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ValidationConst members

Contains constants and read-only properties for validation and calculation of various project field values.

The ValidationConst type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ValidationConst Instantiates a ValidationConst object.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member MAX_ASSN_NOTES_LEN Value = 4095. The maximum number of characters in an assignment note.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_EPT_DESC_FIELD_DESC_LEN Value = 512. The maximum number of characters in an enterprise project type description field.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_FIELD_DESC_LEN Value = 1000. The maximum number of characters in a field description.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_FIELD_NAME_LEN Value = 255. The maximum number of characters in a field name.
Public fieldStatic member MAX_PDP_FIELD_DESC_LEN Value = 4000. The maximum number of characters in a project detail page field description.
Public fieldStatic member MaxProjectCost Value = 99999999999999 (one unit less than 100,000,000,000,000 cost units). The maximum project cost.
Public fieldStatic member MaxProjectDate Value = Saturday, January 01, 2050, 11:59:54 PM. The maximum project date.
Public fieldStatic member MaxProjectDuration Value = 346896000 tenths of minutes, or 66 years. The maximum project duration, of type Double.
Public fieldStatic member MaxProjectUnits Value = 100000000. The maximum project units.
Public fieldStatic member MaxProjectWork Value = 99999999999999. The maximum project work.
Public fieldStatic member MinProjectCost Value = -99999999999999 (one unit more than -100,000,000,000,000 cost units). The minimum project cost.
Public fieldStatic member MinProjectDate Value = Sunday, January 01, 1984, 12:00:00 AM. The minimum project date.
Public fieldStatic member MinProjectDuration Value = 0. The minimum project duration.
Public fieldStatic member MinProjectUnits Value = 0. The minimum project units.
Public fieldStatic member MinProjectWork Value = 0. The minimum project work.
Public fieldStatic member s_bad_work Value = -0.000001. Indicates that the work calculation is incorrect.
Public fieldStatic member s_cal_units_per_hour Value = 600. The number of units that are calculated per hour.
Public fieldStatic member s_cal_units_per_minute Value = 10. The number of units that are calculated per minute.
Public fieldStatic member s_cost_multiplier Value = 100. The multiplier for cost units.
Public fieldStatic member s_dur_multiplier Value = 10. The multiplier for duration, which is measured in tenths of a minute.
Public fieldStatic member s_max_day Value = 24107. The maximum number of days after the Julian date of the minimum project date.
Public fieldStatic member s_max_duration_long Value = 346896000 tenths of minutes, or 66 years. The maximum project duration, of type Long.
Public fieldStatic member s_max_units Value = 100000000. The maximum project units.
Public fieldStatic member s_max_work Value = 99999999999999. The maximum project work.
Public fieldStatic member s_proj_dur_to_rel_dur Value = 60000000. The conversion factor for project duration to relative duration, which is the same as s_ticks_per_proj_dur.
Public fieldStatic member s_ticks_per_proj_dur Value = 60000000. The number of ticks in one project duration unit (1/10 minute).
Public fieldStatic member s_uninited_units Value = 9999. The validation constant for an uninitialized unit.
Public fieldStatic member s_units_multiplier Value = 10000. The multiplier for an initialized unit.
Public fieldStatic member s_work_multiplier Value = 1000. The multiplier for a unit of work.
Public fieldStatic member s_work_scaling_factor Value = 100. The scaling factor for a unit of work.
Public fieldStatic member s_workcost_multiplier Value = 0.00166666666666667. The multiplier for the cost of a unit of work.


See also


ValidationConst class

Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library namespace