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tblPr element (tblStylePrElt complexType) [Word 2003 XML Reference] --  Microsoft Office Word 2003 XML Software Development Kit

tblPr element (tblStylePrElt complexType) [Word 2003 XML Reference]

Represents the table properties to override in the table style.


<tblPr />

Element Information

Element type tblPrElt
Schema name XML Document 2003

Elements and Attributes

Parent Elements

Element Description
tblStylePr Represents the table-style conditional-override properties.

Child Elements

Element Description
tblStyle Represents the style for this table.
tblpPr Represents the table-positioning properties (for floating tables).
tblOverlap Specifies whether this table should avoid overlapping another table during layout. If this tag is not specified, floating tables will be allowed to overlap.
tblRtl Specifies whether this is a right-to-left table (logical right-to-left not visual right-to-left). This element is used only to persist settings from Word 9.0/2000 and is not recommended for use. Use bidiVisual instead.
bidiVisual Specifies that this is not a logical right-to-left table (visual right-to-left, not logical right-to-left).
tblStyleRowBandSize When a style specifies the format for a band for rows in a table (a set of contiguous rows), this specifies the number of rows in a band.
tblStyleColBandSize When a style specifies the format for a band of columns in a table (a set of contiguous columns), this specifies the number of columns in a band.
tblW Represents the preferred width of the table.
jc Represents the table alignment.
tblCellSpacing Represents HTML cellspacing attribute for the table (the spacing between individual cells).
tblInd Represents the width that the table should be indented by.
tblBorders Represents the border definitions for the table.
shd Represents the table shading; applies to the cellspacing gaps.
tblLayout Specifies whether the table is of fixed width. If not specified, the contents of the table will be taken in to account during layout.
tblCellMar Represents the cell margin defaults for this table's cells.
tblLook Specifies what aspects of the table styles should be included. This is a bitmask of options: 0x0020=Apply header row formatting; 0x0040=Apply last row formatting; 0x0080=Apply header column formatting; 0x0100=Apply last column formatting.
aml:annotation See external namespace.




<xsd:element name="tblPr" type="tblPrElt" minOccurs="0" >

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