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ServerUtils Members

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Applies to: PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint Server, Enterprise version
Used by the server for event handlers.

The ServerUtils type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public propertyStatic member AllowUnsafeUpdates Determines whether applications can write data to the repository without using form POST operations.
Public propertyStatic member UnauthorizedAccessDetected Determines whether an access exception has occurred.



  Name Description
Public methodStatic member CreateStackTraceId Returns an integer that identifies the specified exception.
Public methodStatic member GetAbsoluteLocation Gets the full URL to an object's location.
Public methodStatic member GetCurrentUserDisplayName Returns the display name of the current user who is accessing the site.
Public methodStatic member GetCurrentUserName Returns a name that uniquely identifies the current user who is accessing the site.
Public methodStatic member GetCurrentUserWindowsIdentityName Returns the unique user name of the current user, if the account is an authenticated Windows identity or claims-based identity.
Public methodStatic member HandleException(Exception) Logs an exception in the event log.
Public methodStatic member HandleException(String, Exception, ErrorCode) Logs an exception in the event log.
Public methodStatic member IsAccessDeniedException Determines whether an exception is a result of insufficient permissions.
Public methodStatic member IsAnonymousUser Determines whether the current user is using the site as the anonymous user.
Public methodStatic member MakeSecureString Converts the specified string into a SecureString object.
Public methodStatic member SetThreadCultures Sets the locale of the current thread to the locale of the current site.
Public methodStatic member ShouldLog Determines whether to log access exceptions.


See Also


ServerUtils Class

Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ServerCommon Namespace