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Glossary for SharePoint 2010

Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010

This topic provides definitions for a selection of terms used in this SDK.




2-D chart

A chart that represents data on two axes, x and y, and displays chart objects in flat graphical formatting.


A reference style in which each column is identified sequentially from left-to-right with a letter or series of letters in alphabetical order. Column headings are ordered A-Z, then AA-AZ, BA-BZ... ZA-ZZ, AAA-AAZ, and so on. Each row is numbered sequentially from the top down.

absolute path

A string that identifies the location of a file and begins with a drive identifier and root directory or network share and ends with the complete file name. Examples are C:\Documents\Work\example.txt and \\netshare\Documents\Work\example.txt.

absolute reference

A reference to a fixed location on a sheet (1). An absolute reference always refers to the same range, even if the formula that contains it is moved or copied to a new location.

access control entry (ACE)

An entry in an access control list (ACL) that contains a set of user rights and a security identifier (SID) that identifies a principal for whom the rights are allowed, denied, or audited.

access control list (ACL)

A list of access control entries (ACEs) that collectively describe the security protections that apply to an object.

access URL

The internal URL that is used by a crawler to identify and access an item.


(1) The smallest unit of work in a workflow system. An action can contain one or more tasks that define work that actors need to do. Actions are deployed and registered in the workflow system to be activated by protocol client users. (2) A unit of work that can be performed by a workflow and is typically defined in a workflow markup file.


A type of MetadataObject that defines how to parameterize the URL of an Action with EntityInstance-specific data. ActionParameters are contained by Actions.

Active Directory

A general-purpose network directory service. Active Directory also refers to the Windows implementation of a directory service. Active Directory stores information about a variety of objects in the network. Importantly, user accounts, computer accounts, groups, and all related credential information used by the Windows implementation of Kerberos are stored in Active Directory. Active Directory first became available as part of Windows 2000 and is available as part of Windows 2000 Server products, Windows Server 2003 products, and Windows Server 2008 products. Active Directory is not present in Windows NT 4.0 or in Windows XP. For more information, see [MS-SECO] section 2.5.2 and [MS-ADTS].

active selection

The current selection of cells, rows, or columns that includes the active cell in a datasheet.

active sheet

The currently selected sheet.

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)

A data access interface that connects to, retrieves, manipulates, and updates data in OLE (object linking and embedding) database-compliant data sources.


An object that stores information about either an action or an activity model.

activity feed

A message that provides updates about items of interest based on custom notification settings. This includes updates about changes to documents, the status of colleagues, social tags, and colleague profiles.

activity flow

A running instance of a workflow that consists of a sequence of action instances and/or activity model instances. Action instances and activity model instances can be sequenced in any order to create a single activity flow.

activity model

A predefined sequence of actions.


Supplemental functionality that is provided by an external application or macro to extend the capabilities of an application.

add-in function

A worksheet function that is provided by an add-in, instead of being built-in.

adjacent cell

A cell that is in the same row as and adjoins the current cell in a worksheet.

ADO connection

A connection that uses the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) data access interface.

ADO data source

Data and the information that is needed to access that data from applications and databases that support the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) data access interface.

after event

An asynchronous event whose handler runs only after the action that raised the event is complete. Also referred to as a "post-event." Unlike a before event, an after event handler cannot cancel the action that caused the event.


(1) An Internet message that is sent to subscribers automatically to notify them when user-defined criteria are met. Alerts are generated automatically when items such as documents, Web pages, list items, sites, or other resources on a server are changed. (2) A message that is passed to a protocol client to notify it when specific criteria are met.

alert subscription

A request to receive an Internet message automatically when user-defined criteria are met. Such messages are generated automatically when items such as documents, Web pages, list items, sites, or other resources on a server are changed.

alternate access mapping

A mapping of URLs to Web applications. Incoming alternate access mappings are used to provide multiple URL entry points for the same set of content. Outgoing alternate access mappings are used to ensure that content is rendered in the correct URL context.

alternate account

An additional user account that is in a different domain, but within the same forest as the primary account.

Analysis Services

The abbreviated name for Microsoft® SQL Server™ Analysis Services, which is used to create and maintain multidimensional data that is sent to clients in response to queries. Also referred to as Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) server.

anchor content source

A content source that is used to import the anchor text from links between items into the full-text index catalog.

anchor crawl

The process of adding anchor text that is in links between items to the full-text index catalog.

anonymous authentication

An authentication mode in which neither party verifies the identity of the other party.

anonymous user

A user who presents no credentials when identifying himself or herself. The process for determining an anonymous user can differ based on the authentication protocol, and the documentation for the relevant authentication protocol should be consulted.

Application directory

The directory on an index server or a query server where all files are stored for the purpose of creating a full-text index catalog or performing queries on a full-text index catalog.

application identifier

(1) A unique integer that identifies a protocol client application. (2) A string that is used to look up information in a single sign-on (SSO) database.

application map

A mapping between file name extensions and HTTP request handlers that enables Web hosting applications to determine which handler responds to requests for specific types of files.

application model

In the Business Data Connectivity Services, an object that contains one or more external content types and resources that are used by those external content types. Application models are primarily useful for importing and exporting sets of external content types and resources in and out of the Business Data Connectivity Services.

application server

A computer that provides key infrastructure and services for applications that are hosted on a farm.

application session

The period of time when an application is running. When an application starts, the session starts. When an application quits, the session ends.

array formula

A formula that performs multiple calculations on one or more sets of values, and then returns either a single result or multiple results. Array formulas are enclosed in braces { } and are entered by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

ascending order

A sort order in which text strings are arranged in alphabetical order, numerical values are arranged from smallest to largest, and dates and times are arranged from oldest to newest.


An 8-bit character encoding scheme that is based on the English alphabet. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) codes represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that work with text. In this specification, all references to ASCII refer to a single eight-bit ASCII character or an array of eight-bit ASCII characters with the high bit of each character set to zero. In this specification, when arrays of ASCII characters are defined, details are included that indicate if the array of ASCII characters are null-terminated.


A type of MethodInstance that enables the retrieval of EntityInstances of a destination Entity given EntityInstances of other source Entities. In addition to the attributes of the MethodInstance, the Association contains the list of source and destination Entity MetadataObjectIds.

asynchronous event

An event whose handler runs in a different processing thread from the action that raised the event. The event handler and the action are processed simultaneously.


An external file that is included with an Internet message or associated with an item in a SharePoint list.


A named group of users that is used for targeting content.

audience compilation

The process of evaluating a set of user profile entities with an audience rule to determine which user profile entities are members of the audience.

audience identifier

A GUID or string that is used to uniquely identify an audience.

audience rule

A set of logical conditions that determine whether a user profile can be a member of an audience.


(1) The ability of one entity to determine the identity of another entity. (2) The act of proving an identity to a server while providing key material which binds the identity to subsequent communications.


The user who created a list item.

authority hops

The number of site levels to be navigated from the start address to a given item.

authority level

A floating-point number that designates that a specific Web page is more relevant than other Web pages. Allowed values are 0, 1, or 2. Zero (0) signifies the most valuable authoritative page level.

authority page

A Web page that a site collection administrator has designated as more relevant than other Web pages. This is typically the URL of the home page for the intranet of an organization. The higher the authority level assigned to a page, the higher the page appears in search results. Also referred to as authoritative page.


The secure computation of roles and accesses granted to an identity.

axis label

The text or number that identifies the categories or the scaling of an axis. The axis label usually appears below or to the left of the axis.

backward signing

A condition of a handwritten signature, in an image or .ink file, that specifies the direction of the characters in the signature, right-to-left or left-to-right.

base URL

A URL that is specified for a Web page to convert all relative URLs on that page to absolute URLs. A base URL ends with either a file name, such as, or a slash, such as

base view identifier

An integer that uniquely identifies a view definition for a list (1).

basic page

A Web Parts page that contains only one Web Part zone and, by default, a Content Editor Web Part.

BCS client runtime

The runtime that reads and interprets a composite configuration file and executes the described instructions on Microsoft Office applications, mainly showing the user interface such as form regions in Microsoft Outlook, task panes, and ribbons.

BDC client runtime

The BDC Runtime on client computers uses the Business Data Connectivity service data cached on the client computer to connect to and execute operations on external data sources for rich client access.

BDC model

An XML file that contains sets of descriptions of one or more external content types, their related external data sources, and information that is specific to the environment, such as authentication properties.

before event

A synchronous event whose handler runs completely before the action that raised the event is finalized. Also referred to as a "pre-event." Unlike an after event, a before event handler can cancel the action that caused the event, before that action or related actions are complete.


A provider in a Web Part connection that sends data to consumers, used in connections for PerformancePoint Web Parts.

best bet

A URL that a site collection administrator assigns to a keyword as being relevant for that particular keyword.

Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF)

The binary file formats that are used to save Microsoft® Office Excel® workbooks.

blank site

A site that was created by using the "Blank" site template.


A script-based applet that is stored as a favorite or bookmark in a Web browser, or is accessed through a hyperlink on a Web page. A bookmarklet can be used to comment on or tag pages and items on a SharePoint site or the Internet.

Boolean search

A method of searching for data that uses logical operators (e.g. AND, OR, NOT).


A line that can be applied to the outer edge of a cell, shape, object, or chart element. A border can be variously formatted for style, color, and thickness.

built-in function

A function that is native to an application and is made available for use in formulas.

Business Connectivity Services

See Other Term: Microsoft Business Connectivity Services

Business Data Actions

A program or Web page, accessible by using its uniform resource locator (URL), that can be associated with an external content type so that users can perform the action on items of that type.

Business Data Catalog

A shared service that stores information about business application data that exists outside the server farm. This service can be used to display business data in lists, Web Parts, search, user profiles, and custom applications.

Business Data Connectivity Service Application

A deployed instance of the Business Data Connectivity Shared Service.

Business Data Connectivity Shared Service

The SharePoint shared service that provides a means for storing and securing external content types, application models, and external data sources.

business object

An object that performs a defined set of operations, such as data validation or business rule logic, related to a business process or workflow.


The process by which computations in a workbook are performed.

calculated column

A column in a table that contains a formula that is copied automatically to each record in the column.

calculated field

A user-defined field that can perform calculations by using the contents of other fields.

calculation mode

A setting that determines whether the formulas in a worksheet are recalculated automatically or manually. and manual calculation mode.


See Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML).

capacity planning

The process of identifying and preparing for the application, hardware, and network requirements to support expected site traffic and achieve site performance goals.

catalog reset

The process of removing information about all crawled items from a full-text index catalog.


A box that is formed by the intersection of a row and a column in a worksheet or a table. A cell can contain numbers, strings, and formulas, and apply various formats to that data.

cell contents

The data inside a cell, such as text, values, formulas, and cell error values.

cell error value

Any of a number of special values that are returned as a result of an unsuccessful formula calculation.

cell formatting

The set of properties that, as a whole, specify the appearance of a cell, such as font characteristics and fill color.

cell reference

A set of coordinates that a cell occupies on a worksheet. For example, B3 is the reference of a cell that appears at the intersection of column B and row 3.

cell value

A term for the text or numeric content of a cell, or the results of a formula. The cell value does not include the formula expression, cell formatting, or other metadata.

Central Administration site

A special SharePoint site where an administrator can manage all sites and servers in a farm that is running Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies.

claims-based identity

A unique identifier that represents a specific user, application, computer, or other entity. It enables that entity to gain access to multiple resources, such as applications and network resources, without entering their credentials multiple times. It also enables resources to validate requests from an entity.

client context

The object that is used to initiate any actions with the client-side object model. It is the primary entry point for the client object model, and the primary object for coordinating requests against corresponding objects in a site collection.

code access security

A mechanism provided by the common language runtime whereby managed code is granted permissions by security policy and these permissions are enforced, helping to limit the operations that the code will be allowed to perform.

Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML)

An XML-based language that is used to describe various elements, such as queries and views, in sites that are based on Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies.

Composites runtime object model

The Microsoft.BusinessApplications.Runtime dll.

content migration package

A package of XML-formatted files that is used to migrate content between site collections, sites, and lists.

content placeholder

A region within a page layout that is populated dynamically with the value of the publishing page field to which it is bound.

content source

A set of options for specifying the type of content to be crawled and the start addresses for the content to be indexed. A content source is defined by the protocol handler that is used to access specific systems, such as SharePoint sites, file systems, and external Web sites. A content source can contain up to 500 start addresses.

content type

A named and uniquely identifiable collection of settings and fields that store metadata for individual items in a SharePoint list. One or more content types can be associated with a list, which restricts the contents to items of those types.

content type group

A named category of content types that is used to organize content types of a similar purpose.

content type identifier

A unique identifier that is assigned to a content type.

content type order

The sequence in which content types are displayed.

content type resource folder

A folder that stores the resource files that are associated with a content type.

content type schema

An XML definition that describes the contents of a content type.

content type specific view

A view that is associated with a particular content type that is associated with a folder.

context site

A site that corresponds to the context of the current request.

context type

A GUID that is used as a classification for an event receiver.

contextual search scope

A system-defined restriction that can optionally be added to a query to restrict the query results to items that are from a specific site or list.

conversion item

A single document that is converted as part of a conversion job.

conversion job

The basic unit of work for Word Automation Services.

conversion process

A single instance of Word Automation Services.

conversion queue

A persistent database that stores a list of conversions that are pending, in progress, or completed.


The process of traversing a URL space to acquire items to record in a search catalog.

crawl log

A set of properties that provides information about the results of crawling a display URL. The information includes whether the crawl was successful, the content source to which the display URL belongs, and the level, message, time, and identifier for any errors that occur.

crawl queue

A data structure that stores the list of items to crawl next.

crawl rule

A set of preferences that applies to a specific URL or range of URLs. A crawl rule can be used to include or exclude items in a crawl and to specify the content access account to use when crawling that URL or range of URLs.

crawl status

The state of a crawl operation.

crawl type

A setting that specifies whether to evaluate all of the users and member groups in the directory service that is crawled, or only those users and member groups that were modified after the last crawl.

crawl URL history

A data structure that stores a list of URLs and their properties, such as when a URL was last crawled.

crawled property

A type of metadata that can be discovered during a crawl and applied to one or more items. It can be promoted to a managed property.

crawled property category

A set of crawled properties for a specific type of item.

crawled property set identifier

A unique identifier that associates one or more crawled properties with a crawled property category.


A process that browses and indexes content from a content source.

current user

The authenticated user during processing operations in a front-end Web server and a back-end database server.

data connection

(1) A link between an application and a data source. Data connections can be used to query and submit data. (2) A collection of information, such as the type and location, that defines how to connect to an external data source, such as a database, Web service, SharePoint list, or XML file. (3) A connection between an InfoPath form template and an external data source, as specified by settings in an InfoPath form template (.xsn) manifest file or a universal data connection (.udcx) file.

data connection library

A document library, located on a site running PRODUCTNAME:[msosps2007sp1], that contains a collection of universal data connection (.udcx) and Office data connection (.odc) files.

data source

(1) A database, Web service, disk, file, or other collection of information from which data is queried or submitted. Supported data sources can vary based on application and the data provider that is specified. (2) A collection of fields and groups that define and store the data for an InfoPath form. Controls in a form are bound to the fields and groups in the data sources of the form. and secondary data source.

data source control

An object that can be added to an ASP.NET Web page that encapsulates the necessary logic to connect to a data source, such as a database or XML file, and that can execute queries or other data-access commands. A data source control can in turn provide data to other controls on that page.

data type

A property of a field that defines the kinds of data that can be stored in the field.

data validation

The process of testing the accuracy of data; a set of rules that specify the type and range of data that users can enter.

Data View Web Part

A Web Part that is used to display items in a list.

declarative workflow

A workflow that is created with XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language) files and does not require precompiled code to run.

declarative workflow association

A code-free binding of a declarative workflow to a specific list or content type using XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language).

default list view

The view of a list that is defined by the owner of the list to appear when users browse to the list without specifying a view.

default mobile list view

The view of a list that is defined by the owner of the list to appear when users browse to the list from a mobile device without specifying a view.

default search scope

The search scope that is assigned automatically to a search scope display group.


A property of a document library that specifies whether the default click action causes the protocol server or the protocol client to open the document.

defined name

A word or string of characters in a formula that represents a cell, range of cells, formula, or constant value.

deployment package

A collection of files that represent a serialized snapshot of data. A deployment package is stored as XML files that describe the deployment objects and their relationships, and a binary file for each object. Optionally, the resulting set of files can be compressed into one or more files in the compressed PRIME data format (CMP).

deployment system object

An object that is created as part of a site or site collection. Examples of deployment system objects are root folders, catalogs, default pages, and galleries that are created during site or site collection creation. A deployment system object is not part of a template.

descendant content type

Any content type that inherits from another content type.

descending order

A sort order in which text strings are arranged in reverse alphabetical order, numerical values are arranged from largest to smallest, and dates and times are arranged from newest to oldest.

distributed archive

A document repository (usually large) that spans multiple site collections.

distribution list

A collection of users, computers, contacts, or other groups that is used only for e-mail distribution, and addressed as a single recipient.

Document Center

A document library template that is preconfigured to store a large quantity of documents.

document library

A type of list that is a container for documents and folders.

document workspace

A document repository that enables users to collaborate on one or more documents.

Document Workspace site

A SharePoint site that is based on a Document Workspace site template and has a template identifier of 1. A Document Workspace site is used for planning, posting, and working together on a document or a set of related documents.


A search result that is identified as having identical or near identical content.

duplicate result removal

An operation to compare the similarity of items and remove duplicates from search results.

dynamic rank

A component of the rank that depends on how well query text matches an indexed item.


A consumer in a Web Part connection that receives data from a provider, used in connections for PerformancePoint Web Parts.


A type of DataClass that represents a type of business data object that is stored in a line-of-business (LOB) system and whose instances have a persistent EntityInstanceId.


A set of Field values that have a unique identity that represents a particular instance of an Entity, and are stored in a line-of-business (LOB) system.


A set of Field values of an EntityInstance that collectively and uniquely identify an EntityInstance in a line-of-business (LOB) system.

excluded item

An item that is excluded from a crawl by the administrator of the host site or the search administrator of the crawler.

external content type

A reusable collection of metadata that defines a set of data from one or more external data sources, the operations avaialble on that data, and connectivity information related to that data.

external content type layout

One or more Microsoft Office External Data Parts arranged in a one-dimensional or two-dimensional way to display information to a user. Typically used to show data in Microsoft Outlook task panes.

external data

Data that is stored in a repository outside a workbook.

external data column

A single field in an item of an external content type.

external data grid

A Web Part that displays a list of external items from a business application registered in the BDC metadata store. For example, you can use a Business Data List Web Part to display the customers or orders from a database such as the AdventureWorks database.

external data item

A single item in an external list.

External Data Part

A Windows Forms control that shows details of a single item or a list of items that belong to an external content type.

external data related list

Displays a list of related external items from a business application. For example, you can use a Business Data Related List Web Part to display all the orders for a particular customer from the AdventureWorks database.

external item content control

External data from an External Data column in a SharePoint document library that is made available as a content control in Word 2010 through Microsoft Business Connectivity Services. The content control also provides picking and resolving capabilities. External data that is exposed in content controls is read-only.

external list

A list of items of an external content type.

external reference

A reference to a cell, range, defined name, or other object in another worksheet or workbook.

External System

A supported source of data that can be modeled by Business Connectivity Services, such as a database, Web service, or custom .NET Framework assembly.

external workbook

A workbook, other than the active workbook, that is on disk or in memory and to which a dependency is implied or intended.

extracted definition

The definition that is obtained by an index server during a crawl, to identify if any sentences in the item match the pattern for defining a term.

extracted term

A term that an extracted definition applies to.

Farm Administrators group

A group of users that has permission to manage all of the servers in a server farm. Members of the Farm Administrators group can perform command-line operations and all of the administrative tasks in Central Administration for the server or server farm.

farm solution

A custom solution that can be deployed to a farm by a farm administrator. A farm solution has full access to system resources and other sites in the farm.


A package of Windows SharePoint Services elements that can be activated or deactivated for a specific feature scope.

feature definition

An XML fragment that defines a feature and its attributes.

feature identifier

A GUID that identifies a feature.

feature property

A property that is associated with an active feature at a particular scope.

feature scope

The scope at which a feature can be activated.

federated location

A source that returns search results for a given query. The source can be the local search catalog or an Opensearch1.0/1.1-compliant search engine.

federated location definition

The configuration settings that describe how to issue a query for a given federated location and display the search results.


The ability to issue a query to multiple federated locations described by federated location definitions and to return the results in a single search results page.


The data elements that constitute an Entity in a line-of-business (LOB) system.

field internal name

A string that uniquely identifies a field in a content type or a SharePoint list.


A type of MetadataObject that describes a normalized way of gathering input from a user. FilterDescriptors are defined by their type and the Method that contains them.

first class object (FCO)

A top-level object for building dashboards in PerformancePoint Services. Types of FCO are dashboards, scorecards, reports, filters, KPIs, indicators, and data sources. FCOs are stored as content types in SharePoint lists and document libraries. They have common attributes such as name, description, person responsible, custom properties, and in some cases, versioning or history.

first-stage Recycle Bin

A container for items that are deleted. Items in this container are visible to users with the appropriate permissions and to site collection administrators.


A logical equation or function that produces a result in a spreadsheet application.

formula bar

A user interface element that appears at the top of a worksheet and that is used to display and edit cell content.

front-end Web server

A server that hosts Web pages, performs processing tasks, and accepts requests from protocol clients and sends them to the appropriate back-end server for further processing.

full crawl

A crawl process that indexes all items in a given content source whether or not the item was modified.

full-text index catalog

A collection of full-text index components and other files that are organized in a specific directory structure and contain the data that is needed to perform queries.

full-text index component

A set of files that contain all index keys that are extracted from a set of items.

full-text index propagation

The process of propagating of one full-text index component.


A code module that takes a value as input, performs an operation, and returns the results to the worksheet.


A library that is used to store a collection of site resources, such as Web Parts, list templates, or site templates.

generic list

A list whose base type is Generic List.


The condition of a document whose content is stored in a location other than the content database. If a document is ghosted, the front-end Web server determines the location of the content by using the SetupPath value for the document.

global term set

A term set that is created by using the term store management tool.

graph object

An object that represents a chart and the datasheet that contains the data for the chart.

Group Approval document identifier

A string that uniquely identifies a document that is subject to the policies defined for a Group Approval workflow. The string is generated and assigned automatically to a document by a protocol server.

hidden cell

A cell that no longer appears in a worksheet view because it is contained within a hidden row or a hidden column.

hidden column

A column that does not appear in a worksheet view because its width is set to zero (0). A column can be hidden if an outline is collapsed.

hidden row

A row that does not appear in a worksheet view because its height is set to zero (0). A row can be hidden if a user is filtering or if an outline is collapsed.

high confidence property

A managed property from the metadata index that the administrator identifies as a good indicator of a highly relevant item. It is used to produce a high confidence result.

high confidence results

A subset of search results that are considered to be highly relevant because of a precise match between a high confidence property value and the tokens in the query text.

hit highlighted summary

A summary that appears on the search results page for each query result. This summary contains an excerpt from the item where the query text is present and highlighted.

horizontal alignment

A formatting setting that specifies how content is positioned within the horizontal space of a cell, object, or page. Content can be aligned along the left or right edge, or distributed evenly across the horizontal space.

host depth

The number of allowable host hops for a content source.

host hop

The process of traversing to a server with a different host name during a crawl.


The Field or Fields that define the Identity of an EntityInstance. Also referred to as Key.


A type of MethodInstance that can be called to return the Field values that represent the identity of EntityInstances of a specific Entity. IdEnumerator input is defined by the FilterDescriptors that are contained in the Method that contains the IdEnumerator.

incremental crawl

A crawl process that includes logic to index only a subset of the items in the content source that is crawled based on item modifications.

index server

A server that has been assigned the task of crawling.


An actor who starts an action instance.

inverted index

For each token that is encountered in a corpus of indexed items, a data structure that stores a list of postings that identify which documents matched and a list of occurrences that identify which position in each document.

item identifier

An integer that uniquely identifies an item in a SharePoint list.

job definition

A persistent container that defines and stores instructions for a job to be run on a server, server farm, or server cluster. To run, a job must have an associated job definition, and a definition must be associated with a service or a Web application.

key performance indicator (KPI)

A predefined measure that is used to track performance against a strategic goal, objective, plan, initiative, or business process. A visual cue is frequently used to communicate performance against the measure.


One or more words or phrases that site administrators identified as important. A keyword provides a way to display best bets and definitions on a search results page.

keyword consumer

A site collection that uses a particular set of keywords, synonyms, and best bets.

keyword consumer group

A collection of keyword consumers.

keyword synonym

An alternate phrasing of a particular keyword. When a user types a keyword synonym, search returns the same best bet result as the keyword.

language auto-detection

A process that automatically determines the language code identifier (LCID) for text in a document.

language pack

A collection of binaries that can be installed on top of a core product and enables users to select a specific language for displaying the user interface and Help content.


See Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

line chart

A type of chart in which data points in a series are connected by a line.

line-of-business (LOB) system

A software system that is used to store business data and can also contain business rules and logic that support business processes.


(1) A container within a SharePoint site that stores list items. A list has a customizable schema that is composed of one or more fields. (2) An organization of a region of cells into a tabular structure in a workbook.

list column

See field (2).

list folder

A folder that is contained within a SharePoint list. A list folder can contain documents or list items, and it retains the characteristics of other items in the list, such as a customizable schema.

list form

A page that allows users to create, view, or edit an item in a list.

List Form Web Part

A Web Part that is used to display, edit, or view an item in a list.

list identifier

A GUID that is used to identify a list in a site collection.

list item

An individual entry within a SharePoint list. Each list item has a schema that maps to fields in the list that contains the item, depending on the content type of the item.

list item attachment

A file contained within a list item that is stored in a folder in the list with the segment "Attachments."

list item identifier

See item identifier.

list level

A condition of a paragraph that specifies which numbering system and indentation to use, relative to other paragraphs in a bulleted or numbered list.

list schema

The Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) schema of a list.

list server template

A value that identifies the template that is used for a list.

list template

An XML-based definition of list settings, including fields and views, and optionally list items. List templates are stored in .stp files in the content database.

list template identifier

A GUID that is used to identify a list template.

list view

A named collection of settings for querying and displaying items in a SharePoint list. There are two types of views: Personal, which can be used only by the user who creates them; and Public, which can be used by all users who have access to the site.

list view page

A Web Part Page that displays a view of a list.

List View Web Part

A reusable component that generates HTML-based views of items in a SharePoint list.


A type of MetadataObject that represents a specific version of a line-of business (LOB) system. A LOB system can be a database or a Web service.


A type of MetadataObject that represents a specific deployed instance of a line-of-business (LOB) system, as represented by a LobSystem. LobSystemInstances are contained by LobSystems. LobSystemInstance Properties describe how to connect to an instance of the LobSystem that contains them by providing information such as the server name, connection string, and authentication mode.

local term set

A term set that is created when a user defines a column.

localized name

The descriptive name of a MetadataObject for a specific locale.

logged search query

The query text, search scopes, and contextual scope in which a query was executed.

login name

A string that is used to identify a user or entity to an operating system, directory service, or distributed system. For example, in Windows® integrated authentication, a login name uses the form "DOMAIN\username."

lookup field

A field of the Lookup type that allows a user to select an item from another data source.

major version

An iteration of a software component, document, or list item that is ready for a larger group to see, or has changed significantly since the previous major version. For an item on a SharePoint site, the minor version is always zero for a major version.

managed keyword

A word or phrase that is added to a SharePoint item, either as a value in the Managed Keyword column or as a social tag.

managed metadata

A hierarchical collection of centrally managed terms that you can define, and then use as attributes for SharePoint items.

managed metadata connection

A connection to a managed metadata service that allows sites within a Web application to access the service’s term store and, optionally, content types.

managed metadata service

A shared service that publishes a term store and, optionally, a set of content types.

managed property

A specific property in the metadata schema that can be made available for queries from the user experience.

managed property alias

An alternate name for a managed property.

managed term

A word or a phrase that can be associated with a SharePoint item . Managed terms, are usually predefined, can be created only by users with the appropriate permissions, and are often organized into a hierarchy. Also called "term" where "managed" is clear from the context.

mapping order

An integer value that defines the order in which crawl properties are mapped to managed properties. The value of a mapping order is unique for each managed property; no two mappings for the same managed property have the same mapping order value.

master secret

A key that is used to symmetrically encrypt and decrypt credentials and single sign-on (SSO) tickets.

master secret server

A protocol server that stores and can provide a master secret in response to a request from a protocol client.

meeting instance

A collection of data for a meeting that occurs only once or a single occurrence of a meeting that occurs multiple times. The data can be stored in a client application or on a Web site.

Meeting Workspace site

A SharePoint site that is based on a Meeting Workspace site template and has a template ID of 2. A Meeting Workspace site is used for planning, posting, and working together on meeting materials.


(1) A user in the Members group of a site. (2) An identity that belongs to a PRODUCTNAME:[grv2007] shared space. (3) See OLAP member.

member group

A group of users that is specific to the user profile service. Examples of types of member groups are distribution lists, security groups, and SharePoint sites. A member group contains metadata such as the group name, e-mail address, URL, and the list of members.

member group source

A qualified domain name, such as, that identifies the source of a member group.

Members group

A default group of users on a SharePoint site. By default, the Members group is assigned the Contribute permission level.


The state or status of being a member of a member group. A membership contains additional metadata such as the privacy level that is associated with the membership.

membership group

See group (2).

membership group record identifier

A unique identifier for a member group record.

metadata index

A data structure on a back-end database server that stores properties that are associated with each item, and attributes of those properties.

metadata model

A collection of semantically-related MetadataObjects that define how to interact with a specific line-of-business (LOB) system.

metadata schema

A schema that is used to manage information about an item.

metadata store

A database that is stored on a back-end database server and contains all stored procedures and storage for the MetadataObject types.


An abstract data structure that consists of a set of attributes that represent a LobSystem, LobSystemInstance, DataClass, Entity, Method, MethodInstance, Parameter, TypeDescriptor, Identifier, FilterDescriptor, Action, ActionParameter, or Association.


An attribute that uniquely identifies a MetadataObject that is stored in a metadata store.


A type of MetadataObject that represents a piece of executable business logic in a line-of-business (LOB) system. Methods are contained by DataClasses and they contain Parameters.


A type of MetadataObject that associates a normalized or stereotypical semantic with a Method, and identifies what part of the data that is returned by a Method is relevant for a particular semantic. MethodInstances are contained by Methods.

Microsoft Business Connectivity Services

The set of Office client and server services that enables the development of solutions with deep integration of external data and services.

minor version

An iteration of a software component, document, or list item that is in progress or has changed only slightly from the previous version. For an item on a SharePoint site, the minor version number is never zero and is incremented for each new version of an item, unless a major version is explicitly published. When minor versioning is disabled on a SharePoint site, only major version numbers are incremented, and the minor version is always zero.


A collection of MetadataObjects that describes a line-of-business (LOB) system. It provides a framework for converting operations that are requested by a protocol client into requests that are specific to a given LOB system.

moderated object

An object for which a moderator reviews and either approves or rejects additions or changes to that object. New objects and changes to existing objects can be seen by other users only after they have been approved by the moderator.

moderation status

A content approval status of an item in a list.

multivalue property

A property that can contain multiple values of the same variant type.

named object

A list, PivotTable® report, chart, or range that can be referenced by name. A sheet is not a type of named object.

named object view

A mode in which only named objects are rendered.

named range

See defined name.

native PivotTable

A PivotTable® report that is populated with data from a worksheet in the same workbook.

natural language query

Query text that contains words and does not contain any property restrictions.

navigation node

An element in the navigation structure of a site. The element is a link, or series of links, to a specific page in the site.

navigation structure

A hierarchical organization of links between related content, such as lists within a site.

new form

A form that allows for the creation of a list item.

noise word

A functional token that carries no meaning by itself, like "and", "or", "for", or "a." A noise word is usually short, and varies from language to language.


See Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).

Office data connection (ODC) file

A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access® database, worksheet, or text file. This file facilitates data source administration.

Office SharePoint Server Search service

The farm-wide service that either responds to query requests from front-end Web servers or crawls items.


See Online Analytical Processing (OLAP).

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

A technology that uses multidimensional structures to provide access to data for analysis. The source data for OLAP is stored in data warehouses in a relational database.

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

A standard software API method for accessing data that is stored in a variety of proprietary personal computer, minicomputer, and mainframe databases. It is an implementation of TSQL-CLI-2003 and provides extensions to that standard.

Open Item permission

An authorization that allows a user to retrieve an entire file.

Open Web permission

A requisite permission during the import or export of a SharePoint site.

operator account

The account of the user who is managing the import process for a deployment package.


A security group that contains additional fields for describing hierarchical relationships between organizations.

organization identifier

An integer that uniquely identifies an organization.

orphaned object

A content database object that lacks a requisite relationship to a corresponding object.


A security principal who has the requisite permissions to a security group.


A file consisting of HTML that can include references to graphics, scripts, or dynamic content such as Web Parts.

page hop

A process of traversing from one item to another during a crawl.

page layout

A dynamic Web template that is stored as a document. It contains content placeholders that bind to fields of a publishing page. A page layout has an associated content type that determines which publishing pages it can be bound to.

paged view

A view that supports one or more visual pages. A paged view is used to break up large sets of data into smaller sets for increased performance and manageability.


A type of MetadataObject that represents the formal parameters of a piece of business logic in a line-of-business (LOB) system. Parameters have a single root TypeDescriptor that defines the structure of the Parameter. They also have a Direction and a TypeReflector. Parameters are contained by Methods.

parameterized query

A query that contains parameters. It applies to Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Web queries. For example, a Web query that retrieves stock quotes from a Web page can prompt the user for a parameter, such as a stock symbol.

parent farm

A farm that crawls content from another farm and also responds to query requests from that farm.

parent list

A list that contains a list item or list folder.

parent site

The site that is above the current site in the hierarchy of the site collection.

PerformancePoint Content List

A list that stores the elements that are used to construct a PerformancePoint dashboard. A PerformancePoint dashboard is a related group of interactive scorecards, filters, and report views that are organized together into a set of Web pages.

PerformancePoint Data Connections Library

A SharePoint document library that may contain Office Data Connections (ODC), Universal Data Connection (UDC) files, and PerformancePoint data connections. Data connections identify a source of business data that may include cubes or perspectives that are based on online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes, relational databases, CSV files, Microsoft Excel Services spreadsheets, or other data sources.


A rule that is associated with an object to regulate which users can gain access to the object and in what manner.

permission level

A set of permissions that can be granted to principals or SharePoint groups on an entity such as a site, list, folder, item, or document.

personal site

A type of SharePoint site that is used by an individual user for personal productivity. The site appears to the user as My Site.

PivotChart filter pane

A user interface element that displays a list of active fields in a PivotChart® view and is used to apply filters to those fields.

PivotChart report

A chart that uses a PivotCache for source data and inherits filtering and sorting functionality from a PivotTable® report.

PivotTable data field

A PivotTable® field that is in the PivotTable area where the data values are shown.

PivotTable field list

A user interface element that displays a list of all PivotTable® fields. A PivotTable field list can be used to populate a PivotTable report and to manipulate the fields.

PivotTable filter parameter

The value that a filter on a PivotTable® report is set to, which indicates that matching values are included in the result set.

PivotTable item

A single member of a PivotTable® field.

PivotTable member

An individual data item within a specific dimension as it is displayed in a PivotTable® report. For example, a member in the Geography dimension might be North America.

portal content

The main search catalog, which contains content sources and settings that are related to a crawl.

portal site

A type of SharePoint site that can act as an umbrella to other sites and that can be used by a large organization.


A process in which a Web page sends data back to the server that hosts the page.

privacy level

A setting that specifies the category of users who are allowed to view the personal information of other users, such as user profile properties, colleagues, or memberships.

profile page

A profile page displays the data for an item of an external content type.

propagation share

A share that is located on a query server and whose purpose is to allow files to be copied to it by an indexer.


A typed name/value pair that is associated with a MetadataObject. Properties enable consumers of a protocol client to annotate or decorate the MetadataObject with consumer-specific extensions. A MetadataObject can contain multiple Properties.

property bag

A container that stores data but is not defined in the schema for a SharePoint list. Instead of interpreting data in a property bag, the server only passes the data in response to requests.


A URL Scheme, as specified in RFC1738, specific values of which can be unique to Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies.


The process of creating and deploying an object, and in some cases, populating an object with default data and settings.


A condition of an object that was created and deployed successfully.

publish to server

A process that facilitates saving a document or portions of a document to a Web server.


A condition of portions of a workbook that are marked as being available to the user when that workbook is processed by a protocol server.

published item

A specific named object in a workbook that is published.

published items snapshot

A snapshot that contains only the published items or published sheets from a workbook. When no published items are defined, the snapshot contains the entire workbook.

published range

A specific type of published item that represents a range of cells.

published sheet

A sheet that is published.

published version

The version of a list item that is approved and can be seen by all users. The user interface (UI) version number for a published version is incremented to the next positive major version number and the minor version is zero. and minor version.

publishing level

An integer that is assigned to a document to indicate the publishing status of that version of the document.

publishing page

A document that binds to a page layout to generate an HTML page for display to a reader. Publishing pages have specific fields that contain the content that is displayed in an HTML page.

query independent rank

A system to rank items that uses features that do not vary with different queries.

query logging

The process of recording information about user searches, such as search terms and time of access.

query result

A result for a given query, which contains the title and URL of the item, and can also contain other managed properties and a hit-highlighted summary.

query server

A server that has been assigned the task of fulfilling search queries.

query table

A two-dimensional table that presents data from an external data source.

query text

The textual string portion of a query. Frequently, a user enters query text, but it can be programmatically amended and is not guaranteed to be exactly what the user typed.


An addressable region in a workbook. Typically a range consists of zero or more cells, usually representing a single, contiguous rectangle of cells on a single sheet.


An integer that represents the relevance of a particular item for a search query. Rank is a combination of static rank and dynamic rank. and dynamic rank.

ranking parameter

A value that is used to influence the algorithm that determines the rank of an item.


The process of computing a value in a workbook by initiating a calculation repeatedly.


A group of related fields, sometimes referred to as columns, of information that are treated as a unit. Also referred to as row.


(1) A link in a project to another project, a .NET Framework assembly, or a compatible Component Object Model (COM) library. Adding a reference to a project allows the use of the referenced item in a project, but does not copy it to the current project folder. (2) A means of accessing a variable, such as an element in an array or a field in a record. (3) The means by which cells, objects, and chart elements are referred to in formulas.

reference style

A system for specifying cells or ranges of cells and that is used in formulas. A reference style is used to specify a specific cell in a two-dimensional table by identifying the row and column that contain that cell or range of cells.


A process that retrieves values from a data source and populates a workbook with those values.

register directive

An element of markup in a page that defines a relationship between binary files on the server that implements Web Parts and Web controls. The register directive also serves as the namespace of the markup in the Web Part Page that will refer to those binary files.

relative path

A path that is implied by the current working directory or is calculated based on a specified directory. When a user enters a command that refers to a file and the full path is not entered, the current working directory becomes the relative path of the referenced file.

relative reference

A reference to a location on a sheet that is relative to the cell containing the reference. A relative reference can be stored as a cell reference or as an offset.

relevant result

A search result that is relevant to a query term based on rank. By default, the higher the rank, the higher the item appears in the query results.


An event in which various statistics are calculated and recorded in the main catalog.


A set of conditions that an item meets to be included in the search results that are returned by the query server in response to a search query.

result position

An integer that identifies the relative location of a relevant result within a search results page. The first relevant result has a result position of 1, the second has 2, the 11th has 11, and so on.


An attribute of a MethodInstance. It is the TypeDescriptor that identifies the portion of a Method return or output Parameters to extract and return to the user executing the MethodInstance. It defines the View of the EntityInstances returned.

role assignment

An association between a principal or a site group and a role definition.

role definition

A named set of permissions for a SharePoint site.

role identifier

An integer that uniquely identifies a role definition within a site.

role type

A predefined role definition. Typical role type values include: Guest, Reader, and Administrator.

root document

A document in the root folder of a site.

root element

The top-level element in an XML document that contains all other elements and is not contained by any other element, as specified in XML.

root folder

The folder at the top of the hierarchy of folders in a list.

root TypeDescriptor

A TypeDescriptor that is contained by a Parameter and has no parent TypeDescriptor. A Parameter can contain only one root TypeDescriptor.


(1) A collection of columns that contains the property values that describe a single item from the set of items that match the restriction specified in the search query that was submitted to the query server. (2) A single set of data that is displayed horizontally in a worksheet.

sandboxed solution

A custom solution that can be deployed to a site by a site collection administrator, without approval from the farm administrator. Without that approval, the solution has full access to the immediate site and restricted access to system resources and other sites.


A status that is applied to a list item or document that specifies a time when the item or document will be published or unpublished.

schema version

An integer value that represents the version number of the schema for a deployment package.


An integer value that represents the version number of the schema for replicated profile data.

scope identifier

A GUID that uniquely identifies a scope within a site collection.

search application

A unique group of search settings that is associated, one-to-one, with a shared service provider.

search catalog

All of the crawl data that is associated with a given search application. A search catalog provides information that is used to generate query results.

search database

A database that stores search-related information, including stored procedures and tables that are used for crawler data, document metadata, and administration information.

search query

A complete set of conditions that are used to generate search results, including query text, sort order, and ranking parameters.

search query log

A record of information about user searches, such as search terms and time of access.

search query log report

A report that is generated from query log information. For example, a search query log report might include the number of queries that were executed every day over the past thirty days.

search scope

A list of attributes that define a collection of items.

search scope compilation

The process of updating a full-text index catalog to reflect unincorporated changes to the definitions of search scopes.

search scope consumer

A site collection that uses a particular search scope display group.

search scope consumer group

A collection of scope consumers.

search scope display group

An ordered set of search scopes, defined by an administrator or programmatically, and used for returning groups of search scopes. Search scope display groups are saved for each search scope consumer and search scopes can be in multiple search scope display groups.

search scope index

A specialized component of a full-text index catalog that is built on the values of scoped properties for optimized queries.

search scope rule

An attribute that specifies which items are included in a given search scope.

search scope rule value

A user-specified string that is associated with a search scope rule. It is used to determine membership of an item in the associated search scope.

search scopes system

All of the global settings of search scopes and search scope compilation.

search security descriptor

(1) A Windows® security descriptor. (2) A custom security descriptor that is in an arbitrary format and is handled by alternate authentication providers that are used in pluggable security authentication.

search service account

A user account under which the search service runs.

search service instance

An object that represents the specifications of the search service on one particular server.

search shared application object

An instance of a shared application for search that holds search-specific settings.

second-stage Recycle Bin

A container for items that have been deleted from a first-stage Recycle Bin. Items in a second-stage Recycle Bin are visible only to site collection administrators.

secret key

A symmetric encryption key shared by two entities, such as between a user and the domain controller (DC), with a long lifetime. A password is a common example of a secret key. When used in a context that implies Kerberos only, a principal's secret key.

Secure Store

A user authentication process that enables a user or group of users to enter a user name and password to access multiple applciations.

Secure Store Service

A shared service that securely stores credential sets for external data sources and associates those credential sets to identities of individuals or to group identities.

security descriptor

A data structure containing the security information that is associated with a securable object. A security descriptor identifies an object's owner by security identifier (SID).

security group

A named group of principals on a SharePoint site.

security group identifier

An integer that uniquely identifies a security group from all other security principals and site groups within the same site collection.

security identifier (SID)

An identifier for security principals in Windows that is used to identify an account. Conceptually, the SID is composed of an account authority portion (typically a domain) and a smaller integer representing an identity relative to the account authority, termed the reference identifier (RID). The SID data type is defined in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.2. For more information, see [MS-SECO].

security policy

In the form of a collection of security policy settings, the policy itself is an expression of administrative intent regarding how computers and resources on their network should be secured.

security principal

(1) A unique entity that is identifiable through cryptographic means by at least one key. It frequently corresponds to a human user, but also can be a service that offers a resource to other security principals. Also referred to as principal. (2) An identity that can be used to regulate access to resources. A security principal can be a user, a computer, or a group that represents a set of users.

security principal name (SPN)

The name identifying a security principal (for example, machinename$@domainname for a machine joined to a domain or username@domainname for a user). Domainname is resolved using the Domain Name System (DNS).

session identifier

(1) A unique string that is used to identify a specific instance of session data and is used by stored procedures as an opaque primary key. (2) A key that allows an application to make reference to a session.

session view

The rendering of the contents of a workbook that are associated with a particular session.

Shared Documents library

A document library that is included by default in the Team Site site template.

shared view

A view of a list or Web Part Page that every user who has the appropriate permissions can see.

shared workbook

A workbook that is configured to allow multiple users on a network to view and make changes at the same time. Each user who saves the workbook sees the changes that are made by other users.

SharePoint Search SQL syntax

The rules that govern the construction of an enterprise search SQL query.


(1) A part of a Microsoft® Office Excel® workbook. There are four types of sheets: worksheet, macro sheet, dialog sheet, and chart sheet. Multiple sheets are stored together within a workbook. (2) A worksheet. Because worksheets are the most common type of sheet, the term sheet frequently refers to a worksheet.

sheet tab

A control that is used to select a sheet.

sheet view

A collection of display settings, such as which cells are shown, and the zoom level for a sheet window.

sibling navigation node

A navigation node that shares a common parent navigation node with another specified navigation node.

single sign-on (SSO)

A process that enables users who have a domain account to log on to a network and gain access to any computer or resource in the domain without entering their credentials multiple times.

single sign-on (SSO) administrator

A security principal who is authorized to change a single sign-on (SSO) configuration and obtain master secrets from a master secret server.

single sign-on (SSO) identifier

A string that represents the definition of user credentials that allow a user to access a network.

single sign-on (SSO) system

A software-based implementation that enables users to gain access to multiple resources without entering their credentials multiple times.

single sign-on (SSO) ticket

A token that contains the encrypted identity of a single sign-on (SSO) user in the form of a security identifier string and a nonce.

site collection

A set of Web sites that are in the same content database, have the same owner, and share administration settings. A site collection can be identified by a GUID or the URL of the top-level site for the site collection. Each site collection contains a top-level site, can contain one or more subsites, and can have a shared navigation structure.

site collection administrator

A user who has administrative permissions for a site collection.

site collection flag

A 4-byte unsigned integer bit mask that specifies the properties that are global to a site collection. One or more values can be set for this bit mask.

site collection identifier

A GUID that identifies a site collection. In stored procedures, the identifier is typically @SiteId or @WebSiteId. In databases, the identifier is typically SiteId/tp_SiteId.

site collection quota

An option for a site collection that allows administrators to set levels for maximum storage allowed, maximum number of users allowed, and warnings that are associated with the maximum levels.

site column

A field that can be associated with a content type or list within a site or site collection.

site content type

A named and uniquely identifiable collection of settings and fields that store metadata for lists within individual sites.

site definition

A family of site definition configurations. Each site definition specifies a name and contains a list of the site definition configurations.

site definition configuration

An XML-based definition of lists, features, modules, and other data, that collectively define a type of SharePoint site. Site definition configurations are stored in the ONET.xml file.

site definition version

A zero-based integer that indicates the version number of the site definition. Every time a site definition is updated, it is suggested that the version number be increased.

site flag

A 4-byte unsigned integer bit mask that specifies properties that are unique to a site.

site identifier

A GUID that is used to identify a site in a SharePoint site collection.

site membership

The status of being a member of a site and having a defined set of user rights for accessing or managing content on that site.

site property

A name/value pair of strings that serves as metadata for a site, such as the title or default language.

site solution

A deployable, reusable package that contains a set of features, site definitions, and assemblies that apply to sites, and that can be enabled or disabled individually.


A copy of a workbook that contains only values and formatting. It does not contain any formulas or data connections.


A process that arranges cells in ascending or descending order, based on cell content.

sort order

(1) A set of rules in a search query that defines the order of relevant results. Each rule consists of a managed property, such as modified date or size, and a direction for order, such as ascending or descending. Multiple rules are applied sequentially. (2) A specific arrangement of cells that is based on cell content. The order can be ascending or descending.

source data

The data that is used as the basis for charts, PivotTable® reports, and other data visualization features.


A type of MethodInstance that can be called to return a specific EntityInstance of a specific Entity given its EntityInstanceId. SpecificFinder input is defined and ordered by the Identifiers that are associated with the Entity that is associated with the Method that is associated with the SpecificFinder.

start address

A URL that identifies a point at which to start a crawl. Administrators specify start addresses when they create or edit a content source.

static rank

The component of a rank that does not depend on the search query. It represents the perceived importance of an item and may be related to the origin of the item and relationships between the item and other items or business rules that are defined in the search application.

stop word

A word that tends to appear frequently in documents and carries no usable information.

stop word list

A specific collection of so-called stopwords, which tend to appear frequently in documents, but are believed to carry no usable information.


A complete Web site that is stored in a named subdirectory of another Web site. The parent Web site can be the top-level site of a site collection or another subsite. Also referred to as subweb.

subtotal column

A column that uses a summary or subtotal function to display the total of detail items in a PivotTable® field.

subtotal row

A row that uses a summary or subtotal function to display the total of detail items in a PivotTable® field.


A list that is defined in a workbook.

table header

The top row of a table, where the column names are displayed.

table style

A set of formatting options, such as font, border style, and row banding, that are applied to a table. The regions of a table, such as the header row, header column, and data area, can be variously formatted.

term set

A collection of related terms. For example, the term set named "milestone" could include the terms "M0" "M1" "M2" "Alpha" "Beta1" "Beta2" "RC1" "RC2" and "RTM."

term store

A database that stores managed metadata, including term sets, terms, and managed keywords.

timer job

A built-in Windows® SharePoint® Services object that can perform various tasks within the environment on a scheduled or one-time event basis.


A word or number in a crawled item or a search query. A token translates into a meaningful word, such as a linguistic unit, because the definition differs between languages. Examples include cat, AB14, or 42, but do not include white space.

top-level site

The first site in a site collection. All other sites within a site collection are children of the top-level site. The URL of the top-level site is also the URL of the site collection.

total row

A row in a list or table that provides a selection of aggregate functions that are useful for working with numerical data.

trusted authentication

A mechanism whereby a user account or a process account can be used to perform operations on behalf of the current user.

trusted subsystem

A method of communication in which two-way trust is established between two server components. Each server component communicates with the other component by using an account that is authorized to perform privileged actions such as retrieving files and settings.


A type of MetadataObject that describes a subset of the structure of a Parameter to be used as a piece of business logic in a line-of-business (LOB) system. TypeDescriptors can contain other TypeDescriptors.


A unit of business logic that converts data structures between the type system of the protocol client and the native type system of a line-of-business (LOB) system.

UI culture

The language that is used to display strings and other graphical elements in a user interface.


(1) A document that has its content stored in the content database instead of the front-end file system. (2) A column or content type for which the schema is stored in the database instead of the front-end file system.

user activity status

A one (1) or zero (0) indicator that shows whether a user is active or inactive. If a user modifies a list item, 1 indicates that the user is active. If a user never modifies a list item, 0 indicates that the user is inactive.

user display name

A user profile property that can contain the preferred name of a user.

user profile

A collection of properties that pertain to a specific person or entity within a portal site.

user profile change entry log

A repository that logs all of the changes that take place in a user profile.

user profile change event

An event that occurs when a property of any user profile is changed.

user profile import

The process of importing records from a directory service to the user profile store.

user profile policy

A subset of the user profile privacy policy that governs interactions with user profiles.

user profile privacy policy

A set of rules that governs all interactions with user profiles.

user profile record identifier

An integer that uniquely identifies a user profile record.

user profile service

A data source that stores, provides, and applies information about users.

user profile store

A database that stores information about each user profile.

user solution

See Other Term: sandboxed solution


A FilterDescriptor type that is used while querying a line-of-business (LOB) system. Its value can be set automatically by a protocol client to the identity of the user who is calling the LOB system. This value can then be used by the LOB system to authorize and then filter the results returned.

user-defined function (UDF)

A function that is coded in a PRODUCTNAME:[vba] module, macro sheet, add-in, or XLL (Excel Linked Library). A UDF can be used in formulas to return values to a worksheet, much like built-in functions.


A FilterDescriptor type that is used while querying a line-of-business (LOB) system and can hold the user name of an account that is defined in that system. When used in conjunction with PasswordCredentialFilter, the LOB system can use its value to restrict access to data.


A FilterDescriptor type that is used while querying a line-of-business (LOB) system and whose value can be obtained by examining the current user's profile. The LOB system can use its value to filter the results returned.

vertical alignment

A formatting setting that specifies how content is positioned within the vertical space of a cell, object, or page. Content can be aligned along the top or bottom edge, or distributed evenly across the vertical space.


A type of MethodInstance that can be called to return a different View for a given EntityInstance of a particular Entity, without changing the EntityInstanceId of the EntityInstance.


A virtual window, used for controls that display content, through which all or part of the content is visible. A viewport is typically used to display a particular portion of content when all of the content will not fit in the available display space.

virus scanner

Software that is used to search for and remove computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.

visible scope

A search scope that is displayed to site collection administrators and users.

Visitors group

A default group of users on a SharePoint site. By default, the Visitors group is assigned the Read permission level.

Web application

(1) A container in a configuration database that stores administrative settings and entry-point URLs for site collections. (2) A software application that uses HTTP as its core communication protocol and delivers information to the user by using Web-based languages such as HTML and XML.

Web application identifier

A GUID that identifies a Web application.

Web control

A server-side component that encapsulates user interface and related functionality.

Web discussion

A component and add-in that allow users to enter comments about documents and pages without modifying actual content.

Web discussion comment

An individual comment that is added within a Web discussion.

Web identifier

See site identifier.

Web Part

A reusable component that contains or generates Web-based content such as XML, HTML, and scripting code. It has a standard property schema and displays that content in a cohesive unit on a Web page.

Web Part cache

A hash table of key/value pairs that is used to cache and locate internal information for Web Parts.

Web Part chrome

The common user interface elements that frame a Web Part within a given zone. The Web Part chrome includes a border, a title bar, and the icons, title text, and verbs menu that appear within the title bar.

Web Part chrome state

The condition of a Web Part and the Web Part chrome surrounding it. Possible values are zero (0) for normal state or one (1) for minimized state.

Web Part connection

An element in a Web Parts page that defines a provider-consumer data relationship between two Web Parts. When a Web Parts page is rendered, data provided by one Web Part can affect how and what is rendered by the other Web Part.

Web Part identifier

A GUID that identifies a Web Part.

Web Part property

A configurable characteristic of a Web Part that determines the behavior of the Web Part.

Web Part type identifier

A unique 16-byte value that is assigned to each Web Part type.

Web Part zone

A structured HTML section of a Web Part Page that contains zero or more Web Parts and can be configured to control the organization and format of those Web Parts.

Web Part zone identifier

A string that identifies a Web Part zone on a Web Parts page.

Web Part zone index

An integer that specifies the relative position of a Web Part in a Web Part zone. Web Parts are positioned from the smallest to the largest zone index. If two or more Web Parts have the same zone index, they are positioned adjacent to each other in an undefined order.

Web Parts page

An ASP.NET Web page that includes Web Part controls that enable users to customize the page, such as specifying the information that they want to display.

Web query

An external data connection that retrieves a table from a Web site and inserts table data into a workbook.

Web service method

A procedure that is exposed to Web service clients as an operation that can be called on the Web service. Also referred to as Web method.

WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol)

The Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol, as specified in RFC2518.

work item

An object that represents an operation that is scheduled to run at or after a specific time.

work item process

A process that runs a work item.

work item type

A named definition that indicates what a work item does.

work item type identifier

A GUID that is used to identify a work item type.


A container for a collection of sheets (1).

workbook file

A file that contains a byte stream representation of a workbook.

workbook object

An object that is associated with a workbook.

workbook parameter

A single cell that is designated to receive input from a user.

workbook view

A set of display settings, such as the height and width, for the windows in a workbook.


(1) The automation of business processes, where business documents and tasks are passed automatically from one user to another for action, according to a set sequence. (2) A structured modular component that enables the automated movement of documents or items through a specific sequence of actions or tasks that are related to built-in or user-defined business processes.

workflow association

An association of a workflow template to a specific list or content type.

workflow condition

A logical "if-then" statement that defines a specific situation in a workflow and any actions to be taken when that situation occurs.

workflow configuration file

An implementation-specific file that is a part of a workflow. The workflow configuration file contains information that is necessary to create a workflow template from the specified workflow markup and rules files, and to associate it to a specific list.

workflow history item

A list item that stores information about the current status of, and past actions for, a document or item that is associated with a workflow.

workflow history list

A list that stores the history of actions or tasks for a business process.

workflow identifier

A GUID that is used to identify a workflow.

workflow instance

An instance of a workflow association that performs on a list item the process that is defined in a workflow template.

workflow markup file

A file that contains markup to specify the functional behavior of a workflow.

workflow participant

A user or group that is involved in a workflow.

workflow task

An action or task in a sequence that is related to a built-in or user-defined business process.

workflow task list

A list that stores the sequence of actions or tasks for a business process.

workflow template

A definition of operations, the sequence of operations, constraints, and timing for a particular process.


A single logical container for a set of tabular data and other objects in a workbook.

worksheet image

A chart image that is embedded in a worksheet or chart sheet.

worksheet object

An object that is associated with a worksheet.

WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

An extensible XML format that describes network services as collections of communication endpoints, as specified in WSDL.

WSDL message

An abstract, typed definition of the data that is communicated during a WSDL operation, as specified in WSDL.

WSDL operation

An abstract description of an action that is supported by a WSDL service, as specified in WSDL.

WSDL port type

A named set of abstract operations that is supported by one or more endpoints, as specified in WSDL.

x axis

A horizontal reference line on a chart.

y axis

A vertical reference line on a chart.

z axis

The third axis in a three-dimensional chart. It is used to represent depth.

zero-based index

An index in which the first item has an index of zero.