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Describes an error that relate to an operation involving a property.

Header file:


typedef struct _SPropProblem
  ULONG ulIndex;
  ULONG ulPropTag;
  SCODE scode;
} SPropProblem, FAR *LPSPropProblem;


  • ulIndex
    An index in an array of property tags.

  • ulPropTag
    Property tag for the property that has the error.

  • scode
    Error value describing the problem with the property. This value can be any MAPI SCODE value.


An array of SPropProblem structures is returned from the following methods:

An SPropProblem structure contains an SCODE error value that results from an operation trying to modify or delete a MAPI property.

For more information about how the SPropProblem structure works with errors related to properties, see MAPI Named Properties.

See Also





MAPI Structures