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PropertyType enumeration

Specifies the value types of project properties.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library (in Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library.dll)


Public Enumeration PropertyType
Dim instance As PropertyType
public enum PropertyType


Member name Description
InvalidEng96 Value=0. Force error return from the text converter (ItextConv).
UidEng96 Value=1. Project unique ID.
PriorityEng96 Value=2. Enumeration index into priority table.
ConsTypeEng96 Value=3. Index into constraint table.
DateEng96 Value=4. HIWORD contains day offset with respect to 1/1/84. LOWORD (0-1440) is the minute offset from 12:00 am.
PercentEng96 Value=5. Percent; a whole number.
DurationEng96 Value=6. Value in 1/DUR_MULTIPLIER minutes.
DurOffset Value=7. Value in 1/DUR_MULTIPLIER minutes since 1/1/84.
WorkEng96 Value=8. Value in 1/WORK_MULTIPLIER minutes.
CostEng96 Value=9. Value in 1/COST_MULTIPLIER dollars.
WorkRateEng96 Value=10. Value in (1/DUR_MULTIPLIER minutes per 1/DUR_MULTIPLIER minutes).
CostRateEng96 Value=11. Value in (1/COST_MULTIPLIER dollars per 1/DUR_MULTIPLIER minutes).
UnitsEng96 Value=12. Value in 1/UNITS_MULTIPLIER units.
AccrualEng96 Value=13. Index into accrual table.
ContourTypeEng96 Value=14. Index into contour table.
NumberEng96 Value=15. A plain number.
BoolEng96 Value=16. Index into boolean string table.
YesNoEng96 Value=17. Index into yes / no string table.
DoubleEng96 Value=18. A double value.
WordEng96 Value=20. A word value.
StringEng96 Value=21. String.
TimeLabelEng96 Value=22. Time label.
TimeEng96 Value=23. Minutes since 12:00 am (midnight).
LongEng96 Value=24. A long value.
LinkEng96 Value=25. Index to type of links (SS, FF, FS, SF).
RtfEng96 Value=26. Rich edit RTF data.
FinishDateEng96 Value=27. Same as TYPE_DATE_ENG96, except when a user gives a date string without the time, the default finish time is used.
ElapedDurEng96 Value=28. Elapsed duration values.
TaskTypeEng96 Value=29. Task type: fixed units, fixed work, or fixed duration.
StartDateEng96 Value=4. HIWORD contains the day offset with respect to 1/1/84. LOWORD (0-1440) is the minute offset from 12:00am. The same value as DateEng96.
HLFriendlyName Value=30. Hyperlink friendly name.
HLTarget Value=31. Hyperlink target.
HLLocation Value=32. Hyperlink location.
HLRef Value=33. Hyperlink reference.
Gpi Value=34.
Moniker Value=35. Moniker (name) type.
IndicatorEng96 Value=36. Graphical indicator.
ExIdEng96 Value=37. External ID.
BlankExIdEng96 Value=38. External ID shown as blank string.
WGUserEng96 Value=39. Workgroup user type.
RateTableEng96 Value=40. Assignment rate table (used by VBA).
R8PctEng96 Value=41. Used for percent allocated (may overflow a word).
GuidEng96 Value=42. GUID value.
RscTypeEng96 Value=43. Resource.
SimpleRateEng96 Value=44. Simple rate.
TSMaterialWork Value=45. Timesheet material work.
MaterialWorkEng96 Value=45, the same as TSMaterialWork (timesheet material work).
HLScreenTip Value=46. Hyperlink screen tip.
Enum1Eng96 Value=47. Enumerated type used by Web client.
Enum2Eng96 Value=48. Enumerated type used by Web client.
Enum3Eng96 Value=49. Enumerated type used by Web client.
PSStringsEng96 Value=50. Project Server string table.
TaskStatusEng96 Value=51. A string value for task status.
DemReqEng96 Value=52.
EVMethEng96 Value=53.
BookingEng96 Value=54. Booking type.
MultiCurrencyEng96 Value=55. Multi-currency.
NumTypesEng96 Value=56. Numeric type.
NotSure Value=65,521 (0xfff1). Unsure of the property type.


The following constants are defined in a private assembly:





See also


Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library namespace