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How to: Select Multiple Report Controls

You can select multiple report controls in the Report Designer or Label Designer to manipulate them as a group temporarily. You can also clear selection of particular controls when you no longer want them as part of the group of selected controls in the designer.

To select multiple report controls

  1. Open the report or label in the appropriate designer.

  2. In the designer, choose one of the following:

    • To select multiple report controls, press and hold the SHIFT key while you select each control; or drag a selection box around the controls you want to select.


    • To select all report controls in a report band, press and hold the SHIFT key and double-click the report band containing the controls you want to select.


    • To select all report controls in the designer, on the Edit menu, click Select All.


      Sometimes report controls might be positioned off the screen. You can select these controls along with all other report controls in the designer by choosing Select All.

    As controls are selected, selection handles appear on the edges of each control.

You can now manipulate the selected report controls as a group temporarily.

To clear selection for a report control from a group of selected controls using the mouse

  • In the designer, press and hold the SHIFT key while you use the mouse to click the report control that you wish to remove from the current selection.

To clear selection for a report control from a group of selected controls using the Report Builder's Multiple Selection dialog

  1. Right-click one of the selected controls, and select Properties from the context menu.

    The Multiple Selection dialog box opens.


    You can also double-click the group of selected report controls in the designer to open the Multiple Selection dialog box.


    If the _REPORTBUILDER system variable is not set to the default Report Builder or is set to a third-party builder, a report control dialog box displays or a different dialog box might display. For more information, see _REPORTBUILDER System Variable.

  2. In the Multiple Selection dialog box, click the Selection tab if it is not selected.

  3. In the Object list on the Selection tab, click the report control that you want, then Clear selection.


    To select multiple controls in the Object list, press and hold the CTRL key while you click the name of each report control.

  4. When you are finished, click OK.

For more information, see Selection Tab, Multiple Selection Dialog Box (Report Builder).

See Also

Other Resources

Configuring Report Controls

Managing Report Controls

Working with Report Controls