.gif) |
AccountAuthCredentials |
Represents an object that contains the credentials used to connect to a federated search location. |
.gif) |
AllContentScopeRule |
Represents a scope rule that includes all items in the content index. |
.gif) |
AuthenticationData |
Provides the base class for the objects containing the authentication data used to connect to federated search locations. |
.gif) |
AuthenticationInformation |
Provides access to the authentication information used to connect to a federated search location. |
.gif) |
AuthorityPage |
Represents an authoritative page for Enterprise Search. |
.gif) |
AuthorityPageCollection |
Represents a collection of AuthorityPage objects. |
.gif) |
BestBet |
Represents a best bet in the Enterprise Search keyword and best bet management system. |
.gif) |
BestBetCollection |
Represents a collection of BestBet objects. |
.gif) |
BestBetsEnumerator |
Supports iterating over a BestBetCollection and reading its individual BestBet objects. |
.gif) |
BusinessDataContentSource |
Represents a content source for Business Data Catalog content. |
.gif) |
CategoriesEnumerator |
Supports iterating over a CategoryCollection object and reading its individual Category objects. |
.gif) |
Category |
Represents a category in the Enterprise Search metadata property schema. |
.gif) |
CategoryCollection |
Represents a collection of Category objects. |
.gif) |
ConcurrencyException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when multiple users attempt to modify data at the same time. |
.gif) |
Content |
Represents the top-level object for administration of the content sources for a Shared Services Provider's (SSP) search service. |
.gif) |
ContentSource |
Provides the base class for all Enterprise Search content sources. |
.gif) |
ContentSourceCollection |
Represents a collection of ContentSource objects. |
.gif) |
CookieAuthData |
Represents an object that contains authentication data used to connect to federated search locations that are configured to use cookie-based authentication. |
.gif) |
CrawledProperty |
Represents a crawled property in the Enterprise Search metadata property schema. |
.gif) |
CrawlHistory |
Contains statistics for each crawl. See How to: Programmatically Export the Crawl History to a CSV File for more information about how to use this class. |
.gif) |
CrawlLogFilters |
Contains all the filters for manipulating the crawl log data. |
.gif) |
CrawlMapping |
.gif) |
CrawlMappingCollection |
Represents a collection of CrawlMapping objects. |
.gif) |
CrawlRule |
Represents a crawl rule. |
.gif) |
CrawlRuleCollection |
Represents a collection of CrawlRule objects. |
.gif) |
CustomContentSource |
Represents a custom content source. |
.gif) |
DailySchedule |
Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the number of days between crawls. |
.gif) |
DatabaseException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when a database error occurs while working with the objects in the Administration namespace. |
.gif) |
DeletedConcurrencyException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when the object that is the target of a delete operation is updated by another user after the database record was last retrieved. |
.gif) |
DemotedSite |
Represents a demoted site for Enterprise Search. |
.gif) |
DemotedSiteCollection |
Represents a collection of DemotedSite objects. |
.gif) |
DuplicateLocationException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when users attempt to create a duplicate version of a federated search location. |
.gif) |
ExchangePublicFolderContentSource |
Represents a content source for Microsoft Exchange Server public folder content. |
.gif) |
Extension |
Represents a file name extension. |
.gif) |
ExtensionCollection |
Represents a collection of Extension objects. |
.gif) |
FileShareContentSource |
Represents a content source for file share content. |
.gif) |
FormsAuthCredentials |
Represents an object that contains the forms authentication credentials for connecting to federated search locations. |
.gif) |
HierarchicalContentSource |
Provides the base class for hierarchical content sources. |
.gif) |
InvalidAccountException |
Indicates that the account name for the Enterprise Search service is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name. |
.gif) |
InvalidCanaryException |
.gif) |
Keyword |
Represents a keyword in the Enterprise Search keyword and best bet management system. |
.gif) |
KeywordCollection |
Represents a collection of Keyword objects. |
.gif) |
Keywords |
Represents the top-level object for managing keywords and best bets in Enterprise Search. |
.gif) |
KeywordsEnumerator |
Supports iterating over a KeywordCollection and reading its individual Keyword objects. |
.gif) |
LocationConfiguration |
Contains the configuration information for a federated search location. |
.gif) |
LocationConfigurationCollection |
Specifies a collection of LocationConfiguration objects. |
.gif) |
LogViewer |
Represents the top-level object for filtering and viewing data from the Enterprise Search crawl log |
.gif) |
LotusNotesContentSource |
Represents a content source for Lotus Notes content. |
.gif) |
ManagedProperty |
Represents a managed property in the Enterprise Search metadata property schema. |
.gif) |
ManagedPropertyCollection |
Represents a collection of ManagedProperty objects. |
.gif) |
Mapping |
Represents a crawled property mapping to a managed property in the Enterprise Search metadata property schema. |
.gif) |
MappingCollection |
Represents a collection of Mapping objects. |
.gif) |
MonthlyDateSchedule |
Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the days of the month, and months of the year, when the crawl should occur. |
.gif) |
MonthlyDayOfWeekSchedule |
Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the days of the month, the weeks of the month, and the months of the year when the crawl should occur. |
.gif) |
OpenSearchDescription |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
OpenSearchExtension |
This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Propagation |
Represents the top-level object for retrieving status information for the propagation system in Enterprise Search. |
.gif) |
PropertyQueryScopeRule |
Represents a scope rule that matches content items based on a property/value comparison. |
.gif) |
QueryLogExporter |
The members of this namespace or class are reserved for internal use and not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Ranking |
Provides an entry point to adjust the settings used for query-independent rank computation for calculating the relevance of Enterprise Search results. |
.gif) |
RankingParameter |
Represents a ranking parameter used for rank computation in Enterprise Search in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. |
.gif) |
RankParamCollection |
Represents a collection of RankingParameter objects. |
.gif) |
Schedule |
Provides the base class for Enterprise Search crawl schedules. |
.gif) |
Schema |
Provides access to the property metadata management system for Enterprise Search. |
.gif) |
Scope |
Represents a search scope in Enterprise Search. |
.gif) |
ScopeCollection |
Represents a collection of Scope objects. |
.gif) |
ScopeDisplayGroup |
Represents a scope display group. |
.gif) |
ScopeDisplayGroupCollection |
Represents a collection of ScopeDisplayGroup objects. |
.gif) |
ScopeDisplayGroupEnumerator |
Supports iterating over a ScopeCollection object and reading its individual Scope objects. |
.gif) |
ScopeDisplayGroupsEnumerator |
Supports iterating over a ScopeDisplayGroupsCollection object and reading its individual ScopeDisplayGroup objects. |
.gif) |
ScopeRule |
Provides the base class for all Enterprise Search scope rules. |
.gif) |
ScopeRuleCollection |
Represents a collection of scope rules. |
.gif) |
ScopeRulesEnumerator |
Supports iterating over a ScopeRuleCollection object and reading its individual ScopeRule objects. |
.gif) |
Scopes |
Provides access to the search scope management system for Enterprise Search. |
.gif) |
SearchContext |
Represents the search service instance for a Shared Services Provider (SSP). |
.gif) |
SearchService |
Represents an instance of the search service. |
.gif) |
SearchServiceInstance |
Represents an instance of the search index and query service. |
.gif) |
SecurableAuthData |
Represents an object that contains credentials used to connect to federated search locations. Provides the base class for the FormsAuthCredentials class. |
.gif) |
SharePointContentSource |
Represents a content source for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 content. |
.gif) |
SiteHitRule |
Represents a site hit rule, which is used by the Enterprise Search Index engine to determine how many simultaneous requests are allowed, and the time interval between sequential requests, for a specified server. |
.gif) |
SiteHitRulesCollection |
Specifies a prioritized collection of SiteHitRule objects. |
.gif) |
SsoAuthData |
Provides information about the single sign-on (SSO) provider for the credentials used to connect to the federated location. |
.gif) |
StartAddressCollection |
A collection of start addresses for a content source. |
.gif) |
Synonym |
Represents a synonym in the Enterprise Search keyword and best bet management system. |
.gif) |
SynonymCollection |
Represents a collection of Synonym objects. |
.gif) |
SynonymsEnumerator |
Supports iterating over a SynonymCollection and reading its individual Synonym objects. |
.gif) |
UpdatedConcurrencyException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when the object that is the target of an update operation is updated by another user after the database record was last retrieved. |
.gif) |
UrlScopeRule |
Represents a scope rule that matches content items based on the display URL of the item. |
.gif) |
Visualization |
Specifies the display format for the federated search location results. |
.gif) |
WebContentSource |
Represents a content source for Web content. |
.gif) |
WeeklySchedule |
Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the number of weeks between crawls. |