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ImageWebPartMobileAdapter members

Changes the rendering of a ImageWebPart object so that it appears appropriately on a mobile device.

The ImageWebPartMobileAdapter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ImageWebPartMobileAdapter Initializes a new instance of the ImageWebPartMobileAdapter class.



  Name Description
Protected property Browser (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public property Control Gets the ImageWebPart object whose rendering is being adapted.
Protected property Controls Gets a collection of the child controls the adapter will use to render the Web Part on a mobile page. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property DetailViewPageUrl Gets the URL of the detailed mobile view page of the Web Part that is being adapted. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property DetailViewTitleIconUrl Gets the URL of the icon that renders beside the title in the detailed view of the Web Part on a mobile page. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property ExpandCollapseFunctionUrl Gets the URL of the ECMAScript (JavaScript and JScript) function that provides expanding and collapsing of the Web Part. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property ItemBulletIconUrl Gets the URL of the bullet image that is used when the adapter renders a bulleted list of items. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property MobilePage Gets an object that represents the current page, if the page is an WebPartMobilePage object. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property MobileWebPage Gets the current page as WebPartMobileWebPage. Null is returned if the current page is not WebPartMobileWebPage. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property Page (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected property PageAdapter (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected property SummaryViewPageUrl Gets URL of the mobile summary view page of the Web Part. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property SummaryViewTitleIconUrl Gets the URL of the icon that renders beside the title in the summary view of the Web Part on a mobile page. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property TitleIconUrl Gets the URL of the icon that renders beside the title the Web Part on a mobile page when the Web Part cannot be expanded and collapsed. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property Web Gets the current SharePoint Web site (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property WebPartIconUrl Gets the URL of the icon that represents the Web Part. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected property WebPartTitle Gets the display title of the Web Part that is being adapted. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)



  Name Description
Protected method BeginRender (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected method CreateChildControls Creates the child controls of the adapter. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method CreateControlsForDetailView Obsolete. When overridden in a derived class, renders a detailed view of the Web Part on mobile devices. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method CreateControlsForDetailViewAdv Override this method to define the rendering for the detail view. If this method is not overriden, icon and the web part title is displayed along with the message to notify user that the detail view is not implemented. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method CreateControlsForSummaryView Obsolete. When overridden in a derived class, renders a view of the image in a manner that is appropriate for mobile devices. (Overrides WebPartMobileAdapter.CreateControlsForSummaryView().)
Protected method CreateControlsForSummaryViewAdv Renders Contemporary summary view. (Overrides WebPartMobileAdapter.CreateControlsForSummaryViewAdv().)
Protected method CreateWebPartIcon Obsolete. Gets an icon for the Web Part which, in some contexts, works as a link to another view of the Web Part or as an expand/collapse button. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method CreateWebPartIconAdv Returns an icon for the web part. Icon is rendered either as a plain image, the link to the summary/detail view page, or link to trigger expand/collpase. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method CreateWebPartLabel Obsolete. Gets a label containing the title of the Web Part. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method CreateWebPartLabelAdv Returns a label control, which displays the web part title. The label is displayed in bold if the browser supports bold text. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Public method Dispose Releases all resources used by the adapter control. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method EndRender (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method LoadAdapterControlState (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected method LoadAdapterViewState (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnInit Replaces the OnInit(EventArgs) method of the control that is being adapted. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method OnInitForMobile Replaces the OnInit(EventArgs) method of the control that is being adapted when the control is on a WebPartMobilePage. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method OnLoad Replaces the OnLoad(EventArgs) method of the control that is being adapted. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method OnLoadForMobile Replaces the OnLoad(EventArgs) method of the control that is being adapted when the control is on a WebPartMobilePage. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method OnPreRender Replaces the OnPreRender(EventArgs) method of the control that is being adapted. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method OnPreRenderForMobile Replaces the OnPreRender(EventArgs) method of the control that is being adapted when the control is on a WebPartMobilePage. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method OnUnload Replaces the OnUnload(EventArgs) method of the control that is being adapted. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method OnUnloadForMobile Replaces the OnUnload(EventArgs) method of the control that is being adapted when the control is on a WebPartMobilePage. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method Render Does nothing if the control that is being adapted is on a WebPartMobilePage, otherwise calls the base Render(HtmlTextWriter) method. (Inherited from WebPartMobileAdapter.)
Protected method RenderChildren (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected method SaveAdapterControlState (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Protected method SaveAdapterViewState (Inherited from ControlAdapter.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


ImageWebPartMobileAdapter class

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages namespace