Content deployment administration (SharePoint Server 2010)
Si applica a: SharePoint Server 2010
Ultima modifica dell'argomento: 2016-11-30
Content deployment enables you to copy content from a source site collection to a destination site collection. Most content deployment topologies include two or more server farms to separate the authoring environment from the production environment. For information about content deployment, what it is, and how it works, see Panoramica della distribuzione del contenuto (SharePoint Server 2010). For information about designing a topology for your content deployment scenario, see Progettare la topologia di distribuzione del contenuto.
The articles in this section contain procedures for managing content deployment. The articles include:
Configure content deployment settings Describes how to configure a farm to accept or reject incoming or outgoing content deployment jobs and how to specify the connection security that jobs are to use. Also, this article describes the storage location for temporary files that content deployment jobs use and the number of reports that are to be kept for each job.
Gestire percorsi e processi di distribuzione del contenuto Provides a brief overview of content deployment paths and jobs and describes how to create and manage content deployment paths and jobs, including creating new paths and jobs, manually starting a job, editing, disabling, or deleting a path, and editing, canceling, or deleting a job.
Gestire i processi di distribuzione rapida Provides a brief overview of Quick Deploy jobs, and describes how to modify Quick Deploy job settings, test a Quick Deploy job, manually start a Quick Deploy job, and cancel a Quick Deploy job.
View content deployment job reports and history Provides a brief description of the kind of data that is recorded in a job report, and describes how to check the deployment of specific content, view the report for the most recent content deployment job, view the history of a content deployment job, and view historical job reports.
See Also
Other Resources
Resource Center: Web Content Management in SharePoint Server 2010