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How to: Detect the Limits of a DAO Recordset

In a Recordset object, if you try to move beyond the beginning or ending record, a run-time error occurs. For example, if you try to use the MoveNext method when you are already at the last record of the Recordset, a trappable error occurs. For this reason, it is helpful to know the limits of the Recordset object.

The BOF property indicates whether the current position is at the beginning of the Recordset. If BOF is True, the current position is before the first record in the Recordset. The BOF property is also True if there are no records in the Recordset when it is opened. Similarly, the EOF property is True if the current position is after the last record in the Recordset, or if there are no records.

The following code example shows how to use the BOF and EOF properties to detect the beginning and end of a Recordset object. This code fragment creates a table-type Recordset based on the Orders table from the current database. It moves through the records, first from the beginning of the Recordset to the end, and then from the end of the Recordset to the beginning.

Dim dbsNorthwind As DAO.Database 
Dim rstOrders As DAO.Recordset 
   Set dbsNorthwind = CurrentDb 
   Set rstOrders = dbsNorthwind.OpenRecordset("Orders") 
   ' Do until ending of file. 
   Do Until rstOrders.EOF 
      ' Manipulate the data. 
      rstOrders.MoveNext            ' Move to the next record. 
   rstOrders.MoveLast               ' Move to the last record. 
   ' Do until beginning of file. 
   Do Until rstOrders.BOF 
      ' Manipulate the data. 
      rstOrders.MovePrevious        ' Move to the previous record. 

Be aware that there is no current record immediately following the first loop. The BOF and EOF properties both have the following characteristics.

  • If the Recordset contains no records when you open it, both BOF and EOF are True.

  • When BOF or EOF is True, the property remains True until you move to an existing record, at which time the value of BOF or EOF becomes False.

  • When BOF or EOF is False, and the only record in a Recordset is deleted, the property remains False until you try to move to another record, at which time both BOF and EOF become True.

  • At the moment you create or open a Recordset that contains at least one record, the first record is the current record, and both BOF and EOF are False.

  • If the first record is the current record when you use the MovePrevious method, BOF is set to True. If you use MovePrevious while BOF is True, a run-time error occurs. When this happens, BOF remains True and there is no current record.

  • Similarly, moving past the last record in the Recordset changes the value of the EOF property to True. If you use the MoveNext method while EOF is True, a run-time error occurs. When this happens, EOF remains True and there is no current record.