MaximumLength Property
Questa caratteristica verrà rimossa a partire da una delle prossime versioni di Microsoft SQL Server. Evitare di utilizzare questa funzionalità in un nuovo progetto di sviluppo e prevedere interventi di modifica nelle applicazioni in cui è attualmente implementata.
The MaximumLength property identifies the greatest length of a data type in bytes, or the precision of the type.
- object
An expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list
Data Type
Prototype (C/C++)
HRESULT GetMaximumLength(LPLONG pRetVal);
For binary and character data types, the MaximumLengthproperty identifies the greatest number of bytes required to store a string of the type. For example, the SystemDatatypeobject referencing the varchar data type reports 8,000. The varchar data type can contain up to 8,000 bytes of data. The number of characters contained in the string is determined by the mix of single and multibyte characters within it.
For the fixed-precision, numeric data types, the MaximumLength property specifies the maximum precision of the type.
For all other referenced data types, the MaximumLengthproperty identifies the number of bytes required to store a value of the type in a Microsoft SQL Server structure representing the type.