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Metodo DiscoverDependencies

Creates a hierarchical object tree that represents the parent or child dependent relationships for a specified object array of SQL Server objects on the instance of SQL Server.

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Metodo pubblico DiscoverDependencies(array<SqlSmoObject> [] () [] [], DependencyType) Creates a hierarchical object tree that represents the parent or child dependent relationships for a specified object array of SQL Server objects on the instance of SQL Server.
Metodo pubblico DiscoverDependencies(array<SqlSmoObject> [] () [] [], Boolean) Creates a hierarchical object tree that represents the parent or child dependent relationships for a specified object array of SQL Server objects on the instance of SQL Server.
Metodo pubblico DiscoverDependencies(array<Urn> [] () [] [], DependencyType) Creates a hierarchical object tree that represents the parent- or child-dependent relationships for a specified Urn array of SQL Server objects on the instance of SQL Server.
Metodo pubblico DiscoverDependencies(array<Urn> [] () [] [], Boolean) Creates a hierarchical object tree that represents the parent- or child-dependent relationships for a specified Urn array of SQL Server objects on the instance of SQL Server.
Metodo pubblico DiscoverDependencies(UrnCollection, DependencyType) Creates a hierarchical object tree that represents the parent or child dependent relationships for a specified Urn collection of SQL Server objects on the instance of SQL Server.
Metodo pubblico DiscoverDependencies(UrnCollection, Boolean) Creates a hierarchical object tree that represents the parent or child dependent relationships for a specified Urn collection of SQL Server objects on the instance of SQL Server.

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