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LCID Property

The LCID property of the SPLocale class gets the locale identifier (LCID) for the locale.

Property Value

A 32-bit integer that specifies the LCID.


The following table shows the LCID for each locale.

LCID Locale
5121 Algeria
11274 Argentina
3081 Australia
15361 Bahrain
16394 Bolivia
1046 Brazil
3084 Canada1
4105 Canada2
13322 Chile
9226 Colombia
5130 CostaRica
1029 CzechRepublic
1030 Denmark
7178 DominicanRepublic
12298 Ecuador
3073 Egypt
17418 ElSalvador
-2 EuropeanUnion1
-1 EuropeanUnion2
4106 Guatemala
18442 Honduras
3076 HongKongSAR
1038 Hungary
1081 India
1065 Iran
2049 Iraq
1037 Israel
1041 Japan
11265 Jordan
1042 Korea
13313 Kuwait
12289 Lebanon
4097 Libya
2058 Mexico
6145 Morocco
5129 NewZealand
19466 Nicaragua
1044 Norway
8193 Oman
1056 Pakistan
6154 Panama
15370 Paraguay
2052 PeoplesRepublicofChina
10250 Peru
1045 Poland
16385 Qatar
1049 Russia
1025 SaudiArabia
4100 Singapore
1051 Slovakia
1060 Slovenia
7177 SouthAfrica
1053 Sweden
2055 Switzerland
10241 Syria
1028 Taiwan
1054 Thailand
7169 Tunisia
1055 Turkey
14337 UAE
2057 UnitedKingdom
1033 UnitedStates
14346 Uruguay
8202 Venezuela
1066 Vietnam
9217 Yemen


Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Security: Code Access Security