Membri TableViewBase
The TableViewBase class is a base class that is used in the construction of the Table class and View class. It contains functionality that is common to both classes.
Il tipo TableViewBase espone i membri seguenti.
Nome | Descrizione | |
TableViewBase | Initializes a new instance of the TableViewBase class. |
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Nome | Descrizione | |
AddDatabaseContext | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
AlterImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
AlterImplFinish | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
AlterImplInit | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
AlterImplWorker | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
AppendCommaText | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
AppendWithCommaText | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
AppendWithOption | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
BindDefaultImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
BindRuleImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CheckCollation | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CheckObjectDirty | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
CheckObjectState() () () () | Validates the state of the referenced object. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CheckObjectState(Boolean) | Validates the state of the referenced object with the option to specify that an exception is thrown if the object is not yet created. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CheckObjectStateImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CheckTextCorectness | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
CheckTextModeSupport | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
CheckVersion100 | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CheckVersion80 | Checks the validity of the object on SQL Server 2000. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CheckVersion80SP3 | Checks the validity of the object on SQL Server 2000 SP3. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CheckVersion90 | Check the validity of the object on SQL Server 2005. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CheckVersionBelow90 | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CleanObject | Cleans the referenced object. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
CreateImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CreateImplFinish | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
CreateImplInit | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
Discover | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
DropImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
DropImplWorker | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
EnumFragmentation() () () () | Enumerates information about fragments of data that are stored in a table or view. | |
EnumFragmentation(FragmentationOption) | Enumerates information about fragments of data that are stored in a table or view with the option to specify how detailed the results should be. | |
EnumFragmentation(FragmentationOption, Int32) | Enumerates information about fragments of data that are stored in a table or view on a specified partition, and with the option to specify how detailed the results should be. | |
EnumScriptImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
EnumScriptImplWorker | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
Equals | (Ereditato da Object). | |
Finalize | (Ereditato da Object). | |
ForceTextModeOnTextBody | Enforces text mode on the text body. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
FormatSqlVariant | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GenerateDataSpaceFileStreamScript | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GenerateDataSpaceScript | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetBindDefaultScript | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetBindRuleScript | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetBoolParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%) | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetBoolParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%, Boolean) | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetBraketNameForText | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetDateTimeParameter | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetDateTimeParameterAsInt | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetDBName | Gets the database name that is associated with the object. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetEnumParameter | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetFragOptionString | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetGuidParameter | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetHashCode | (Ereditato da Object). | |
GetIsTextDirty | Determines whether the text value is consistent with stored value. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%) | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%, Boolean) | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetPropValue | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetPropValueOptional | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetPropValueOptionalAllowNull | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetRealValue | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetScriptIncludeExists | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetScriptingOptionsForCreate | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetServerName | Gets the name of the instance of SQL Server with which the object is associated. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetServerObject | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetSqlServerVersionName | Gets the version name of the instance of SQL Server with which the object is associated. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetStringParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%) | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetStringParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%, Boolean) | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetTextBody() () () () | Returns the text body. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetTextBody(Boolean) | Returns the text body. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetTextForScript(ScriptingOptions, Boolean, array<String> [] () [] []) | Gets the text for scripting. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetTextForScript(ScriptingOptions, Boolean, array<String> [] () [] [], Boolean) | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetTextHeader | Returns the text header. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetTextMode | Determines whether the script name is using text mode. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetTextProperty(String) | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetTextProperty(String, ScriptingOptions) | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
GetTimeSpanParameterAsInt | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetType | (Ereditato da Object). | |
GetUrnRecursive(StringBuilder) | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
GetUrnRecursive(StringBuilder, UrnIdOption) | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ImplInitialize | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
Initialize() () () () | Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
Initialize(Boolean) | Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
IsObjectDirty | Determines whether the referenced object is consistent with the stored object. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
IsObjectInitialized | Verifies whether the object has been initialized. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
IsObjectInSpace | Verifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of SQL Server. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
IsVersion80SP3 | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
MarkDropped | Marks a view table type as drooped. (Ereditato da TableViewTableTypeBase). | |
MarkForDropImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
MemberwiseClone | (Ereditato da Object). | |
PostAlter | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
PostCreate | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
PostDrop | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ReCompileReferences | ||
Refresh | Refreshes the View object or Table object properties. (Esegue l'override di TableViewTableTypeBase. . :: . .Refresh() () () ().) | |
RenameImpl | This method supports the SMO infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Ereditato da NamedSmoObject). | |
RenameImplWorker | This method supports the SMO infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Ereditato da NamedSmoObject). | |
Script() () () () | Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the database object. (Ereditato da TableViewTableTypeBase). | |
Script(ScriptingOptions) | Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create the database object with the specified scripting options. (Ereditato da TableViewTableTypeBase). | |
ScriptAlter | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ScriptAnsiQI | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
ScriptChangeOwner | This method supports the SMO infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Ereditato da NamedSmoObject). | |
ScriptCreate | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ScriptDdl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ScriptDrop | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ScriptImpl() () () () | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ScriptImpl(ScriptingOptions) | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ScriptImplWorker | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ScriptInformativeHeaders | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
ScriptRename | This method supports the SMO infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Ereditato da NamedSmoObject). | |
SetCollectionTextMode | Sets the collection text mode. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
SetParentImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
SetTextBody | Specifies the text body. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
SetTextHeader | Specifies the text header. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
SetTextMode | Specifies the text mode. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
SwitchTextMode | Switches the text mode. (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
ThrowIfTextIsDirtyForAlter | (Ereditato da ScriptNameObjectBase). | |
ToString | Returns a String that represents the referenced object. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
TouchImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
UnbindDefaultImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
UnbindRuleImpl | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
UpdateStatistics() () () () | Updates statistics for the table or view. | |
UpdateStatistics(StatisticsTarget, StatisticsScanType) | Updates the statistics for the table or view with the option to specify the target and the type of scan performed. | |
UpdateStatistics(StatisticsTarget, StatisticsScanType, Int32) | Updates the statistics for the table or view with the option to specify the target, the type of scan performed, and the sample size. | |
UpdateStatistics(StatisticsTarget, StatisticsScanType, Int32, Boolean) | Updates the statistics for the table or view with the option to specify the target, the type of scan performed, the sample size, and whether to recompute the statistics. | |
Validate | (Ereditato da SmoObjectBase). |
In alto
Nome | Descrizione | |
Columns | Gets a column collection. (Ereditato da TableViewTableTypeBase). | |
ExecuteForScalar | Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object is set to the execute for scalar option. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ExtendedProperties | Gets an extended property collection. (Ereditato da TableViewTableTypeBase). | |
FullTextIndex | Gets the full text index on the table or view. | |
Indexes | Gets an index collection. (Ereditato da TableViewTableTypeBase). | |
IsTouched | Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object properties have been updated but not yet persisted on the server. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the Schema Object Base. (Ereditato da ScriptSchemaObjectBase). | |
ObjectInSpace | Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object exists in isolation, or whether it is directly or indirectly connected to the instance of SQL Server. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
Properties | Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ScalarResult | Gets the scalar result for the referenced object. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
Schema | Gets or sets the schema. (Ereditato da ScriptSchemaObjectBase). | |
State | Gets the state of the referenced object. (Ereditato da SmoObjectBase). | |
Statistics | Represents a collection of Statistic objects. Each Statistic object represents a statistic counter that is defined on the table or view. | |
Triggers | Represents a collection of Trigger objects. Each Trigger object represents a trigger that is defined on the table or view. | |
Urn | Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
UserData | Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (Ereditato da SmoObjectBase). |
In alto
Nome | Descrizione | |
PropertyChanged | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
PropertyMetadataChanged | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). |
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Implementazioni esplicite dell'interfaccia
Nome | Descrizione | |
IAlienObjectDiscover | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
IAlienObjectGetParent | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
IAlienObjectGetProperty | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
ISfcPropertyProviderGetPropertySet | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
IAlienObjectGetUrn | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
IAlienObjectResolve | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). | |
IAlienObjectSetProperty | (Ereditato da SqlSmoObject). |
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