SetOptions Method
Questa caratteristica verrà rimossa a partire da una delle prossime versioni di Microsoft SQL Server. Evitare di utilizzare questa funzionalità in un nuovo progetto di sviluppo e prevedere interventi di modifica nelle applicazioni in cui è attualmente implementata.
The SetOptions method modifies configurable parameters for a Microsoft SQL Server remote or linked server.
Expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.Option
Long integer that identifies one or more options as described in Settings.Setting
When TRUE, the options identified in Option are enabled. When FALSE, the options identified in Option are disabled.
Prototype (C/C++)
HRESULT SetOptions(
BOOL NewValue);
When setting the Option argument specifying multiple behaviors, combine values using an OR logical operator. Set the Option argument using these SQLDMO_SRVOPTION_TYPE values.
Constant |
Value |
Description |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_/CollationCompatible |
256 |
Referenced server uses ordering and character comparison identical to that used by the local server (LinkedServer object only). |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_DataAccess |
128 |
Referenced server is available to the local server as a distributed query participant (LinkedServer object only). |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_DistPublisher |
16 |
Referenced server is a publication Distributor for the local server (RemoteServer object only). |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_Distributor |
8 |
Referenced server is a replication Distributor (RemoteServer object only). |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_/DynamicParameters |
131072 |
Referenced server recognizes the ODBC-specified ? character as a parameter representation in a query statement (LinkedServer object only). |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_/IndexAsAccessPath |
16384 |
Provider-implemented indexes will be used as an access path for distributed queries against the referenced server (LinkedServer object only) |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_InProcess |
8192 |
Launches the OLE DB provider implementing the referenced data source as a COM in-process server (LinkedServer object only). |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_/LevelZeroOnly |
32768 |
When accessing the referenced server, distributed queries use only OLE DB Level 0 support (LinkedServer object only) |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_/NestedQueries |
65536 |
Referenced server supports the SELECT statement in the FROM clause of a query (LinkedServer object only). |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_/NonTransacted |
4096 |
Distributed query allows update to the referenced server regardless of the presence of transaction support (LinkedServer object only) |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_Publisher |
2 |
Referenced server publishes data to the local server (RemoteServer object only). |
1 |
Allows remote procedure calls made by the remote or linked server |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_RPC_out |
64 |
Referenced server accepts remote procedure calls from the local server (LinkedServer object only). |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_Subscriber |
4 |
Referenced server subscribes to replication publications on the local server (RemoteServer object only). |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_Unknown |
0 |
No options set. |
SQLDMOSrvOpt_/UseRemoteCollation |
1024 |
Collation of remote columns is used for SQL Server data sources, and the collation specified in CollationName is used for non-SQL Server data sources (LinkedServer2 object only). |
Setting options in error can cause unintended results. For example, when SQL Server links to an OLE DB data source, the user can indicate that the data source linked-to uses character set and collation sequence identical to that used by the linking instance of SQL Server. The user can accomplish this task using the SetOptions method of the LinkedServer object, setting Option to SQLDMOSrvOpt_CollationCompatible and setting Setting to TRUE. Distributed query uses character set and collation sequence compatibility to optimize query resolution. If the value is set in error, distributed query can return erroneous results.