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Resolves a group of message classes to their forms within a form container, and returns an array of form information objects for those forms.

HRESULT ResolveMultipleMessageClasses(
  ULONG ulFlags,
  LPMAPIFOLDER pFolderFocus,


  • pMsgClasses
    [in] A pointer to an array that contains the names of the message classes to resolve.

  • ulFlags
    [in] A bitmask of flags that controls how the message classes are resolved. The following flag can be set:

      Only message class strings that are an exact match should be resolved.

      Do not include cached forms.

  • pFolderFocus
    [in] A pointer to the folder that contains the form whose message class is being resolved. The pFolderFocus parameter can be NULL.

  • ppfrminfoarray
    [out] A pointer to a pointer to an array of form information objects. If a form viewer passes NULL in the pMsgClasses parameter, the ppfrminfoarray parameter contains form information objects for all forms in the container.

Return Value

  • S_OK
    The call succeeded and has returned the expected value or values.


Form viewers call the IMAPIFormMgr::ResolveMultipleMessageClasses method to resolve a group of message classes to forms within a form container. The array of form information objects returned in ppfrminfoarray provides further access to each of the forms' properties.

Notes to Callers

To resolve a group of message classes to forms, a form viewer passes in an array of message class names to be resolved. To force the resolution to be exact (that is, to prevent resolution to a base class of the message class when an exactly matching form server is not available) the MAPIFORM_EXACTMATCH flag can be passed in the ulFlags parameter.

Message class names are always ANSI strings, never Unicode.

If a message class cannot be resolved to a form, NULL is returned for that message class in the form information array. Therefore, even if the method returns S_OK, form viewers should not work on the assumption that all message classes have been successfully resolved. Instead, form viewers should check the values in the returned array.

See Also



IMAPIFormMgr : IUnknown