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SqlCeReplication.BeginSynchronize Method (AsyncCallback, OnStartTableUpload, OnStartTableDownload, OnSynchronization, Object)

Consente di avviare un'operazione di sincronizzazione dei dati asincroni. Al termine della sincronizzazione vengono chiamati i delegati AsyncCallback. Durante la sincronizzazione, i report sullo stato relativo vengono inviati ai delegati SyncStatusReport.

Spazio dei nomi: System.Data.SqlServerCe
Assembly: System.Data.SqlServerCe (in


Public Function BeginSynchronize ( _
    onSyncCompletion As AsyncCallback, _
    onStartTableUpload As OnStartTableUpload, _
    onStartTableDownload As OnStartTableDownload, _
    onSynchronization As OnSynchronization, _
    state As Object _
) As IAsyncResult
public IAsyncResult BeginSynchronize (
    AsyncCallback onSyncCompletion,
    OnStartTableUpload onStartTableUpload,
    OnStartTableDownload onStartTableDownload,
    OnSynchronization onSynchronization,
    Object state
IAsyncResult^ BeginSynchronize (
    AsyncCallback^ onSyncCompletion, 
    OnStartTableUpload^ onStartTableUpload, 
    OnStartTableDownload^ onStartTableDownload, 
    OnSynchronization^ onSynchronization, 
    Object^ state
public IAsyncResult BeginSynchronize (
    AsyncCallback onSyncCompletion, 
    OnStartTableUpload onStartTableUpload, 
    OnStartTableDownload onStartTableDownload, 
    OnSynchronization onSynchronization, 
    Object state
public function BeginSynchronize (
    onSyncCompletion : AsyncCallback, 
    onStartTableUpload : OnStartTableUpload, 
    onStartTableDownload : OnStartTableDownload, 
    onSynchronization : OnSynchronization, 
    state : Object
) : IAsyncResult


  • onSyncCompletion
    Delegato AsyncCallback implementato dal chiamante e chiamato al termine della sincronizzazione.
  • onStartTableUpload
    Delegato definito dall'utente di un evento generato all'avvio del caricamento sul server delle modifiche apportate alle tabelle.
  • onStartTableDownload
    Delegato definito dall'utente di un evento generato all'avvio del download dal server delle modifiche apportate alle tabelle.
  • onSynchronization
    Delegato definito dall'utente che utilizza gli eventi della sincronizzazione in corso segnalati durante l'operazione di risoluzione delle differenze.
  • state
    Oggetto definito dall'utente restituito dalla proprietà AsyncState.

Valore restituito

Interfaccia IAsyncResult per l'operazione asincrona avviata mediante al chiamata di questa funzione. Utilizzare questa interfaccia per verificare il completamento o attendere il termine della sincronizzazione.


Per ulteriori informazioni sulla sincronizzazione di dati asincroni in SQL Server Compact 3.5, vedere "Asynchronous Data Synchronization" (Sincronizzazione di dati asincroni) nella documentazione in linea di SQL Server Compact 3.5.


Nell'esempio seguente vengono illustrate le modalità di impostazione della replica di SQL Server Compact 3.5 per eseguire la sincronizzazione di dati asincroni.

' Imports System;
' Imports System.Data;
' Imports System.IO;
' Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe;
' Imports System.Windows.Forms;

'/ <summary>
'/ Demonstrates the usage of asynchronous database synchronization
'/ </summary>
Public Class MyForm
    Inherits Form

    Private myUserInterfaceUpdateEvent As EventHandler
    Private tableName As String
    Private percentage As Integer
    Private eventStatus As SyncStatus
    Private repl As SqlCeReplication

    Friend Enum SyncStatus
    End Enum 'SyncStatus

    Public Sub New()
        ' InitializeComponent();
        Me.myUserInterfaceUpdateEvent = New EventHandler(AddressOf UserInterfaceUpdateEvent)

    End Sub 'New

    Private Sub UserInterfaceUpdateEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        Select Case Me.eventStatus
            Case SyncStatus.BeginUpload
                'this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Began uploading table : " & tableName;

            Case SyncStatus.PercentComplete
                'this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Sync with SQL Server is " & percentage.ToString() & "% complete.";

            Case SyncStatus.BeginDownload
                'this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Began downloading table : " & tableName;

            Case SyncStatus.SyncComplete
                'this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Synchronization has completed successfully";
                'this.labelLastSyncValue.Text = GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime().ToString();
        End Select
    End Sub 'UserInterfaceUpdateEvent

    Public Sub SyncCompletedCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
            Dim repl As SqlCeReplication = CType(ar.AsyncState, SqlCeReplication)


            Me.eventStatus = SyncStatus.SyncComplete
        Catch e As SqlCeException
            ' NOTE: If you'd like to set Control properties from within this 
            ' method, you need to use Control.Invoke method in order to marshal
            ' the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
            ' application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information
        End Try

    End Sub 'SyncCompletedCallback

    Public Sub OnStartTableUploadCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult, ByVal tableName As String)
        Me.tableName = tableName
        Me.eventStatus = SyncStatus.BeginUpload

        ' NOTE: If you'd like to set Control properties from within this 
        ' method, you need to use Control.Invoke method in order to marshal
        ' the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
        ' application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

    End Sub 'OnStartTableUploadCallback

    Public Sub OnSynchronizationCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult, ByVal percentComplete As Integer)
        Me.percentage = percentComplete
        Me.eventStatus = SyncStatus.PercentComplete

        ' NOTE: If you'd like to set Control properties from within this 
        ' method, you need to use Control.Invoke method in order to marshal
        ' the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
        ' application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

    End Sub 'OnSynchronizationCallback

    Public Sub OnStartTableDownloadCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult, ByVal tableName As String)
        Me.tableName = tableName
        Me.eventStatus = SyncStatus.BeginDownload

        ' NOTE: If you'd like to set Control properties from within this 
        ' method, you need to use Control.Invoke method in order to marshal
        ' the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
        ' application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

    End Sub 'OnStartTableDownloadCallback

    Private Sub ButtonSynchronize_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
            Me.repl = New SqlCeReplication()
            repl.SubscriberConnectionString = "Data Source=Test.sdf"

            'NOTE: when possible, prompt users to enter security 
            'credentials at runtime. If you store credentials in a file, 
            'you must secure the file to prevent unauthorized access.
            If False = File.Exists("Test.sdf") Then
                repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.DBAuthentication
                repl.Publisher = "MyPublisher"
                repl.PublisherLogin = "PublisherLogin"
                repl.PublisherPassword = "<enterStrongPassword>"
                repl.PublisherDatabase = "AdventureWorksDW"
                repl.Publication = "AdventureWorksDW"
                repl.InternetUrl = ""
                repl.InternetLogin = "InternetLogin"
                repl.InternetPassword = "<enterStrongPassword>"
                repl.Subscriber = "MySubscriber"
            End If

            Dim ar As IAsyncResult = repl.BeginSynchronize( _
                New AsyncCallback(AddressOf Me.SyncCompletedCallback), _
                New OnStartTableUpload(AddressOf Me.OnStartTableUploadCallback), _
                New OnStartTableDownload(AddressOf Me.OnStartTableDownloadCallback), _
                New OnSynchronization(AddressOf Me.OnSynchronizationCallback), repl)

        Catch ex As SqlCeException
        End Try

    End Sub 'ButtonSynchronize_Click

    Public Function GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime() As DateTime
        Dim utcDateTime As DateTime
        Dim localDateTime As DateTime

        Dim conn As SqlCeConnection = Nothing
        Dim cmd As SqlCeCommand = Nothing

            conn = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source = Test.sdf")

            cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT LastSuccessfulSync FROM __sysMergeSubscriptions " & _
                "WHERE Publication=@publication"

            cmd.Parameters.Add("@publication", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000)
            cmd.Parameters("@publication").Value = "AdventureWorksDW"

            utcDateTime = CType(cmd.ExecuteScalar(), DateTime)
            localDateTime = utcDateTime.ToLocalTime()

            Return localDateTime
        End Try

    End Function 'GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime
End Class 'MyForm
// using System;
// using System.Data;
// using System.IO;
// using System.Data.SqlServerCe;
// using System.Windows.Forms;

/// <summary>
/// Demonstrates the usage of asynchronous database synchronization
/// </summary>
public class MyForm : Form
    private string tableName;
    private int percentage;
    private SyncStatus eventStatus;
    private SqlCeReplication repl;
    private EventHandler myUserInterfaceUpdateEvent;

    internal enum SyncStatus

    public MyForm()
        // InitializeComponent();
        this.myUserInterfaceUpdateEvent = new EventHandler(MyUserInterfaceUpdateEvent);

    private void MyUserInterfaceUpdateEvent(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        switch (this.eventStatus)
            case SyncStatus.BeginUpload:
                //this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Began uploading table : " + tableName;

            case SyncStatus.PercentComplete:
                //this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Sync with SQL Server is " + percentage.ToString() + "% complete.";

            case SyncStatus.BeginDownload:
                //this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Began downloading table : " + tableName;

            case SyncStatus.SyncComplete:
                //this.labelStatusValue.Text = "Synchronization has completed successfully";
                //this.labelLastSyncValue.Text = GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime().ToString();

    public void SyncCompletedCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
            SqlCeReplication repl = (SqlCeReplication)ar.AsyncState;


            this.eventStatus = SyncStatus.SyncComplete;
        catch (SqlCeException e)
            // NOTE: If you'd like to set Control properties from within this 
            // method, you need to use Control.Invoke method in order to marshal
            // the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
            // application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

    public void OnStartTableUploadCallback(IAsyncResult ar, string tableName)
        this.tableName = tableName;
        this.eventStatus = SyncStatus.BeginUpload;

        // NOTE: If you'd like to set Control properties from within this 
        // method, you need to use Control.Invoke method in order to marshal
        // the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
        // application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

    public void OnSynchronizationCallback(IAsyncResult ar, int percentComplete)
        this.percentage = percentComplete;
        this.eventStatus = SyncStatus.PercentComplete;

        // NOTE: If you'd like to set Control properties from within this 
        // method, you need to use Control.Invoke method in order to marshal
        // the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
        // application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

    public void OnStartTableDownloadCallback(IAsyncResult ar, string tableName)
        this.tableName = tableName;
        this.eventStatus = SyncStatus.BeginDownload;

        // NOTE: If you'd like to set Control properties from within this 
        // method, you need to use Control.Invoke method in order to marshal
        // the call to the UI thread; otherwise you might deadlock your 
        // application; See Control.Invoke documentation for more information

    private void ButtonSynchronize_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            this.repl = new SqlCeReplication();
            repl.SubscriberConnectionString = "Data Source=Test.sdf";

            if (false == File.Exists("Test.sdf"))
                //NOTE: when possible, prompt users to enter security 
                //credentials at runtime. If you store credentials in a file, 
                //you must secure the file to prevent unauthorized access.
                repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.DBAuthentication;
                repl.Publisher = "MyPublisher";
                repl.PublisherLogin = "PublisherLogin";
                repl.PublisherPassword = "<enterStrongPassword>";
                repl.PublisherDatabase = "AdventureWorksDW";
                repl.Publication = "AdventureWorksDW";
                repl.InternetUrl = "";
                repl.InternetLogin = "MyInternetLogin";
                repl.InternetPassword = "<enterStrongPassword>";
                repl.Subscriber = "MySubscriber";

            IAsyncResult ar = repl.BeginSynchronize(
                new AsyncCallback(this.SyncCompletedCallback),
                new OnStartTableUpload(this.OnStartTableUploadCallback),
                new OnStartTableDownload(this.OnStartTableDownloadCallback),
                new OnSynchronization(this.OnSynchronizationCallback), 
        catch (SqlCeException ex)

    public DateTime GetLastSuccessfulSyncTime()
        DateTime utcDateTime;
        DateTime localDateTime;
        SqlCeConnection conn = null;
        SqlCeCommand cmd = null;

            conn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source = Test.sdf");

            cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT LastSuccessfulSync FROM __sysMergeSubscriptions " +
                "WHERE Publication=@publication";

            cmd.Parameters.Add("@publication", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000);
            cmd.Parameters["@publication"].Value = "AdventureWorksDW";

            utcDateTime = (DateTime)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
            localDateTime = utcDateTime.ToLocalTime();

            return localDateTime;


Tutti i membri statici pubblici (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) di questo tipo sono affidabili. Non è invece garantita l'affidabilità dei membri dell'istanza.


Piattaforme di sviluppo

Windows Vista, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC, Windows CE 5.0
Informazioni sulla versione
.NET Framework e .NET Compact Framework
Supportato in 3.5
.NET Framework
Supportato in 3.0
.NET Compact Framework e .NET Framework
Supportato in 2.0

Vedere anche


SqlCeReplication Class
SqlCeReplication Members
System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace