Security (Project Server 2010 settings)
Si applica a: Project Server 2010
Ultima modifica dell'argomento: 2011-11-18
Microsoft Project Server 2010 security is based on users, groups, and categories. Groups contain sets of users who need to access the same set of data in the same way. Categories provide access to projects and resources based on parameters that you define.
Define your groups by identifying common needs based on the areas of Project Server to which users in your organization need access. After you define your groups, you can add users to the groups and grant permissions to the groups. Permissions assigned to groups apply to all of the users that the group contains. Using groups to control access to Project Server simplifies security administration.
Project Server users can be automatically added or removed from groups based on Active Directory group membership. This can be configured in Project Server 2010 through the Active Directory synchronization feature. For more information, see Manage security group synchronization with Active Directory in Project Server 2010.
Users can belong to multiple groups according to their role in the organization and their access requirements. Several groups are created by default when Project Server 2010 is installed, each of which is assigned a set of predefined categories and permissions. For more information, see Manage security groups in Project Server 2010.
Administrators usually assign permissions by adding a user account to one of the built-in groups or by creating a new group and assigning specific permissions to that group.
For complete lists of Project Server permissions, see Project Server 2010 category permissions and Project Server 2010 global permissions.
The following tasks for managing security in Project Server are performed on these components: