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Microsoft Project Server 2010 default categories


Si applica a: Project Server 2010

Ultima modifica dell'argomento: 2015-03-09

Microsoft Project Server 2010 creates seven default categories during installation. Each of the categories is configured to be accessed by specified default user groups. Each category has a predefined set of category permissions for default user groups that have access to that category. The following sections list the default settings for each category for Project Server 2010.

In this article:

  • Categories

  • Category permissions


Specific default groups are already associated with each of the default categories, The following table shows the default categories and the default groups that can access each of them.


For more information about the relationship between groups and categories, see Pianificare gruppi, categorie e strutture RBS in Project Server 2010.

Category Name Administrators Executives Portfolio Managers Project Managers Resource Managers Team Leads Team Members

My Direct Reports


My Organization






My Projects




My Resources


My Tasks


Category permissions

The following table describes the default category permissions for each default group. For example, a user in the default Administrators group (who is associated to the My Organization category by default) has the permissions allowed in the Administrators column in the table. These category permissions only apply to all projects, resources, and views selected for the My Organization category. However, a user in the default Project Managers group (who is associated to the My Organization and My Projects categories) has a different set of category permissions for the objects in the My Organization category. This allows you to conveniently set a more or less restrictive set of permissions for different types of users to a group of projects, resources, and views.


For more information about category permissions, see Project Server 2010 category permissions. For more information about how categories relate to groups, see Pianificare gruppi, categorie e strutture RBS in Project Server 2010.

Use the following legend for the table below.

  • My Org = My Organization

  • My Dir = My Direct Reports

  • My Proj = My Projects

  • My Res = My Resources

  • My Tsks = My Tasks

Permission Name Administrators Executives Portfolio Managers Project Managers Resource Managers Team Leads Team Members

Accept Task Update Requests

My Org

My Proj

Adjust Timesheet

My Org

Approve Timesheets

My Org

My Org

My Dir, My Res

Assign Resource

My Org

My Org

My Org

My Res

Build Team On Project

My Org

My Org

My Proj

My Org

Create New Task or Assignment

My Org

My Proj

My Proj

My Proj

My Tsks

Create Object Links

My Org

My Org

My Org

My Proj

My Org, My Proj, My Res

My Proj

My Tsks

Delete Project

My Org

My Org

My Proj

Edit Enterprise Resource Data

My Org

My Org

My Res

Edit Project Summary Fields

My Org

My Proj

Manage Basic Project Security

My Org

My Org

My Proj

Manage Resource Delegates

My Org

My Res

Manage Resource Plan

My Org

My Org

My Org

My Res

Open Project

My Org

My Org

My Proj

My Tsks

Publish Project

My Org

My Org

My Proj

Save Project to Project Server

My Org

My Org

My Proj

Save Protected Baseline

My Org

My Proj

View Enterprise Resource Data

My Org

My Org

My Org

My Org, My Proj

My Res

View Project Schedule in Project Web App

My Or

My Org

My Org

My Proj

My Proj

My Tsks

View Project Site

My Org

My Org

My Org

My Proj

My Proj

My Proj

My Tsks

View Project Summary in Project Center

My Org

My Org

My Org

My Proj

My Proj

My Proj

My Tsks

View Resource Assignments in Assignment Views

My Org

My Org

My Org

My Proj

My Res

My Proj

My Tsks