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AuthoringStates Enumeration

The current state of a page, used to determine whether or not a given ConsoleNode should be shown.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.dll)


<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration AuthoringStates
Dim instance As AuthoringStates
public enum AuthoringStates


Member name Description
EmptyMask All bits are set to 0.
IsPublishingPageTrue Show the action only if the current list item is a PublishingPage instance.
IsPublishingPageFalse Show the action only if the current list item is not a PublishingPage instance.
PageIsExpiredTrue Show the action only if the current page has reached its expiration date.
PageIsExpiredFalse Show the action only if the current page has not reached its expiration date.
CheckedOutVersionExistsTrue A checked out version of the current SPFile exists.
CheckedOutVersionExistsFalse A checked out version of the current SPFile does not exist.
IsMasterPageGalleryFileTrue The current SPFile is in a master page gallery.
IsMasterPageGalleryFileFalse The current SPFile is not in a master page gallery.
InEditModeTrue The current page is in Edit mode.
InEditModeFalse The current page is not in Edit mode.
IsDocLibListItemTrue The current SPListItem is a list item in a document library.
IsDocLibListItemFalse The current SPListItem is not a list item in a document library.
IsCheckedOutToCurrentUserTrue The current SPFile is checked out to the current user.
IsCheckedOutToCurrentUserFalse The current SPFile is not checked out to the current user.
IsCheckedOutToOtherUserTrue The current SPFile is checked out to another (not the current) user.
IsCheckedOutToOtherUserFalse The current SPFile is not checked out to another user.
IsPublishingSiteTrue The Publishing feature is enabled in this site (SPWeb).
IsPublishingSiteFalse The Publishing feature is not enabled in this site (SPWeb).
InSharedView The page is in the Shared View.
InPersonalView The page is in the Personal View.
IsMajorVersionTrue Show the action only if the current version is published.
IsMajorVersionFalse Show the action only if the current version is not published.
IsMinorVersionTrue Show the action only if the current version is a draft.
IsMinorVersionFalse Show the action only if the current version is not a draft.
IsScheduledStatusTrue The current SPListItem is scheduled.
IsScheduledStatusFalse The current SPListItem is not scheduled.
IsPendingApprovalTrue The current SPListItem is pending approval.
IsPendingApprovalFalse The current SPListItem is not pending approval.
PageHasCustomizableZonesTrue The current page has customizable WebPartZones.
PageHasCustomizableZonesFalse The current page does not have customizable WebPartZones.
PageHasPersonalizableZonesTrue The current page has WebPartZones that can be personalized.
PageHasPersonalizableZonesFalse The current page does not have WebPartZones that can be personalized.
EditingMenuEnabled The Editing Menu is visible on the page.
EditingMenuDisabled The Editing Menu is not visible on the page.
IsApprovalWorkflowCancelEnabledTrue Show the action only if the current user has permissions to cancel the existing approval workflow.
NonApprovalWorkflowTaskExistsTrue There are multiple workflow tasks for the current user (other than an approval task).
ActiveWorkflowsExistTrue Active workflows exist for the current SPListItem.
ActiveWorkflowsExistFalse No active workflows exist for the current SPListItem.
IsItemWaitingForApprovalTrue A default approval workflow has been set.
IsApprovalWorkflowRunningFalse No default approval workflow has been set.
IsDefaultPageTrue Show the action only if the current page is the default (welcome) page for the Web site.
IsDefaultPageFalse Show the action only if the current page is not a default (welcome) page for the Web site.
SaveConflictExistsTrue Show the action only if a save was just performed and there was a conflict.
SaveConflictExistsFalse Show the action only if a save was not performed, or if the save that was performed did not have a conflict.
CheckedInVersionExistsTrue Show the action only if a checked in version of this file exists in the database.
CheckedInVersionExistsFalse Show the action only if a checked in version of this file does not exist in the database.
InWebPartDesignModeTrue Show the action only if the page is currently in Web Part design mode.
InWebPartDesignModeFalse Show the action only if the page is not currently in Web Part design mode.
MinorVersionsEnabledTrue Show the action only if minor versions are enabled in this list.
MinorVersionsEnabledFalse Show the action only if minor versions are not enabled in this list.
CheckOutRequiredTrue Show the action only if checking out a document is required for editing.
CheckOutRequiredFalse Show the action only if checking out a document is not required for editing.
ContentApprovalEnabledTrue Show the action only if content approval is enabled in the current Web site.
ContentApprovalEnabledFalse Show the action only if content approval is not enabled in the current Web site.
IsApprovalWorkflowConfiguredTrue Show the action only if a default approval workflow has been configured on the current list.
IsApprovalWorkflowConfiguredFalse Show the action only if a default approval workflow is not configured on the current list.
IsFormPageTrue Show the action only if the current page is a form page.
IsFormPageFalse Show the action only if the current page is not a form page.
PageHasFieldControlsTrue Show the action only if the current page has field controls.
PageHasFieldControlsFalse Show the action only if the current page has no field controls.
IsApprovalWorkflowTaskActiveForUserTrue Show the action only if an approval workflow task exists for the current user.
IsApprovalWorkflowTaskActiveForUserFalse Show the action only if an approval workflow task does not exist for the current user.
IsSchedulingEnabledFalse Show the action only if scheduling is enabled on the Pages list.
FullMask All bits are set to 1 (including conflicting ones).


Often, a ConsoleNode should only be shown to the user when the current page is in a certain state. For example, it is logical that a "Check Out" action is disabled if the page is already checked out, or for an "Edit Page" action to be disabled if there are no customizable zones or field controls on the page. Combined as a bit mask, these flags specify the page state that is required for an action to be enabled. Therefore, a mask which looks like this: CheckedOutVersionExistsFalse | IsDocLibListItemTrue | SaveConflictExistsFalse requires a page that is a list item in a document library and that is not checked out, and an instance where a save conflict has not just occurred.

See Also


Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls Namespace