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Collections (DSO)


  Questa caratteristica verrà rimossa a partire dalla prossima versione di Microsoft SQL Server. Non utilizzare questa caratteristica in un nuovo progetto di sviluppo e modificare non appena possibile le applicazioni in cui è attualmente implementata.

Collections used in Decision Support Objects (DSO) generally operate the way standard Microsoft® Visual Basic® collections do. However, there are several differences specific to DSO. DSO collections contain methods and properties that have implementations specifically designed for the DSO object model.

Unlike typical Visual Basic collections, DSO collections can contain only objects of the same type. For example, a Dimensions collection can contain only objects of the object classes that apply to dimensions, such as ClassType clsDatabaseDimension, clsCubeDimension, clsPartitionDimension, and clsAggregationDimension. The parent object of a collection determines the specific ClassType property value for the collection. For example, a Dimensions collection whose parent is of ClassType clsDatabase can contain only objects of ClassType clsDatabaseDimension.

A collection is considered to be static for an object if the range of acceptable objects in the collection is restricted. For example, the Roles collection for an object of ClassType clsCube is a static collection because it can only contain role objects that are defined for the cube's parent database object.

The following table lists the collections used in the DSO object model. With the exception of CustomProperties, all collections implement the methods and properties supported by the clsCollection object. For more information about the implemented properties and methods for clsCollection objects, see clsCollection.