.gif) |
AddItem(SPHealthAnalysisRule) |
Creates a list item and a timer job for the specified instance of a rule. |
.gif) |
AddItem(SPHealthAnalysisRule, Boolean) |
Creates a list item and a timer job for the specified instance of a rule, optionally overwriting an existing list item for the rule. |
.gif) |
AddItems |
Creates list items and timer jobs for all rules in an assembly. |
.gif) |
AddWorkflowAssociation |
Obsolete. (Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
AppendDataTable |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
BreakRoleInheritance(Boolean) |
(Inherited from SPSecurableObject.) |
.gif) |
BreakRoleInheritance(Boolean, Boolean) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
CheckPermissions |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
Delete |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
DeleteItems |
Deletes list items and timer jobs for all rules in an assembly. |
.gif) |
Dispose |
Releases all unmanaged resources used by the SPHealthRulesList object. |
.gif) |
DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions) |
(Inherited from SPSecurableObject.) |
.gif) |
DoesUserHavePermissions(SPBasePermissions, Boolean) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
DoesUserHavePermissions(SPUser, SPBasePermissions) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
EnsurePropsFresh |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
EnsureRssSettings |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
Equals |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
Finalize |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
GetChanges() |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetChanges(SPChangeQuery) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetChanges(SPChangeToken) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetChanges(SPChangeToken, SPChangeToken) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetContentTypeIdByUrl |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetDataTable |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetDefaultViewForContentType |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetDirectChildContentType |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetDistinctFieldValues |
Obsolete. (Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetHashCode |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
GetItem |
Returns the list item for the specified rule from the Health Rules list if an item for the rule exists. |
.gif) |
GetItemById |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetItemByIdAllFields |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetItemByIdSelectedFields |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetItemByUniqueId |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetItems([]) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetItems(SPQuery) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetItems(SPView) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetItems(SPQuery, String) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetItemsWithUniquePermissions() |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetItemsWithUniquePermissions(Int32, Boolean) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetPropertiesXmlForUncustomizedViews |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetRelatedFields() |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetRelatedFields(SPRelationshipDeleteBehavior) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetType |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
GetUncustomizedViewByBaseViewId |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetUserEffectivePermissionInfo |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetUserEffectivePermissions |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
GetView |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
IsContentTypeAllowed(SPContentType) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
IsContentTypeAllowed(SPContentTypeId) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
MemberwiseClone |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
Recycle |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
RemoveWorkflowAssociation |
Obsolete. (Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
RenderAsHtml |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
ResetRoleInheritance |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
SaveAsTemplate |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
SetAttributesForPropertiesXML |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
ToString |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
ToString |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
Update() |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
Update(Boolean) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
UpdateWorkflowAssociation |
Obsolete. (Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
WriteRssFeed(Stream) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
WriteRssFeed(Stream, Int32) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |
.gif) |
WriteRssFeed(Stream, Int32, SPView) |
(Inherited from SPList.) |