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PSSecurityGlobalPermission members

Specifies global security permissions.

The PSSecurityGlobalPermission type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from ValueType.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from ValueType.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from ValueType.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AboutMicrosoftOfficeProjectServer Obsolete. Allows a user to access the About Project Server page.
Public fieldStatic member AcceptTimesheets Obsolete. Allows a user to accept, but not approve, a timesheet.
Public fieldStatic member AccessProjectDataService Allows a user to have permission to access the Reporting Schema Data.
Public fieldStatic member ApproveProjectTimesheetLine Allows a user to approve project timesheet lines.
Public fieldStatic member BuildTeamOnNewProject Allows a user to add resources to a project that has not been saved to the database.
Public fieldStatic member CanBeDelegate Allows a user to act as a delegate for a resource.
Public fieldStatic member ChangePassword Obsolete. Allows a user to change their Forms user account password.
Public fieldStatic member ChangeProjectState Obsolete. Obsolete.
Public fieldStatic member ChangeWorkflow Allows a user to change workflows.
Public fieldStatic member CleanupProjectServerDatabase Allows a user to delete assignments, status report responses, projects, resources, and status updates.
Public fieldStatic member CloseTasksToUpdates Allows a user to lock tasks to further updates.
Public fieldStatic member ContributeToProjectWebAccess Allows a user to edit SharePoint list items in Project Web App.
Public fieldStatic member CreateNewProposalOrActivity Obsolete. Obsolete.
Public fieldStatic member DownloadPwaOutlookAddIn Obsolete. Obsolete.
Public fieldStatic member EditStatusReportRequest Allows a user to request a status report and view team reports.
Public fieldStatic member EditStatusReportResponses Obsolete. Allows a user to submit a status report.
Public fieldStatic member ExecuteUpgrade Allows a user to perform an installation upgrade to Project Server.
Public fieldStatic member LogOn Allows a user to connect to Project Server from Project Professional, or to log on to Project Web App.
Public fieldStatic member LogOnToProjectServerFromProjectProfessional Allows a user to load the enterprise global template.
Public fieldStatic member ManageActiveDirectorySettings Allows a user to modify Active Directory synchronization settings.
Public fieldStatic member ManageCheckIns Allows a user to force check-in projects, resources, custom fields, calendars, lookup tables, and resource plans.
Public fieldStatic member ManageCubeBuildingService Allows a user to manage settings for OLAP cube creation.
Public fieldStatic member ManageDrivers Allows a user to manage business drivers for project portfolio analyses.
Public fieldStatic member ManageEnterpriseCalendars Allows a user to create, modify, and delete enterprise calendars.
Public fieldStatic member ManageEnterpriseCustomFields Allows a user to modify the definitions of enterprise custom fields and lookup table values.
Public fieldStatic member ManageGanttChartAndGroupingFormats Allows a user to access customization options for Gantt charts and grouping formats.
Public fieldStatic member ManageListsInProjectWebAccess Allows a user to create, modify, and delete SharePoint lists within Project Web App.
Public fieldStatic member ManageMyDelegations Allows a user to manage his or her own user delegations.
Public fieldStatic member ManageMyResourceDelegations Allows a user to manage his or her own resource delegations.
Public fieldStatic member ManageNotificationAndReminders Allows a user to manage operational policy settings for notifications.
Public fieldStatic member ManagePersonalNotifications Allows a user to manage notifications relating to their own tasks and status reports.
Public fieldStatic member ManagePortfolioAnalyses Allows a user to manage project portfolio analyses.
Public fieldStatic member ManagePrioritizations Allows a user to manage project priorities in portfolio analyses.
Public fieldStatic member ManageProjectServerBackup Obsolete. Allows a user to schedule a backup, or perform an immediate backup, for entities on Project Server.
Public fieldStatic member ManageProjectServerRestore Obsolete. Allows a user to immediately back up entities on Project Server.
Public fieldStatic member ManageQueue Allows a user to manage the Project Server queue and queue configuration settings.
Public fieldStatic member ManageResourceNotifications Allows a user to manage notifications relating to tasks and status reports for their resources.
Public fieldStatic member ManageRules Allows a user to manage rules for task updates.
Public fieldStatic member ManageSecurity Allows a user to manage security categories, security templates, and user authentication settings.
Public fieldStatic member ManageServerConfiguration Allows a user to manage server configuration settings.
Public fieldStatic member ManageServerEvents Allows a user to register event handlers for specific Project Server server-side events.
Public fieldStatic member ManageSiteServices Obsolete. Allows a user to administer services such as Active Directory settings and database timeouts.
Public fieldStatic member ManageSiteWideExchangeSync Allows a user to manage settings for integration with Microsoft Exchange.
Public fieldStatic member ManageStatusReports Obsolete. Obsolete.
Public fieldStatic member ManageTimesheetAndFinancialPeriods Allows a user to create and modify timesheet and fiscal period definitions.
Public fieldStatic member ManageTimeTracking Allows a user to be forwarded timesheets for review.
Public fieldStatic member ManageUsersAndGroups Allows a user to add, modify, or delete users and manage Project Server security groups.
Public fieldStatic member ManageViews Allows a user to add, modify, or delete Project, Project Center, Resource Center, Assignment, and Portfolio Analyzer views, and to modify Timesheet views.
Public fieldStatic member ManageWindowsSharePointServices Allows a user to create and delete SharePoint sites, update the list of authorized users, and maintain the servers that are running Windows SharePoint Services.
Public fieldStatic member ManageWorkflow Allows a user to manage Project Server workflows.
Public fieldStatic member NewProject Allows a user to add a new project to the Project Server database.
Public fieldStatic member NewResource Allows a user to add new resources to the enterprise resource pool.
Public fieldStatic member NewTaskAssignment Allows a user to create assignments for himself or herself on existing tasks in any project to which he or she has access.
Public fieldStatic member OpenProjectTemplate Allows a user to open an enterprise project template from the Project Server database.
Public fieldStatic member ReassignTask Allows a user to delegate an assigned task to another existing user.
Public fieldStatic member SaveEnterpriseGlobal Allows a user to check out, modify, and save the enterprise global template.
Public fieldStatic member SaveProjectTemplate Allows a user to create and save a project as an enterprise project template.
Public fieldStatic member SaveUnprotectedBaseline Allows a user to save or clear a non-protected baseline that is associated with an enterprise project.
Public fieldStatic member SelfAssignTeamTasks Allows a user to assign tasks in their Team Assignment Pool to himself or herself.
Public fieldStatic member StatusBrokerPermission Allows a user to read and submit status on behalf of another resource.
Public fieldStatic member UpdateAndStatusProjectTasks Allows a user to assign tasks, change tasks, and request a task's status.
Public fieldStatic member ViewApprovals Allows a user to view the Admin Time Approvals page.
Public fieldStatic member ViewBusinessIntelligenceLink Allows a user to view the Business Intelligence page in Project Web App.
Public fieldStatic member ViewDataAnalysis Obsolete. Replaced by the ViewBusinessIntelligenceLink permission.
Public fieldStatic member ViewOlapData Allows a user to read from the output of an OLAP cube.
Public fieldStatic member ViewProjectCenter Allows a user to access the Project Center.
Public fieldStatic member ViewProjectView Allows a user to access project views.
Public fieldStatic member ViewResourceAvailability Allows a user to view resource allocation data.
Public fieldStatic member ViewResourceCenter Allows a user to access the Resource Center and view resource allocation data.
Public fieldStatic member ViewResourcePlan Allows a user to access the Resource Plan page.
Public fieldStatic member ViewResourceTimesheet Allows a user to view timesheets, regardless of their state or ownership, for resources that are identified in the category selection criteria.
Public fieldStatic member ViewSurrogateTimesheet Allows a user to access the View Surrogate Timesheet page.
Public fieldStatic member ViewTaskCenter Allows a user to see the Task Center link in the Project Web App Quick Launch menu.
Public fieldStatic member ViewTeamBuilder Allows a user to use the Build Team option and to determine the list of available resources.
Public fieldStatic member ViewTimesheetCenter Allows a user to see the Timesheet Center link in the Project Web App Quick Launch menu.


See also


PSSecurityGlobalPermission structure

Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library namespace