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IPolicyFeature Members

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Specifies the interface that a class must implement to act as a policy feature.

The IPolicyFeature type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method OnCustomDataChange Called by the policy infrastructure when the custom data (for example, the Expiration policy feature) for a policy feature changes. Third-party developers who implement this method can decide whether or to perform an action when the custom data for a policy feature changes.
Public method OnGlobalCustomDataChange Updates the policy feature state appropriately when the Central Administration settings for the policy feature change.
Public method ProcessListItem Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 continues to process the remaining list items.
Public method ProcessListItemOnRemove Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether or not Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 continues to process the remaining list items.
Public method Register Performs any required initiation work, such as adding specific columns to the content type, or registering for events when a policy item is added to a policy.
Public method UnRegister Performs any needed cleanup work when a policy item is removed from a policy.


See Also


IPolicyFeature Interface

Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.InformationPolicy Namespace