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Name (Dimension Interface)


  Questa caratteristica verrà rimossa a partire dalla prossima versione di Microsoft SQL Server. Non utilizzare questa caratteristica in un nuovo progetto di sviluppo e modificare non appena possibile le applicazioni in cui è attualmente implementata.

The Name property of the Dimension interface contains the name of a dimension object.

Applies To:clsAggregationDimension, clsCubeDimension, clsDatabaseDimension, clsPartitionDimension

Data Type



Read/write (read-only after the object has been named)


The primary mechanism for identifying the data in a dimension is the Name property. The purpose of the Description property is to provide additional descriptive information.


Use the following code to print the names of the dimensions in a database:

'Assume an object (dsoDB) of ClassType clsDatabase exists.
Dim dsoDim As DSO.Dimension
Dim dimCounter As Integer
For dimCounter = 1 To dsoDB.Dimensions.Count
    Set dsoDim = dsoDB.Dimensions(dimCounter)
    Debug.Print dsoDim.Name 
Next dimCounter