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Process Method

The Process method of the IFileDialogPostProcessor interface customizes the Web view in the file dialog box or form that is used when opening or saving files in the specified document library.


SiteID   A GUID that specifies the site collection.

WebID   A GUID that specifies the site.

ListID   A GUID that specifies the list.

type   A Microsoft.SharePoint.WffRequestType value that specifies the type of file dialog box.

strLocation   A string that contains the server-relative URL of the document library. If empty, the method returns a view of all document libraries

strDefaultPresentation   A string that contains the default HTML to use in the display of the Web view.

strAlternatePresentation   A string that contains the alternate HTML to use in the display of the Web view.


Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Security: Code Access Security