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ExpirationPostActions Enumeration

Enumerates the available actions to take after the expiration action has processed the item.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.PolicyFeatures
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Policy (in Microsoft.Office.Policy.dll)


<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration ExpirationPostActions
Dim instance As ExpirationPostActions
public enum ExpirationPostActions


Member name Description
None Represents the option to not perform any actions after the expiration.

This includes skipping the auditing of the action, which means that any necessary auditing should be performed by the action itself.

Update Perform an Update on the item.
Audit Represents the Audit action that is available after expiration.
RefreshItem Represents the action to refresh an item.

Item was changed.

OnlyRecalc Recalculates expiration for the item.
OnlyExempt Represents exemption from policy.
RecalcExpirationDate Represents the action to calculate the next state in the lifecycle.

An Update is implied.

ExemptFromPolicy Exempts the item from policy stages.

An Update is implied.

Delete Deletes the item.
Recycle Represents the action to send an item to the Recycle Bin.
UndoCheckOutBeforeUpdate Indicates whether the action allows undo checkout before updates.

This action applies only to records.

KeepCheckedOutToSystem Represents the action that is required to undo a checkout before an update, and to ensure that the item is finally kept checked out.
Default Represents the default action that is available after expiration.

Recalculates the expiration date, updates the item, and audits it.

See Also


Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.PolicyFeatures Namespace