Introducing the Microsoft Speech Application SDK
This section provides the following information for users of the Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 (SASDK):
- Features of the Speech Application SDK
See this topic to learn about highlighted features of the various constituents of the SASDK. - Computer Speech and Speech-enabled Applications
See this topic for high-level overviews of computer speech technology, the Microsoft Speech product offering, ASP.NET Speech Controls (Speech Controls) and the modes of speech interaction that a developer can add to an ASP.NET Web site. - Installation Reference
See this topic for information about SASDK requirements, and information about installing and uninstalling SASDK components. - Speech Application Platform Glossary
See this topic for a list of terms, initialisms, and acronyms related to computer speech technology.
Who Should Use The SASDK
The SASDK is targeted at developers who are familiar with the following:
- Visual Studio .NET 2003
- ECMAScript (or a similar implementation of the ECMA-262 standard such as JScript)
- XML concepts, preferably including XSLT