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Mobile Forms

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

This topic describes the mobile-accessible form pages of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. For information about other kinds of mobile pages, see Mobile Wiki and Web Parts Pages and Special Purpose Mobile Pages.

Mobile Login and Logout Forms

The mbllogin.aspx and mbllogout.aspx pages are used, respectively, to enable mobile users to log on to and log off from Web sites that are using forms-based authentication. If more than one kind of authentication is enabled, the mblmultilogin.aspx page is used.

Basic List Item Form Pages

Like standard list item forms that are displayed in the browser, SharePoint Foundation uses mobile Display (dispform.aspx), Edit (editform.aspx), and New (newform.aspx) forms to work with items. As with forms displayed in the browser, the list schema for the particular list type determines which fields to display and their order. SharePoint mobile forms only display a Field on a when the field's ShowInDisplayForm, ShowInEditForm or ShowInNewForm attribute equals true. This attribute can be set in the Schema.xml file for the list type.

The following field types are not displayed in mobile list views:

  • Attachments

  • Confidential

  • CrossProjectLink

  • Recurrence

Only the following types of Computed fields are displayed in mobile list view pages:

  • LinkTitleNoMenu

  • LinkCheckedOutTitle

  • LinkFilenameNoMenu

  • LinkTitle

  • LinkFilename

  • LinkDiscussionTitle

  • BodyAndMore

  • PersonViewMinimal

  • NameOrTitle

  • RefDetail

  • RefTitle

  • URLwMenu

The URLs for standard SharePoint mobile list item form pages use the following formats:

  • Display form

  • Edit form

  • New form


SharePoint mobile forms only display a Field on a Display, Edit, or New form if the ShowInDisplayForm, ShowInEditForm or ShowInNewForm attribute, respectively, equals true. These attributes can be set in the Schema.xml file for the list type.

The Display form has an additional purpose on devices that do not support Rich Text: it is used to display, as plain text, the text on a nonmobile wiki page.

Special List Item Form Pages

Some kinds of list items have special forms. For example, there are special Display, Edit, and New forms for calendar events on Group Work sites; these are the dispsr.aspx, editsr.aspx, and newsr.aspx pages, respectively. The URLs for these pages have the following formats:

  • Display calendar event forms (Line breaks inserted for readability.)


    ticks is the number of ticks since 12:00 midnight, January 1, 0001 C.E. in the Gregorian Calendar. A tick is 100 nanoseconds. For example, 633957408000000000 represents 8.00 AM, 7th December, 2009. For more information, see DateTime.

  • Edit calendar event form

  • New calendar event form (Line breaks inserted for readability.)


There are also special Display and New forms for blog posts: the disppost.aspx and newpost.aspx pages, respectively. (Posts are edited on the standard Edit form, editform.aspx.) Their URL formats are as follows:

  • Display post item form

  • New post item form


Similarly, there are special Display and New forms for comments on blog posts; these are the viewcomment.aspx and newcomment.aspx pages, respectively. The URL format is as follows:

  • New comment form

    https://Server/sites/Site/_layouts/mobile/newcomment.aspx?List=GUID&PID =Integer

    The PID parameter specifies the ID of the post that the comment is about. (Comments on posts are edited on the standard Edit form, editform.aspx. There is no form for displaying a single comment.

Upload Picture Form

Pictures can be uploaded to a library by using the upload.aspx form.

Filter List Items Form

The viewfilter.aspx form can be used to filter the list items that are displayed. On this form, users specify a field from the list and the text that the field value must contain.

See Also


Mobile Wiki and Web Parts Pages

Special Purpose Mobile Pages