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Optimizer members

Contains constants that are used in class methods of the Optimizer service.

The Optimizer type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Optimizer Creates an instance of the Optimizer class.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member ANALYSIS_ENTITY_UID Represents the GUID of a portfolio analysis entity.
Public fieldStatic member AutoUid Contains a GUID that represents the Optimizer automatic project force status.
Public fieldStatic member ConstraintPrefix Represents a string that contains the prefix value "CONSTRAINT_".
Public fieldStatic member DRIVER_ENTITY_UID Represents the GUID of a driver entity.
Public fieldStatic member ForcedStatusColumnName Represents a string that contains the value "SOLUTION_PROJ_FORCE_LT_STRUCT_UID".
Public fieldStatic member ForceInUid Contains a GUID that represents the in-solution project force status.
Public fieldStatic member ForceOutUid Contains a GUID that represents the out-of-solution project force status.
Public fieldStatic member MaxDriversInPrioritization Represents the maximum number of business drivers that can be prioritized in the Business Driver Library.
Public fieldStatic member MaxProjectsInAnalysis Represents the maximum number of projects that can be in a portfiolio analysis.
Public fieldStatic member MetricUidProjectsSelected Represents the metric GUID of projects that are selected.
Public fieldStatic member MetricUidStrategicValue Represents the GUID of a stragetic metric value.
Public fieldStatic member MovedStatusColumnName Represents a string that contains the value "SOLUTION_PROJ_MOVED_STATUS".
Public fieldStatic member PRIORITIZATION_ENTITY_UID Represents the GUID of a prioritization entity.
Public fieldStatic member PriorityColumnName Represents a string that contains the value "SOLUTION_PROJ_PRIORITY".
Public fieldStatic member PROJECT_IMPACT_ENTITY_UID Represents the GUID of a project impact entity.
Public fieldStatic member RELATIVE_IMPORTANCE_ENTITY_UID Represents the GUID of a relative importance entity.
Public fieldStatic member StatusColumnName Represents a string that contains the value "SOLUTION_PROJ_STATUS".


See also


Optimizer class

Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library namespace