non la dichiarazione di nuove proprietà.
- Index
Tipo: System.Object
The name or index of the IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 to retrieve.
Valore proprietà
Tipo: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100
The IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 specified by the Index parameter.
External metadata columns can be retrieved from the collection using the name or index of the column as the Index parameter. If the column specified by the Index parameter is not found in the collection, a Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.HResults.DTS_E_INVALIDINDEX exception occurs.