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Membri ScriptComponent

Serves as the base class for the read-only UserComponent class generated by the Script component in the ComponentWrapper project item in a Script component project.

Il tipo ScriptComponent espone i membri seguenti.


  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico ScriptComponent Initializes a new instance of the ScriptComponent class.

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  Nome Descrizione
Metodo pubblico AcquireConnections Obtains a connection or connection information by using a connection manager.
Metodo pubblico Equals (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo protetto Finalize (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo pubblico GetColumnIndexes Infrastruttura.
Metodo pubblico GetHashCode (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo pubblico GetType (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo pubblico Log Writes a log entry.
Metodo protetto MemberwiseClone (Ereditato da Object).
Metodo pubblico PostExecute Executes custom code that must run after the Script component has processed its inputs and outputs.
Metodo pubblico PreExecute Executes custom code that must run before the Script component has processed its inputs and outputs.
Metodo pubblico PrimeOutput Prepares the outputs in Script components, such as sources and transformations with asynchronous outputs, that add new rows to the output buffers.
Metodo pubblico ProcessInput Processes the inputs in Script components, such as transformations and destinations, that receive inputs from upstream components.
Metodo pubblico ReleaseConnections Releases a connection to a connection manager.
Metodo pubblico SetBufferColumnIndexes Infrastruttura.
Metodo pubblico ToString (Ereditato da Object).

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  Nome Descrizione
Proprietà pubblica ComponentMetaData Returns a reference to the component definition.
Proprietà pubblica ReadOnlyVariables Returns the collection of ReadOnlyVariables available to the component.
Proprietà pubblica ReadWriteVariables Returns the collection of ReadWriteVariables available to the component.
Proprietà pubblica VariableDispenser Returns an object that the data flow uses internally to work with variables.

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