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Notifications Web Service

The Notifications class is the primary class in the [Notifications Web service] namespace. The Notifications class includes methods that manage alert and reminder subscriptions.


In the ASMX web service, Notifications is a class. In the WCF service, Notifications is an interface that is implemented in the NotificationsClient class. For information about using the NotificationsClient class in a WCF-based application, see the Notifications class constructor.

The [Notifications Web service] namespace is an arbitrary name for a reference to the Notifications.asmx web service of the PSI in Microsoft Project Server 2010. Methods in the Notifications class can read and update subscriptions to Project Server alerts and reminders.

Notifications methods typically use or return one of the following DataSet objects:


  Class Description
Public class AlertSubscriptionInfoDataSet Used to maintain collections of subscription alerts for notifications to users.
Public class AlertSubscriptionInfoDataSet.AlertSubscriptionInfoDataTable Used to maintain a collection of subscription alerts.
Public class AlertSubscriptionInfoDataSet.AlertSubscriptionInfoRow Specifies one data row of subscription alert notification settings.
Public class AlertSubscriptionInfoDataSet.AlertSubscriptionInfoRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a AlertSubscriptionInfoDataSet.AlertSubscriptionInfoRow is changed.
Public class Notifications Includes methods for managing reminders and alerts in Project Server.
Public class ReminderSubscriptionInfoDataSet Used to maintain collections of date-based reminders to users about project management tasks.
Public class ReminderSubscriptionInfoDataSet.ReminderSubscriptionInfoDataTable Used to maintain one collection of date-based reminders about events for project users.
Public class ReminderSubscriptionInfoDataSet.ReminderSubscriptionInfoRow Contains a row of date-based event reminder information for a user of a project.
Public class ReminderSubscriptionInfoDataSet.ReminderSubscriptionInfoRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a ReminderSubscriptionInfoRow is changed.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate AlertSubscriptionInfoDataSet.AlertSubscriptionInfoRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that handles events which occur when an action is performed on the data row.
Public delegate ReminderSubscriptionInfoDataSet.ReminderSubscriptionInfoRowChangeEventHandler Represents the method that handles events which occur when an action is performed on the data row.