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IBIMonitoringServiceApplicationProxy Members

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Applies to: PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint Server, Enterprise version
Represents the interface for making requests from the proxy to the service application for PerformancePoint Services.

The IBIMonitoringServiceApplicationProxy type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CreateAnnotation Creates an annotation for a scorecard cell.
Public method CreateDataSource Saves a data source object as a content type in a SharePoint document library.
Public method CreateNavigationMetadata Gets the OLAP script that fulfills the metadata request.
Public method CreateReportHtml Creates the HTML used to render a report.
Public method DeleteAnnotation Deletes an annotation.
Public method DeleteDataSource Deletes a data source from a SharePoint document library.
Public method ExportReport Retrieves a Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint formatted report.
Public method ExportScorecard Retrieves a Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint formatted scorecard.
Public method GenerateView Generates the data structure that represents a scorecard view.
Public method GenerateViewDirect Generates the data structure that represents a scorecard view, based on the specified override values.
Public method GetAllAnnotationsByScorecardLocation Gets the annotations for the specified scorecard.
Public method GetAnalyticReportView Gets an Analytic Chart or Analytic Grid report.
Public method GetAnnotation Gets the annotation for a scorecard cell.
Public method GetAnnotationByID Gets an annotation by its GUID.
Public method GetAnnotationSetting Gets the service settings that apply to annotations.
Public method GetAsKpis Gets the imported key performance indicators (KPIs) from the specified Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services data source.
Public method GetCube Retrieves the metadata for a data source, based on the location of the data source.
Public method GetCubeFromDataSource Retrieves the metadata for the specified data source.
Public method GetCubeMetaData Retrieves the Unified Dimensional Model (UDM) metadata for a Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services data source, based on the location of the data source.
Public method GetCubeMetaDataForDataSource Retrieves the Unified Dimensional Model (UDM) metadata for the specified Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services data source.
Public method GetCubeNameInfos Gets information about the specified data source.
Public method GetDatabaseNamesFromDataSource Gets the list of databases from the specified data source.
Public method GetDataSource Retrieves a data source from a SharePoint document library.
Public method GetDependentElements Retrieves all first class objects (FCOs) that are associated with a list of repository locations, including all FCOs that are related by reference.
Public method GetDimensions Gets the list of dimensions from the cube that is represented by the specified data source.
Public method GetDimensionsFromDataSource Gets the list of dimensions from the cube that is represented by the specified data source.
Public method GetDrillThroughPreview Performs a drillthrough query on an OLAP data cell.
Public method GetFilterDependencies Retrieves the external dependencies required for rendering the specified filter.
Public method GetFilterDisplayData Gets the display data for a filter.
Public method GetKpisFromScorecard Gets the collection of key performance indicators (KPIs) from the specified scorecard.
Public method GetLatestAnalyticReportVersion Determines whether a temporary report (Analytic Chart or Analytic Grid) exists in the back-end database.
Public method GetListItems Gets first class objects (FCOs) from the repository (SharePoint document library or list).
Public method GetMdx Gets the MDX query string from an analytic report.
Public method GetParameterDisplayData Gets the display data for a parameter.
Public method GetParameterMessageData Returns a table of rows that match the keys of the selected values in a filter.
Public method GetPreviewDataSet Gets a preview dataset from the specified data source.
Public method GetQueryResultMembers Gets the list of measures that are used in the specified Analytic Chart or Analytic Grid report.
Public method GetRegisteredCustomFCOs Gets the definitions of registered custom objects of the specified type from the web.config file for PerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.
Public method GetRenderControlPreview Renders the HTML for a preview of a report.
Public method GetReportDependencies Retrieves the external dependencies required for rendering the specified report.
Public method GetReportViewImageData Retrieves the image that is associate with a previously rendered report.
Public method GetScorecardDependencies Retrieves the external dependencies required for rendering the specified scorecard.
Public method GetSetting Retrieves a configuration setting.
Public method GetSettings Retrieves all configuration settings.
Public method GetSettingValue Retrieves the current value of a configuration setting.
Public method GetStrategyMapReportView Retrieves a report that was created by using the SaveTemporaryStrategyMapReport method.
Public method GetTreeMembersDataTable Gets member data for a tree view Web server control.
Public method QueryChildMembers Gets the child elements of a member from a data source, based on the location of the data source.
Public method QueryChildMembersByRangeFromDataSource Gets a range of child elements of a member from the specified data source.
Public method QueryChildMembersFromDataSource Gets the child elements of a member from the specified data source.
Public method QueryDimensionRootMembers Gets the root members of a dimension from a data source, based on the location of the data source.
Public method QueryDimensionRootMembersFromDataSource Gets the root members of a dimension from the specified data source.
Public method QueryNamedSets Gets the list of the named sets from a data source, based on the location of the data source..
Public method QueryNamedSetsFromDataSource Gets the list of named sets from the specified data source.
Public method QueryRelatedMember Gets the relatives of a member, based on the location of the data source.
Public method QueryRelatedMemberFromDataSource Gets the relatives of a member from the specified data source.
Public method QueryTimeIntelligence Gets members from a data source based on the specified Time Intelligence formula.
Public method QueryTimeIntelligenceDirect Gets members from the specified data source, based on the specified Time Intelligence formula.
Public method QueryTransformMembers Gets a transformed member collection from a data source.
Public method RenderFilter Generates the HTML for rendering the specified filter.
Public method RenderReport Renders a report.
Public method RenderScorecard Generates the HTML for rendering the specified report.
Public method RenderScorecardAjaxControl
Public method RenderTreeMemberSelector NOTE: This API is now obsolete.
Renders a tree member selector.
Public method ReportSupportsExportFormat Determines whether the report supports the specified export format.
Public method SaveFilterValues Saves the state of user selections for the specified filter.
Public method SaveTemporaryAnalyticReport Stores the specified Analytic Chart or Analytic Grid report as a temporary object to preserve its query state.
Public method SaveTemporaryStrategyMapReport Stores the specified Strategy Map report as a temporary object to preserve its query state.
Public method ScorecardSupportsExportFormat Determines whether the scorecard supports the specified export type.
Public method TestConnection Tests the connection to the specified data source.
Public method TrimAnnotationByOwner Removes the annotations of a specified owner.
Public method TrimAnnotationByScorecardLocation Removes annotations from a scorecard.
Public method TrimAnnotationUntouchedSince Removes annotations that have not been modified since a specified date.
Public method UpdateAnnotation Updates an annotation.
Public method UpdateDataSource Updates a data source in a SharePoint document library.
Public method UpdateSettingValue Updates a configuration setting with the specifed value.
Public method ValidateKpi Validates a key performance indicator (KPI) object.
Public method ValidateScorecard Validates a scorecard object.
Public method ValidateSiteCollection Validates that the current SharePoint context represents a site collection in which PerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 is activated.


See Also


IBIMonitoringServiceApplicationProxy Interface

Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards Namespace