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SPClaimProviderOperations Members

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Provides operations on the claims providers registered in the farm.

The SPClaimProviderOperations type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member ClaimsForEntity Gets a set of claims for the user described by the input claim.
Public methodStatic member ClaimTypes Gets the claim types for the specified claims providers in the context with an operation option.
Public methodStatic member ClaimValueTypes Gets the claim value types for the specified claims providers in the context with an operation option.
Public methodStatic member EntityTypes Gets the entity types for the specified claims providers in the context with an operation option.
Public methodStatic member GetHierarchy(Uri, SPClaimProviderOperationOptions, [], [], Int32) Gets the array of hierarchy trees returned by the specified claims providers in the context with an operation option.
Public methodStatic member GetHierarchy(Uri, SPClaimProviderOperationOptions, String, [], String, Int32) Gets the hierarchy tree starting at the specified node for the specified claims providers in the context with an operation option.
Public methodStatic member GetHierarchy(Uri, SPClaimProviderOperationOptions, [], [], Int32, Boolean) Gets the array of hierarchy trees returned by the specified claims providers in the context with an operation option.
Public methodStatic member HierarchyProviderSchema Returns the schema of the active claims provider.
Public methodStatic member IsClaimsMode Determines whether claims authentication is enabled in the specified context.
Public methodStatic member ProviderSchemas Returns an array of schemas for the specified claims providers in the specified context with the specified operation option.
Public methodStatic member Resolve(Uri, SPClaimProviderOperationOptions, [], [], SPClaim) Resolves the specified claim to picker entities for the specified claims providers in the specified context with an operation option.
Public methodStatic member Resolve(Uri, SPClaimProviderOperationOptions, [], [], String) Resolves the specified claim to picker entities for the specified claims providers in the specified context with an operation option.
Public methodStatic member Search(Uri, SPClaimProviderOperationOptions, [], [], String) Performs a search for the entity types that match the specified pattern for the claims providers in the context using the search arguments and operation option.
Public methodStatic member Search(Uri, SPClaimProviderOperationOptions, [], [], String, Int32) Performs a search for a maximum number of entity types that match the specified pattern for the claims providers in the context with an operation option.


See Also


SPClaimProviderOperations Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims Namespace