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PpNumberedBulletStyle Enumeration

Specifies the bullet style.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint (in Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.dll)


<GuidAttribute("63740092-EF1C-4097-8147-D3E7C7A0BE98")> _
Public Enumeration PpNumberedBulletStyle
Dim instance As PpNumberedBulletStyle
public enum PpNumberedBulletStyle


Member name Description
ppBulletStyleMixed Any undefined style.
ppBulletAlphaLCPeriod Lowercase alphabetical characters with a period.
ppBulletAlphaUCPeriod Uppercase alphabetical characters with a period.
ppBulletArabicParenRight Arabic numerals with closing parenthesis.
ppBulletArabicPeriod Arabic numerals with a period.
ppBulletRomanLCParenBoth Lowercase Roman numerals with both parentheses.
ppBulletRomanLCParenRight Lowercase Roman numerals with closing parenthesis.
ppBulletRomanLCPeriod Lowercase Roman numerals with period.
ppBulletRomanUCPeriod Uppercase Roman numerals with period.
ppBulletAlphaLCParenBoth Lowercase alphabetical characters with both parentheses.
ppBulletAlphaLCParenRight Lowercase alphabetical characters with closing parenthesis.
ppBulletAlphaUCParenBoth Uppercase alphabetical characters with both parentheses.
ppBulletAlphaUCParenRight Uppercase alphabetical characters with closing parenthesis.
ppBulletArabicParenBoth Arabic numerals with both parentheses.
ppBulletArabicPlain Arabic numerals.
ppBulletRomanUCParenBoth Uppercase Roman numerals with both parentheses.
ppBulletRomanUCParenRight Uppercase Roman numerals with closing parenthesis.
ppBulletSimpChinPlain Simplified Chinese without a period.
ppBulletSimpChinPeriod Simplified Chinese with a period.
ppBulletCircleNumDBPlain Double-byte circled number for values up to 10.
ppBulletCircleNumWDWhitePlain Text colored number with same color circle drawn around it.
ppBulletCircleNumWDBlackPlain Shadow color number with circular background of normal text color.
ppBulletTradChinPlain Traditional Chinese without a period.
ppBulletTradChinPeriod Traditional Chinese with a period.
ppBulletArabicAlphaDash Arabic language alphabetical characters with a dash.
ppBulletArabicAbjadDash Arabic Abjad alphabets with a dash.
ppBulletHebrewAlphaDash Hebrew language alphabetical characters with a dash.
ppBulletKanjiKoreanPlain Japanese/Korean numbers without a period.
ppBulletKanjiKoreanPeriod Japanese/Korean numbers with a period.
ppBulletArabicDBPlain Double-byte Arabic numbering scheme (no punctuation).
ppBulletArabicDBPeriod Double-byte Arabic numbering scheme with double-byte period.
ppBulletThaiAlphaPeriod Thai Alpha period.
ppBulletThaiAlphaParenRight Thai Alpha Paren right.
ppBulletThaiAlphaParenBoth Thai Alpha Paren both.
ppBulletThaiNumPeriod Thai Num period.
ppBulletThaiNumParenRight Thai Num Paren right.
ppBulletThaiNumParenBoth Thai Num Paren both.
ppBulletHindiAlphaPeriod Hindi Alpha period.
ppBulletHindiNumPeriod Hindi Num period.
ppBulletKanjiSimpChinDBPeriod Kanji Simple Chinese DBPeriod.
ppBulletHindiNumParenRight Hindi Num Paren right.
ppBulletHindiAlpha1Period Hindi Alpha1 period.

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint Namespace