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Configuring Speech Debugging Console

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Use the Speech Debugging Console Options dialog box to change settings that affect the behavior of Speech Debugging Console. Specify settings such as whether Speech Debugging Console opens inside or outside the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 development environment, whether Speech Debugging Console creates log files, and how the console appears when it starts.

To configure Speech Debugging Console options in Visual Studio .NET 2003

  1. In Visual Studio .NET 2003, on the Tools menu, click Options.
  2. In the tree view pane on the left, expand the Speech Application SDK item, and then click Speech Debugging Console.
  3. See To configure Speech Debugging Console options.

Use SpeechConsoleManager.exe to configure Speech Debugging Console outside Visual Studio .NET 2003. SpeechConsoleManager.exe can be found in the SDKTools folder. If the Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 (SASDK) is installed in the default location, the SDKTools folder can be found at:

%system drive%:\Program Files\Microsoft Speech Application SDK 1.1\SDKTools

To configure Speech Debugging Console options outside Visual Studio .NET 2003

  1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1, point to Debugging Tools, and then on the shortcut menu, click Speech Debugging Console Configuration.
  2. See To configure Speech Debugging Console options.

Speech Debugging Console Options

To configure Speech Debugging Console options

  1. Under the Activation heading, select Show Speech Debugging Console when running under debugger, or select both that option and Show Speech Debugging Console Always. These settings determine when Speech Debugging Console opens.
    • If both options are selected, Speech Debugging Console opens when the Web form is drawn either inside or outside of the Visual Studio .NET 2003 development environment. For example, pressing F5 inside the development environment, or typing the application URL into Microsoft Internet Explorer, opens Speech Debugging Console.
    • If only the Show Speech Debugging Console when running under debugger option is selected, Speech Debugging Console opens only when the Web form is drawn inside the Visual Studio .NET 2003 development environment.
  2. Under the Start Up Settings heading, select the options that should be active when Speech Debugging Console opens.
    • Select Break On Listen to direct the application to break before the recognition process starts on a Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) listen element.
    • Select Break On Dtmf to direct the application to break before the recognition process starts on a SALT dtmf element.
    • Select Play Prompts to play and display prompts. If this is not selected, prompts only appear as text in the Prompt field of Speech Debugging Console. When running Speech Debugging Console over Remote Desktop with the setting Do not play selected, if a remote speech server is used and Play Prompts is selected in Speech Debugging Console, a -1 generic error results. The workaround in this case is to turn off Play Prompts in Speech Debugging Console.
    • Select Edit SML to direct the application to break after the Speech Add-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer sends Semantic Markup Language (SML) results. If selected, the SML tab of Speech Debugging Console expands after the SML results arrive, and the results can be edited and submitted for validation. If not selected, the SML results are read-only.
    • Select Show Detailed Information to display the tabs of Speech Debugging Console when the console opens.
  3. Under the Logging and Replay headings, select options that relate to Log Player. Log Player enables developers to replay debug sessions.
    • If log files should be created for each debug session, under the Logging heading, select Record Log Files to create an XML log file containing application-related information for each debug session. In the Log Files Base Path text box, click Browse to locate the folder to which log files will be saved.

    • In the Timeout (ms) text box, type the replay time-out that specifies how long, in milliseconds, Log Player waits for communication with Speech Debugging Console before it times out. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds). Valid values range from 2000 to 120000 milliseconds (2 to 120 seconds). These properties apply only to Log Player, and not Speech Debugging Console.

      Note  A replay of a debug session that uses Telephony Application Simulator can sometimes fail if the replay time-out is too short. If replay fails because the replay time-out expires, set the replay time-out to a larger value.

  4. Click OK to apply these settings and close the dialog box.

Speech Debugging Console can also be disabled.

To disable Speech Debugging Console

  • From either the Speech Debugging Console Configuration dialog box outside Visual Studio .NET 2003, or the Speech Debugging Console Options dialog box in Visual Studio .NET 2003, clear Show Speech Debugging Console when running under debugger.

See Also

Enabling Multimodal or Voice-only Debug | Debugging the Tutorial Application | Debugging ASP.NET Code with Telephony Application Simulator