.gif) |
Add |
(Inherited from Collection<Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
AddRange |
Adds the properties in the collection. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
ChangeItemKey |
(Inherited from KeyedCollection<RepositoryLocation, Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
Clear |
(Inherited from Collection<Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
ClearItems |
(Inherited from KeyedCollection<RepositoryLocation, Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
Clone |
Performs a deep copy of this object. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
Contains(Guid) |
Determines whether this collection contains the object with the specified GUID. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
Contains(TKey) |
(Inherited from KeyedCollection<RepositoryLocation, Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
Contains(T) |
(Inherited from Collection<Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
CopyTo |
(Inherited from Collection<Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
Diff |
Compares this collection with another collection and returns the differences. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
Equals |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
Exists |
Determines whether the collection contains elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
Finalize |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
ForEach |
Performs the specified action on each element in the collection. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
GetElementEnumerable |
Returns an enumerator for the base element collection. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
GetEnumerator |
(Inherited from Collection<Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
GetHashCode |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
GetKeyForItem |
Returns the location of the specified object. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
GetType |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
IndexOf |
(Inherited from Collection<Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
IndexOfGuid |
Returns the index of the object with the specified GUID. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
IndexOfLocation |
Returns the index of an object. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
IndexOfLocationSafe |
Returns the index of an object. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
IndexOfName |
Returns the index of the display name of an object. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
IndexOfNameSafe |
Returns the item with the specified name. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
Insert |
(Inherited from Collection<Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
InsertItem |
Inserts an object into the collection at the specified index. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
MemberwiseClone |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
Remove(Guid) |
Removes an object from the collection. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
Remove(TKey) |
(Inherited from KeyedCollection<RepositoryLocation, Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
Remove(T) |
(Inherited from Collection<Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
RemoveAt |
(Inherited from Collection<Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
RemoveItem |
(Inherited from KeyedCollection<RepositoryLocation, Scorecard>.) |
.gif) |
SetItem |
Replaces the object at the specified index with the specified object. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
Sort() |
Sorts objects in the collection by name. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
Sort(IComparer) |
Sorts the collection with the specified comparer. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |
.gif) |
ToString |
(Inherited from Object.) |
.gif) |
Validate |
Validates this collection. (Inherited from FirstClassElementCollectionBase<ElementCollectionType, ElementType>.) |