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Cell Members

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Represents a table cell. The Cell object is a member of the CellRange collection. The CellRange collection represents all the cells in the specified column or row. To use the CellRange collection, use the Cells keyword.

The Cell type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object.
Public property Borders Returns a Borders collection that represents the borders and diagonal lines for the specified Cell object or CellRange collection. Read-only.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.
Public property Selected Returns true if the specified table cell is selected. Read-only.
Public property Shape Returns a Shape object that represents a shape in a table cell. Read-only.



  Name Description
Public method Merge Merges one table cell with another. The result is a single table cell.
Public method Select A variable that represents a Cell object.
Public method Split Splits a single table cell into multiple cells.


See Also


Cell Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint Namespace