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PidTag7BitDisplayName Canonical Property

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Contains a 7-bit ASCII representation of a messaging user's name.

Associated properties:




Data type:



Address book


These properties map the PR_DISPLAY_NAME (PidTagDisplayName) property into a 7-bit character set. Some messaging systems, such as Internet and certain X.400 links, are limited to the 128-character 7-bit ASCII code set. Gateways to such messaging systems can improve their performance by calling the IAddrBook::PrepareRecips method directly to retrieve the this property, thereby avoiding extra processing for code conversion.

Protocol Specifications

    Provides references to related Exchange Server protocol specifications.

    Specifies the properties and operations on lists of users, contacts, groups and resources.

  • [MS-NSPI]
    Handles a client's communications with an NSPI server.

    Handles the order and data flow that is used to transfers data between client and server.

    Handles message and attachment objects.

    Specifies the properties and operations that are permissible on e-mail messages.

Header Files

  • Mapitags.h
    Contains definitions of properties listed as associated properties.

  • Mapidefs.h
    Provides data type definitions.

See Also


MAPI Properties

MAPI Canonical Properties

Mapping Canonical Property Names to MAPI Names

Mapping MAPI Names to Canonical Property Names